Eisenhower's Holocaust.

Those so called death camps were probably no where close to being as all those Nazi concentration camps over the years even if the Allies outrage was probably close to uncontrollable at times.

I posted a link to a video about 15 minutes long in post #17. In it you can see some interviews of people who were actually in Nazi jewish internment camps. (Death camps) Try to tell me you know better than those who actually lived in those camps. I could use a good laugh.
Look down in "where threads go to die." I have a couple threads down there that were stopped. It's a miracle that I haven't been banned. Yet.

All of those threads are no longer taking replies because the replies trailed off. It has nothing to do with their content--it comes from many different posters and points of views.

There is no problem with getting out your truth. Quit playing the victim.

Do you believe minorities should leave the U. S. and should be shot if they do not?
Did you bother to actually read what I posted? Do I need to find other websites to post? Not that it would likely do any good. I have had lengthy debates with people over the reality of human caused global warming. No amount of proof I give them is good enough for them. It's like they are cultists. I have more history for you on other topics. But it has been my experience that posting it only gets me banned. Though if you are interested, I could tell you of a place where the truth can be spoken. At least to some degree.

Actually, yes, I did. I read your link in its entirety. I responded to that and could have posted even more details than I did. Most German POW's up through about October 1944 were sent back to either England or the US. After that point, as the Allies hit the German border and the collapse of Nazi Germany looked imminent, POW camps within the COMZ in France and Belgium were set up to handle the increasingly large number of prisoners the Allies were bagging.
With the end of the war, masses of German military were sent to POW camps and more arrived as fleeing units in what would be the Soviet sector tried to avoid being captured by the Russians.

I also perused a number of links that all relate to the site you gave like these:

That one is end noted to two sources of questionable reliability at best for the most part.
A repetition of the Rense version
Single sources back to Bacque, James, Crimes and Mercies: The Fate of German Civilians under Allied Occupation, 1944-1950

James Bacque's historical works have been widely panned as "worthless" by historians. His research is shoddy, and his conclusions often baseless. He's the sort of conspiracy theorist that conspiracy theorist's love to quote.

So, all Rense does is cherry pick a couple of known and discredited conspiracy theorists to make his case--which he does poorly.

Here's more of Rense's insanity on YouTube:

I posted a link to a video about 15 minutes long in post #17. In it you can see some interviews of people who were actually in Nazi jewish internment camps. (Death camps) Try to tell me you know better than those who actually lived in those camps. I could use a good laugh.

As read & studied books on the Holocaust & Nazi Germany concentration camp economics back in the 1960' & 70's don't see much sense in repeating looking at more after talking to Holocaust survivors too who knew nothing of Nazis thieving German national displayed documents to burn out of synagogues for Kristallnacht's subsequent train rides .
As read & studied books on the Holocaust & Nazi Germany concentration camp economics back in the 1960' & 70's don't see much sense in repeating looking at more after talking to Holocaust survivors too who knew nothing of Nazis thieving German national displayed documents to burn out of synagogues for Kristallnacht's subsequent train rides .

Nothing like using an irrelevant appeal to authority coupled to some unsupported, vague, claims to bolster your position...

Nothing like using an irrelevant appeal to authority coupled to some unsupported, vague, claims to bolster your position...


As if this is the supreme swastika up Uranus kangaroo court of Christiananality pedophilia fabricated misnomers & immaculate Jesus the Christ conceptions national religion.....
Whatever Eisenhower was, of which there is some debate, without a doubt he was a mass murderer. Those death camps for German soldiers after the war did exist.

Considering there were more casualties speculated in total for the European theater is 276,655 US Army KIA in Europe/North Africa
In contrast Germany had 5,318,000 military KIA
Our ally the USSR had 10,725,345 military KIA.

So as the Catholic Church brokering WW II Nazi Germany Jewish deaths for Islam oil to run the war machine; does that qualify this Eisenhower as a death camp mass murderer or does the Catholic Church bartering "serve the Pope or die" reincarnation for more American 9/11 deaths from a more perfect union granted standing by SCOTUS Islam "death to the infidels" holycosts for fabricated WW II German soldiers death camp misnomers in that immaculate Jesus the Christ died for those sins compulsive - obsessive conception in the 21st century as just suicidal super ego homicidal human farming.
All of those threads are no longer taking replies because the replies trailed off. It has nothing to do with their content--it comes from many different posters and points of views.

There is no problem with getting out your truth. Quit playing the victim.

Do you believe minorities should leave the U. S. and should be shot if they do not?

The replies in my threads didn't trail off. Also, in any other category you can see threads that probably go back years. For sure any replies trailed off in them long ago. So that apparently isn't the problem either. Next, I believe White people have a right to exist. Just like almost any other creature on the planet. Whatever it takes to make that a reality is acceptable.
Actually, yes, I did. I read your link in its entirety. I responded to that and could have posted even more details than I did. Most German POW's up through about October 1944 were sent back to either England or the US. After that point, as the Allies hit the German border and the collapse of Nazi Germany looked imminent, POW camps within the COMZ in France and Belgium were set up to handle the increasingly large number of prisoners the Allies were bagging.
With the end of the war, masses of German military were sent to POW camps and more arrived as fleeing units in what would be the Soviet sector tried to avoid being captured by the Russians.

I also perused a number of links that all relate to the site you gave like these:

That one is end noted to two sources of questionable reliability at best for the most part.
A repetition of the Rense version
Single sources back to Bacque, James, Crimes and Mercies: The Fate of German Civilians under Allied Occupation, 1944-1950

James Bacque's historical works have been widely panned as "worthless" by historians. His research is shoddy, and his conclusions often baseless. He's the sort of conspiracy theorist that conspiracy theorist's love to quote.

So, all Rense does is cherry pick a couple of known and discredited conspiracy theorists to make his case--which he does poorly.

Here's more of Rense's insanity on YouTube:

Ah. Just like the human caused global warming deniers, no amount of evidence is good enough for you. Have you tried this website?

You know, there was an American general who was actually THERE at the time. He saw everything. This was his expert opinion.

General Patton.jpg
As read & studied books on the Holocaust & Nazi Germany concentration camp economics back in the 1960' & 70's don't see much sense in repeating looking at more after talking to Holocaust survivors too who knew nothing of Nazis thieving German national displayed documents to burn out of synagogues for Kristallnacht's subsequent train rides .

Translation. "You've been suckered and you like it."
Considering there were more casualties speculated in total for the European theater is 276,655 US Army KIA in Europe/North Africa
In contrast Germany had 5,318,000 military KIA
Our ally the USSR had 10,725,345 military KIA.

So as the Catholic Church brokering WW II Nazi Germany Jewish deaths for Islam oil to run the war machine; does that qualify this Eisenhower as a death camp mass murderer or does the Catholic Church bartering "serve the Pope or die" reincarnation for more American 9/11 deaths from a more perfect union granted standing by SCOTUS Islam "death to the infidels" holycosts for fabricated WW II German soldiers death camp misnomers in that immaculate Jesus the Christ died for those sins compulsive - obsessive conception in the 21st century as just suicidal super ego homicidal human farming.

I see. I've driven you insane. Sorry about that. As a defense, I have to tell you what Samuel Clemens once said. He said, "It isn't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just isn't so."
Didn't you mean "An appeal for authority."

Nope. I meant this used an appeal to authority as a logical fallacy to try and bolster this argument:

As read & studied books on the Holocaust & Nazi Germany concentration camp economics back in the 1960' & 70's don't see much sense in repeating looking at more after talking to Holocaust survivors too who knew nothing of Nazis thieving German national displayed documents to burn out of synagogues for Kristallnacht's subsequent train rides .

This isn't even coherent English. It's an incoherent run-on sentence.
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I see. I've driven you insane. Sorry about that. As a defense, I have to tell you what Samuel Clemens once said. He said, "It isn't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just isn't so."

More torturing like your Freudian slips tautology compulsive-obsession of Christiananlity pedophilia "man is God" national religion over decades of Klues Klucks duh Klans as to why thieving US Constitution arsonists would have SCOTUS grant standing to those burning Bush's 9/11 Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate Mengele "Angel of Death" baptize thine eyes by urinations of one of Eisenhower's retired WW II Pentagon staff sergeants born in Washington, D.C. to protect & serve the more perfect union of "serve the Pope or die" with Islam "death to the infidels" for suicidal super egos ChristHitlers sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming of the gene pool as a defense in mass murder of more Americans.
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Nope. I meant this used an appeal to authority as a logical fallacy to try and bolster this argument:

This isn't even coherent English. It's an incoherent run-on sentence.

Run on if you don't have a masters in English or any of the research from the 1930's, 40's & 50's; which could be a possibility as copies were stolen & in all probability burned at university along with an absentee voting ballot, old glory, old testament, US Constitution, Israel flag & DOI.

If you haven't figured it out, saltydancin is a random word generating bot that is intended to troll the unsuspecting. Saltydancin cannot pass even a simple Turing test. Responding to the bot is obviously pointless.

If you haven't figured it out, saltydancin is a random word generating bot that is intended to troll the unsuspecting. Saltydancin cannot pass even a simple Turing test. Responding to the bot is obviously pointless.

I don't know much about AI. But I don't think AI could say things that stupid.
Whatever Eisenhower was, of which there is some debate, without a doubt he was a mass murderer. Those death camps for German soldiers after the war did exist.

After some 60+ years this master race Christ existed before God Nazi master plan fabricated 'Eisenhower mass murderer misnomer' in Christiananlity pedophilia "serve the Pope or die" Fourth Reich "man is God" thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament - Declaration of Independence - Israel flag - absentee voting ballots arsonists West Nazi Germany Virginia crusade granted standing for the Bicentennial by SCOTUS & then again those burning Bush's Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom more perfect union with Islam "death to the infidels" crusade jihad protected & served by WW II concentration camp Mengele "Angel of Death" baptize thine eyes by urinations of a retired Washington, D.C. born Pentagon staff sergeant to Eisenhower granted standing by Rehnquist's SCOTUS Arab 9/11 flying carpet terrorists under Christian Nation contract health care patriot act plan for their second coming national religion.