Election Results

Who will win the election?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I believe Doris is on Duty. You could Report this to the Word Police. I believe I saw this word on the 'Banned Word List' at the Ministry of Thought the last time I pasted by.

Rana wouldn't do a thing about it, because SxS is voting the "right way".

BTW, the stricture against racial slurs only applies to thread titles.
The use of racial slurs isn't against the rules. The only restriction is that they be kept out of thread titles.

So your Post #20: " "Darkies"? WTF?" ... was simply an attempt to be 'Politically Correct' and suck up to Rana and the others at the Ministry of Thought?
Each person gets to form their own philosophical perspective on the Way to Live. I choose 'Brotherhood'.

And while all the white people choose brotherhood, all the non-white people will continue making policies that help themselves while hurting us.