Eisenhower's Holocaust.

I was having an interesting time in my thread, "The holocaust never happened. Deal with it." But being an apparently forbidden topic, it went away. And TA Gardner was getting ready to unleash a can of military history whoopass on me. That would have been funny. Sorry I missed it. But I have some real history for you all. I wonder how long it will last.

I was having an interesting time in my thread, "The holocaust never happened. Deal with it." But being an apparently forbidden topic, it went away. And TA Gardner was getting ready to unleash a can of military history whoopass on me. That would have been funny. Sorry I missed it. But I have some real history for you all. I wonder how long it will last.


you sound like a punk ass bitch who needs his ass kicked.
If you are that Cultsmasher guy ... probably not long.

Did you read that page I provided a link to? Is intelligence just not your thing? Do you think I'm lying? (If so, look it up yourself) Is a sock accusation the best you can come up with about genocide against Whites?
I was having an interesting time in my thread, "The holocaust never happened. Deal with it." But being an apparently forbidden topic, it went away. And TA Gardner was getting ready to unleash a can of military history whoopass on me. That would have been funny. Sorry I missed it. But I have some real history for you all. I wonder how long it will last.


Be careful there. I am a published military historian. My specialty is technology and such but I can hold my own on most other topics, while you link an uncredited, unsourced webpage as proof of what?
Did you read that page I provided a link to? Is intelligence just not your thing? Do you think I'm lying? (If so, look it up yourself) Is a sock accusation the best you can come up with about genocide against Whites?

Eisenhower was Presbyterian from his mothers Mennonite & then Jehovah's Witness upbringing instead of Jewish; but WIKI must not be intelligence.
Did anyone else actually try reading that tripe. There isn't one reference in it. Virtually all of it reads like fiction the author (also unnamed) made up. If you read actual German POW accounts, like William B. Folkestad's Panzerjäger: Tank Hunter, the last two chapters are his experience at the end of the war becoming a POW. It reads entirely different from the crap on the webpage.
The first thing that stands out is Folkestad focuses on food as the POW's priority. He tells how he was assigned to a supply depot where he drove a forklift, then was assigned to drive a truck (a "duce and a half" from the description). He says they were put in tents, and got food even if he'd often have liked much more.


That's what the more permanent camps in the COMZ (Zone of Communications) or the rear areas away from the front looked like. Temporary pens near the front were more like this:


These were temporary holding areas and the POWs were marched towards the COMZ in stages. In 1945 there were so many that it took quite a while to move them into more permanent camps. Because of the sheer number of prisoners taken, the camps used 10 and 20 man tents and usually housed double that number of POW's. They were given blankets and straw initially, later bunks were issued.

There was a serious attempt by the US to keep disease down and proper latrines dug, cooking and washing facilities made, delousing with DDT was common.

If anything, the French--who also ran camps in their sectors--were the most brutal to the Germans. They had an axe to grind. The British handed over a large number of their POWs in Germany to the Russians on the later's request. This usually ended very badly for those POW's.

This is one of a series of photos of one of the only formal surrenders of an entire German unit in early 1945, a few months before the end of the war.


This was S. PzJr Abt. 512 commanded by Hamptmann (Captain) Albert Ernst, at Iserlohn Germany in the Ruhr. A surrender was negotiated, and the unit drove it's vehicles into the town square where the troops paraded and stacked their arms in an orderly fashion before being marched off to a POW camp.

Some of the most bullshit lines in that fiction include:

No one has eaten any food for weeks, and they are slowly starving and dying. But, they can't do this to us!

No food for weeks? Yea, sure... POW's got rations, spotty in the temporary holding camps near the front, but regularly once in the COMZ. In fact, the US once the war ended issued the food in bulk to the Germans who organized their own cooks and were issued mess gear and a field kitchen per so many men. Camps were organized into smaller groups within the whole camp and each area got it's own mess and latrine facilities.

Many men died of gangrene from frostbite due to deliberate exposure.

Frostbite? The war in Europe ended in May 1945, at the beginning of summer...
Did you read that page I provided a link to? Is intelligence just not your thing? Do you think I'm lying? (If so, look it up yourself) Is a sock accusation the best you can come up with about genocide against Whites?

lying ass, bullshit sources. that never happened. americans treated captured soldiers much better than any other country. germans would go out of their way to surrender to americans before the russians came. here in texas, i surveyed near a former POW camp for Germans and many Germans after the war CAME BACK TO TEXAS TO LIVE.
Be careful there. I am a published military historian. My specialty is technology and such but I can hold my own on most other topics, while you link an uncredited, unsourced webpage as proof of what?

Did you bother to actually read what I posted? Do I need to find other websites to post? Not that it would likely do any good. I have had lengthy debates with people over the reality of human caused global warming. No amount of proof I give them is good enough for them. It's like they are cultists. I have more history for you on other topics. But it has been my experience that posting it only gets me banned. Though if you are interested, I could tell you of a place where the truth can be spoken. At least to some degree.
Eisenhower was Presbyterian from his mothers Mennonite & then Jehovah's Witness upbringing instead of Jewish; but WIKI must not be intelligence.

Whatever Eisenhower was, of which there is some debate, without a doubt he was a mass murderer. Those death camps for German soldiers after the war did exist.
Did you bother to actually read what I posted? Do I need to find other websites to post? Not that it would likely do any good. I have had lengthy debates with people over the reality of human caused global warming. No amount of proof I give them is good enough for them. It's like they are cultists. I have more history for you on other topics. But it has been my experience that posting it only gets me banned. Though if you are interested, I could tell you of a place where the truth can be spoken. At least to some degree.

Speak your truth here. Nobody is stopping you.
Did anyone else actually try reading that tripe. There isn't one reference in it. Virtually all of it reads like fiction the author (also unnamed) made up. If you read actual German POW accounts, like William B. Folkestad's Panzerjäger: Tank Hunter, the last two chapters are his experience at the end of the war becoming a POW. It reads entirely different from the crap on the webpage.
The first thing that stands out is Folkestad focuses on food as the POW's priority. He tells how he was assigned to a supply depot where he drove a forklift, then was assigned to drive a truck (a "duce and a half" from the description). He says they were put in tents, and got food even if he'd often have liked much more.


That's what the more permanent camps in the COMZ (Zone of Communications) or the rear areas away from the front looked like. Temporary pens near the front were more like this:


These were temporary holding areas and the POWs were marched towards the COMZ in stages. In 1945 there were so many that it took quite a while to move them into more permanent camps. Because of the sheer number of prisoners taken, the camps used 10 and 20 man tents and usually housed double that number of POW's. They were given blankets and straw initially, later bunks were issued.

There was a serious attempt by the US to keep disease down and proper latrines dug, cooking and washing facilities made, delousing with DDT was common.

If anything, the French--who also ran camps in their sectors--were the most brutal to the Germans. They had an axe to grind. The British handed over a large number of their POWs in Germany to the Russians on the later's request. This usually ended very badly for those POW's.

This is one of a series of photos of one of the only formal surrenders of an entire German unit in early 1945, a few months before the end of the war.


This was S. PzJr Abt. 512 commanded by Hamptmann (Captain) Albert Ernst, at Iserlohn Germany in the Ruhr. A surrender was negotiated, and the unit drove it's vehicles into the town square where the troops paraded and stacked their arms in an orderly fashion before being marched off to a POW camp.

Some of the most bullshit lines in that fiction include:

No food for weeks? Yea, sure... POW's got rations, spotty in the temporary holding camps near the front, but regularly once in the COMZ. In fact, the US once the war ended issued the food in bulk to the Germans who organized their own cooks and were issued mess gear and a field kitchen per so many men. Camps were organized into smaller groups within the whole camp and each area got it's own mess and latrine facilities.

Frostbite? The war in Europe ended in May 1945, at the beginning of summer...

More bullshit written by the victors. I remember hearing of one SS officer who said that they buried many hundreds of corpses of jews in a trench. They were buried under 15 to 20 feet of dirt from what I remember. The ground was ran over with a bulldozer multiple times to compact the soil. The officer said that after a while, the ground bubbled from the rotting corpses. After killing over a million German soldiers after the war, it is interesting what you can get some soldiers to say. (If it in fact was ever said) But in reality, you could bury a few whales under 15 to 20 feet of soil and the ground isn't about to bubble.

What's next. Are you going to tell me that there was a lampshade made out of jew skin or that some jews were turned into soap? Also, I don't know where you got frostbite from. But it could have happened. Because there were probably still some prisoners in camps when fall came around again. I have some more information for you. It is a video about 15 minutes long. Part of it tells of how you can get a prisoner to say something that isn't true. The rest of it is from people who were actually in jewish internment camps. (Death camps) I wonder if you will watch it.

Whatever Eisenhower was, of which there is some debate, without a doubt he was a mass murderer. Those death camps for German soldiers after the war did exist.

Those so called death camps were probably no where close to being as all those Nazi concentration camps over the years even if the Allies outrage was probably close to uncontrollable at times.
lying ass, bullshit sources. that never happened. americans treated captured soldiers much better than any other country. germans would go out of their way to surrender to americans before the russians came. here in texas, i surveyed near a former POW camp for Germans and many Germans after the war CAME BACK TO TEXAS TO LIVE.

Nobody ever said anything about prisoner of war camps in the U.S. The camps I was speaking of were set up in Europe very near the end of the war and after Germany surrendered. And their purpose was to kill Germans. Why? Probably because dead men tell no tales.