Eisenhower's Holocaust.

Didn't you mean "An appeal for authority."

As if appealing to that "serve the Pope or die" Fourth Reich of despicable vile suicidal super egos granted standing for Islam "death to the infidels" by SCOTUS for 9/11 holycosts instead of Islam oil that ran the Nazi Germany war machine Holocaust as an authority in fabricated misnomers & immaculate drug conceptions Freudian slips of a not so master race master plan against Eisenhower's "Never Again".
Ah, let's have a moment of silence for the dear, recently re-departed smasha man! :troll:

Ask yourself this: Was it a crescent moon when he signed up? :thinking:
Translation. "You've been suckered and you like it."

As if all these suicidal super ego Christiananality pedophilia business of cross conditioned way beyond therapy Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate thieving US Constitution - old glory presented by Eisenhower to Holocaust survivors for business excellence - old testament - DOI - Israel flag - absentee voting ballots arsonists accusations of Eisenhower being a mass murderer justifies SCOTUS granting standing for 9/11 Islam "death to the infidels" after a disgusting & vile WW II concentration camp Mengele "Angel of Death" baptize thine eyes by urinations on a Washington, D.C. born American retired Pentagon staff sergeant Freudian slips of fabricated Islam misnomers with immaculate drug conceptions as if Zyklon B isn't available as Islam oil for Jewish Holocaust deaths continues "serve the Pope or die" megalomania.....

Maybe like SCOTUS were too cross conditioned way beyond therapy for 9/11 to curtail their Freudian slips of "serve the Pope or die" fabricated Eisenhower mass murderer misnomer which certainly led to the Catholic Church assassination of JFK for not prosecuting Ike's war crimes of interrupting their profiteering brokering Islam oil for Nazi Germany Holocaust Jewish deaths.
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I was having an interesting time in my thread, "The holocaust never happened. Deal with it." But being an apparently forbidden topic, it went away. And TA Gardner was getting ready to unleash a can of military history whoopass on me. That would have been funny. Sorry I missed it. But I have some real history for you all. I wonder how long it will last.


cultsmasher you're an idiot but on this topic Gardner isn't any better than you so I say have at it! Except you've been banned...again...so I guess it ain't happenin.
Looking around, I found this interesting thread. Looks like somebody stopped him. Doesn't it.

Cultsmasher has been banned before but, like most psychos, is compelled to return under various guises. He wasn't banned for being a Holocaust denier - he was banned for violating his permban. Get a fucking clue, Fucktify, before you end up locked out like him. Stop being a disappointment to your family.

Previously banned account.

12b violation
Stopped who(m)? You didn't post the link to the thread.

It isn't necessary. Go to the first page. Post #1. You will see the original thread and who posted it. He was stopped. As you can see by the word "banned." There is also a link in it to click on. If that doesn't do it for you, go to post #14. There is an even better link for you to click on. Find out about Eisenhower's holocaust. Keep in mind that there was no holocaust against the jews.