Matt Dillon
Semolina comes from wheat
you're a jerkoff....ok?
I'm a jerkoff that remembers what classes are required in college, ok?

What is a malakka though? If you know Greek..
you're a jerkoff....ok?
I'm a jerkoff that remembers what classes are required in college, ok?
The best thing America can do is make Community College an optional extension of High School, and it would be great if it was all paid for by local school taxes.
And Community Colleges should also offer many of the trade school coursework and IT, technical, and builder trade certifications.
One interesting phenomenon that has taken place in the last couple decades is that various communities within the US have been realigning politically based on education level.
There used to be low-education areas that voted Democrat consistently, and high-education areas that voted Republican. West Virginia went for the Democrat in eight out of ten presidential elections between 1960 and 1996. Virginia, meanwhile, went Republican in all but one presidential election between 1952 and 2004. But, lately, there's almost perfect sorting of the states by education into red and blue camps, as formerly Democratic low-education areas pulled right and started falling to the Republicans (including WV), while formerly Republican high-education areas went blue (including VA).
You can see that here:
If you list those by the percent of residents with a Bachelor's degree, the top 15 ALL went for Clinton and Biden, in the last two presidential elections. Meanwhile, of the 29 lowest-education places, only two went Democrat twice in the last two presidential elections: Nevada and New Mexico (though PR also would have, if they got a vote).
You see similar patterns if you list by advanced degrees. In 2020, Trump lost all of the top twenty places with the highest percentage of residents who have advanced degrees. The patterns also tend to hold within states. For example, in New York State, downstate New York tends to be highly educated, and usually goes overwhelmingly Democratic, while upstate has less education, and often goes Republican. New York County (Manhattan), where 87% of voters went for Biden, is New York's most educated county, with 61.3% of those 25 and over with a Bachelor's degree or better. Tioga County, where 59% went for Trump, is New York's least educated county, where only 26% of those 25 and older have a degree.
This isn't unique to the US, either. Although there isn't perfect sorting my education level internationally, generally speaking highly liberal areas like the countries of Scandinavia and other parts of northern and western Europe tend to have high educational levels (e.g. 44% of Dutch people age 25-34 having a four-year degree or better), while more conservative areas have low education (eg., 19% for Chile, or 11% for Indonesia).
I think this helps to explain the hostility so many on the right feel towards higher education.... why, for example, there's such a push for sending fewer people to college and guiding more to trade school. An educated community amounts to home-field advantage for liberal politicians.
No.Stop talking about liberals....
I've noticed this tendency among reactionaries to order others to stop talking. I expect it arises out of deep-seated intellectual inferiority. Stupid people know, deep down, that they're stupid. That makes them doubt whether their beliefs can hold up in the face of a challenge, and so they have this tendency you've demonstrated of whimpering for silence in the face of things that make them uncomfortable. This is part of why nobody respect them.
Simple answer: Romney really isn't a mainstream Republican
That is, he'd be a Democrat in the say, 1970's but isn't today because the Democrats have moved too far Left for his tastes
Liberal / Leftist politics comes down to non-thinkers who operate off feelings and emotion, often to the point where they willfully ignore logic and facts even when presented with them.
lets not confuse black vote for working class.
but they have been losing groud there as well.
education now is indoctrination. it basically means you're dumb and have no innate bullshit detector.
PHD = pile it higher and deeper.
This post really deserves a big groan.
Stop talking about liberals, you are not liberal. There is a big difference between a liberal and a progressive. Modern professors and graduates are not liberal, there is nothing liberal about them, they are progressive.
I think what upsets right-wingers is that education acts as a defense against indoctrination. Consider, for example, the anti-vaxxer hype during COVID. There was a strong tendency for those with more education to get vaccinated. That's because their bullshit detectors had been honed, making them hard marks for the anti-vax propagandists. As a result, undereducated people died at higher rates during COVID. Their willingness to swallow bullshit ended up costing many their lives.
you're totally indoctrinated.
Let me know if you can spot any specific issue with what I said.
So you thank the OP for saying Republicans are against higher education, because it makes people vote more liberal, and want to push people towards trade school. But now you claim Democrats are actually strong supporters of trade schools? Too funny.
Let me know if you can spot any specific issue with what I said.
I think what upsets right-wingers is that education acts as a defense against indoctrination. Consider, for example, the anti-vaxxer hype during COVID. There was a strong tendency for those with more education to get vaccinated. That's because their bullshit detectors had been honed, making them hard marks for the anti-vax propagandists. As a result, undereducated people died at higher rates during COVID. Their willingness to swallow bullshit ended up costing many their lives.
Conservatives oppose trade schools, because they allow anyone to move up in life. Conservatives prefer trades be limited to white men who have social connections in the trades.
Worse yet, to Conservatives, trade schools are a strong path towards unions.
you obviously consume no conservative media.
You're talking out of your asshole again, walter.
I know, I still believe the Holocaust happened.
But back to trade schools. Government run schools that funnel people into unions, and make them successful in life. Schools that remove white privilege, and force everyone to compete as equal. Yes, Republicans hate them.