Election Results

Who will win the election?

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It makes sense if all you care about is having as much power as possible. If you want there to be a consistent rule here, then Trump should have to wait until after the election.

You'll find out soon what only caring about power actually looks like when Harris is VP.

Requiring an ID itself isn't racist. However, because Republican officials make it extra difficult for Blacks to get an ID, the Left is saying that requiring a voter ID is racist. If getting an ID was equally easy for everyone regardless of race, nobody would be saying this is racist.

Getting an ID wasn't what was made difficult, but that's beside the point. The left here is against ID because they want to make the creation of fraudulent votes easier.

Trump is a Fascist and one of the two major parties fully supports him. He's already normalized cheating in elections through bribery, voter fraud, voter intimidation, and throwing out ballots.

And yes, I know there have been cases of politicians doing things like this before, both Republican and Democrat. However, they've always been fringe local cases that most people never found out about. But Trump has done this stuff in public, on live TV, and the Right hasn't rejected him. The Right has, once again, embraced Fascism on a major stage.

Ok, by that definition, I must be a fascist then. Seig heil.

There are a lot of white people in Latin America. There are some movements there that can be called White Supremacy.
I do also think Richard Spencer is a White Supremacist, but he doesn't have nearly enough support to be called mainstream

I would consider Latin America to be part of the West, but I understand that some interpretations don't include them.
You'll find out soon what only caring about power actually looks like when Harris is VP.


Getting an ID wasn't what was made difficult, but that's beside the point. The left here is against ID because they want to make the creation of fraudulent votes easier.

No, we want to make voting easy and we know that Republicans purposely make it hard for certain people to get an ID.

Ok, by that definition, I must be a fascist then. Seig heil.

I know you are and I understand the appeal of Fascism. But if history is any indicator, Fascism doesn't work very well.
I thought every VP was chosen with the idea in mind that they would/could replace the President in case the President was unable to fulfill their duties for whatever reason.

Some are picked for balancing the ticket. Like Kennedy picking a southerner. They are all evaluated by what they can bring in from the electorate. Who wants to think about their deaths?
They also succeeded in getting rid of anyone who criticized them.

There was definitely that as well. If nothing else, it's a more straightforward version of what the West does when it ostracizes people for holding certain views. It may not be the government doing it here, but if holding a certain opinion makes it difficult to find work or to avoid being physically attacked or doxxed, then the difference isn't really that great, at least conceptually.

It just shows that, even in a society that claims to value individualism, collectivism ultimately prevails. Groupthink wins in the end, so the game just becomes a matter of directing said groupthink. In the last 20 years, the left has become very good at that, and with big tech's push of "woke" culture, it's turning the West into a parody of itself.

Plenty of non-Western cultures don't make this mistake, because they understand the value of tradition. They realize that social roles and norms tied to tradition are the most important, and they certainly don't subscribe to the postmodern nonsense in the West. They don't buy into the excesses of feminism, critical race theory, or transgender ideology.

I used to think Islam's growing presence in Europe was a problem, but now I see that maybe Muslims will bring back some of what Europe lost over the years.
There was definitely that as well. If nothing else, it's a more straightforward version of what the West does when it ostracizes people for holding certain views. It may not be the government doing it here, but if holding a certain opinion makes it difficult to find work or to avoid being physically attacked or doxxed, then the difference isn't really that great, at least conceptually.

So there are three major differences between what happens in the West and what happens in Dictatorships. The first is, as you mentioned, it's ostracization as opposed to jailing or death.
The second is that, in most cases, the ostracization is good. We should ostracize people who hold repugnant beliefs. Now it's true that sometimes people are ostracized for ideas that aren't actually bad. And that's why it's good that we have difference number three.
The West has freedom of speech, so we at least have the ability to change popular opinion. In fact, now that we have the internet, we can attempt to do so anonymously. In a Fascist country, that's out of the question. In Fascist Italy, you couldn't change the opinion that Mussolini is awesome, because Mussolini would have you shot.

It just shows that, even in a society that claims to value individualism, collectivism ultimately prevails. Groupthink wins in the end, so the game just becomes a matter of directing said groupthink. In the last 20 years, the left has become very good at that, and with big tech's push of "woke" culture, it's turning the West into a parody of itself.

Humans are tribalistic. Most people rather be a part of the "Culture War" than develop their own opinions. But at least we have the ability to talk about our own opinions without fear of death. At least we do now because the Right hasn't taken over.

Plenty of non-Western cultures don't make this mistake, because they understand the value of tradition. They realize that social roles and norms tied to tradition are the most important, and they certainly don't subscribe to the postmodern nonsense in the West. They don't buy into the excesses of feminism, critical race theory, or transgender ideology.

Traditionalism can be best summed up as: This thing is good because it's how they used to do it. According to the Church of Traditionalism, we should bring back slavery and witch-burnings.
People have always gotten things wrong. Something isn't good just because it's traditional. And if you think non-western cultures just happened to get everything right thousands of years ago, just look at their living standards compared to ours.

And by the way, what's often considered "traditional" is more new than you'd think. We've had trans people and multiple genders in literally every culture going all the way back to ancient Sumeria.

I used to think Islam's growing presence in Europe was a problem, but now I see that maybe Muslims will bring back some of what Europe lost over the years.

I hate to be a bad news bitch, but nope. Muslims assimilate to European society just like they assimilate to American society. Conservatives have been talking about how Muslims were going to take over Europe and turn it into a Caliphate ever since the fifties. Just like they used to say Catholics were going to turn America into a colony of Rome. Neither ever happened.
So there are three major differences between what happens in the West and what happens in Dictatorships. The first is, as you mentioned, it's ostracization as opposed to jailing or death.
The second is that, in most cases, the ostracization is good. We should ostracize people who hold repugnant beliefs. Now it's true that sometimes people are ostracized for ideas that aren't actually bad. And that's why it's good that we have difference number three.
The West has freedom of speech, so we at least have the ability to change popular opinion. In fact, now that we have the internet, we can attempt to do so anonymously. In a Fascist country, that's out of the question. In Fascist Italy, you couldn't change the opinion that Mussolini is awesome, because Mussolini would have you shot.

I agree that we should ostracize certain people, although we probably disagree on who those people should be.

The West has freedom of speech in terms of government, but speech itself is largely constricted by conglomerated ownership of media. The voices that are loudest in the West have corporate approval. So the prevailing opinions are supported by the elite.

Now, I'm not saying that any other country is different in terms of this principle, but the difference is that many Eastern countries have elite that actually have pride in their country. Western elites are typically corporatists that have no national loyalty. Therein lies the problem with the messages spread most often in the West. Nationalism and traditionalism should be the prevailing views, and countries like Japan and Singapore are wise enough to retain this.

Humans are tribalistic. Most people rather be a part of the "Culture War" than develop their own opinions. But at least we have the ability to talk about our own opinions without fear of death. At least we do now because the Right hasn't taken over.

Japan's center-right party has been in power for a long time now. They have freedom of speech.

Traditionalism can be best summed up as: This thing is good because it's how they used to do it. According to the Church of Traditionalism, we should bring back slavery and witch-burnings.
People have always gotten things wrong. Something isn't good just because it's traditional. And if you think non-western cultures just happened to get everything right thousands of years ago, just look at their living standards compared to ours.

It's a lot more complex than that, but I don't expect you to understand that. You may claim to dislike religion, but I'm aware that your religion is leftism. It's traditional for you to think more democracy is always good. Although, I do have to wonder if you still believe in this principle when the masses vote against leftism.

And by the way, what's often considered "traditional" is more new than you'd think. We've had trans people and multiple genders in literally every culture going all the way back to ancient Sumeria.

Just because you happen to find anomalies throughout history, it doesn't mean that they are the norm. In most cultures, these kinds of people are not promoted or celebrated but rather pitied at best.

I hate to be a bad news bitch, but nope. Muslims assimilate to European society just like they assimilate to American society. Conservatives have been talking about how Muslims were going to take over Europe and turn it into a Caliphate ever since the fifties. Just like they used to say Catholics were going to turn America into a colony of Rome. Neither ever happened.

Then why do you have qualms with people of other races? If Muslims assimilate in Europe, then why do you not support the immigration of Arabs to these countries? I think we should try your principle out. Sweden is already in the process of this, and the results have been rather intriguing. Germany should be bringing in a lot more Muslims than they currently do. They have the space, and their population of Muslims (other than Turks) is relatively small.
I wonder if this is the first American election where the people running for president are just barely alive. Pence and Kamala might be the most important VP candidates in American history, since either of them could so easily become president.

Difference is even you piss drains didn't want the kamal so we'd have a " president nobody wanted. What a fucking great day for America that would be
Difference is even you piss drains didn't want the kamal so we'd have a " president nobody wanted. What a fucking great day for America that would be

I'm still celebrating. Biden and Kamala aren't great, but they're ten times better than Trump and Pence.
The West has freedom of speech in terms of government, but speech itself is largely constricted by conglomerated ownership of media. The voices that are loudest in the West have corporate approval. So the prevailing opinions are supported by the elite.

Yes, that's called Capitalism. It's one of the reasons I'm a Social Democrat. I want to move closer to a society where the 1% has less power, thus having less of a hold on speech.
However, Fascism would be moving in the opposite direction. It would mean the 1% has an even stronger hold on who gets to say what.

Now, I'm not saying that any other country is different in terms of this principle, but the difference is that many Eastern countries have elite that actually have pride in their country. Western elites are typically corporatists that have no national loyalty. Therein lies the problem with the messages spread most often in the West. Nationalism and traditionalism should be the prevailing views, and countries like Japan and Singapore are wise enough to retain this.

Capitalists in every country are greedy cunts with no national loyalty. The reason Japan and Singapore still have Nationalism is because they haven't been infiltrated by (((Globalists))). The Elitists don't have loyalty to their countries, but they have to pretend they do or the people will reject them. Nationalism keeps Capitalism in check.

Japan's center-right party has been in power for a long time now. They have freedom of speech.

Japan also has checks and balances. And the Right in Japan isn't as far-right as in America. The Japanese have what Americans would call "socialized medicine."

It's a lot more complex than that, but I don't expect you to understand that. You may claim to dislike religion, but I'm aware that your religion is leftism. It's traditional for you to think more democracy is always good. Although, I do have to wonder if you still believe in this principle when the masses vote against leftism.

The difference is that I can explain why Democracy is better than Fascism. I don't just blindly support the traditional thing because it's traditional. I'm also aware that Democracy wasn't always the traditional thing. I don't care about how we've always done it, I care about what works best.

Just because you happen to find anomalies throughout history, it doesn't mean that they are the norm. In most cultures, these kinds of people are not promoted or celebrated but rather pitied at best.

It's like that now because the Establishment decided to start using LGBT people to distract us from real issues. But in most ancient societies, there were multiple genders and it was just normal. In some societies, the "third gender" was seen as a positive because these people were supposedly more connected to the divine energy or some weird shit like that.

Then why do you have qualms with people of other races? If Muslims assimilate in Europe, then why do you not support the immigration of Arabs to these countries? I think we should try your principle out. Sweden is already in the process of this, and the results have been rather intriguing. Germany should be bringing in a lot more Muslims than they currently do. They have the space, and their population of Muslims (other than Turks) is relatively small.

I support the immigration of Muslims and Arabs as long as they're white.
We actually have been trying my principle out since the fifties. Sweden and Germany are still liberal Democracies, despite the calls of alarm since the fifties that the Muslims will take over.
Yes, that's called Capitalism. It's one of the reasons I'm a Social Democrat. I want to move closer to a society where the 1% has less power, thus having less of a hold on speech.
However, Fascism would be moving in the opposite direction. It would mean the 1% has an even stronger hold on who gets to say what.

In social democracies, the difference isn't much in terms of the top 1%'s power.

Capitalists in every country are greedy cunts with no national loyalty. The reason Japan and Singapore still have Nationalism is because they haven't been infiltrated by (((Globalists))). The Elitists don't have loyalty to their countries, but they have to pretend they do or the people will reject them. Nationalism keeps Capitalism in check.

We at least agree on this, although I don't think it's specifically Jews overall that are the issue -- only the secular ones are like that, at least.

Japan also has checks and balances. And the Right in Japan isn't as far-right as in America. The Japanese have what Americans would call "socialized medicine."

The right in Japan is much farther right on social issues though. In short, they're more conservative where it matters.

The difference is that I can explain why Democracy is better than Fascism. I don't just blindly support the traditional thing because it's traditional. I'm also aware that Democracy wasn't always the traditional thing. I don't care about how we've always done it, I care about what works best.

Having masses of uneducated or unintelligent people vote isn't what works best. Having globalist elites rig a fake democracy isn't what works best either.

It's like that now because the Establishment decided to start using LGBT people to distract us from real issues. But in most ancient societies, there were multiple genders and it was just normal. In some societies, the "third gender" was seen as a positive because these people were supposedly more connected to the divine energy or some weird shit like that.

I don't see any of that in most Islamic societies.

I support the immigration of Muslims and Arabs as long as they're white.
We actually have been trying my principle out since the fifties. Sweden and Germany are still liberal Democracies, despite the calls of alarm since the fifties that the Muslims will take over.

Then they need to step it up. But why must they be white? Also, how light does their skin have to be to fit that? Arabs and Berbers come in many shades.
In social democracies, the difference isn't much in terms of the top 1%'s power.

Sure it is, because the 1% has a lot less money to bribe politicians. That's why the regulations in Social Democracies generally favor the working-class, while in America, they favor the rich.

We at least agree on this, although I don't think it's specifically Jews overall that are the issue -- only the secular ones are like that, at least.

The religious ones are also over-represented in political funding and they also want America to be multiracial.
Yes, Jews aren't the only issue. It's also Capitalism. But like I mentioned before, Nationalism keeps Capitalism in check. And in America, Jews have destroyed Nationalism.

The right in Japan is much farther right on social issues though. In short, they're more conservative where it matters.

They're further Right than most European countries, but they're still pretty Left. One of the things that the Japanese are covered for is sexual reassignment surgery. Japan had their first openly trans politician in office way back in 2003. So in some ways, they're more socially liberal than America.

Having masses of uneducated or unintelligent people vote isn't what works best. Having globalist elites rig a fake democracy isn't what works best either.

I'm all for banning voting for people who have an IQ under 100.
Want to take the power away from the Elitists? Social Democracy, my dude.

I don't see any of that in most Islamic societies.

Sure, because like in many societies that are Christian or Jewish, the Muslim Establishments decided to start using LGBT people to distract from the real issues. But if you want to get into pre-islam Arabia, they had multiple genders and gender fluidity too.

Then they need to step it up. But why must they be white? Also, how light does their skin have to be to fit that? Arabs and Berbers come in many shades.

Because in order for assimilation to work, the minorities need to be the same race as the majority. That's why Blacks, Mestizos, and American Indians haven't assimilated in America, even though they've been here longer than most white ethnicities.

They have to be light enough that society would see them as white people.
They have to be light enough that society would see them as white people.

Given the racial/ethnic projections for this country, will the hue requirements be changing soon??

Hopefully the hues will treat the non-hues better than they were treated............ :|
Given the racial/ethnic projections for this country, will the hue requirements be changing soon??

Hopefully the hues will treat the non-hues better than they were treated............ :|

Today, non-white people are treated better than white people. But I do think in a few decades, America will have a South Africa situation.
Today, non-white people are treated better than white people. But I do think in a few decades, America will have a South Africa situation.

Oddly enough the economics would seem to disagree.............

I don't think I will live that long, I dunno about you.........

I do know in a couple decades the USA will change~& so will S Africa........

I know several that live here now, but lived most of their lives there....... They prefer here, but so do folks I know from Australia, England, Hungary etc etc etc

One couple in-particular, of Dutch heritage, he is pretty easy going, she is always complaining about something & has mostly negative reports when she comes back from her one to two month stays in Johannesburg........

Personally I would go to Hawaii for a few months rather than spend the time & money going someplace that was so shitty...........:dunno:
Sure it is, because the 1% has a lot less money to bribe politicians. That's why the regulations in Social Democracies generally favor the working-class, while in America, they favor the rich.

Starting a business is a lot harder in much of Europe than here. This is particularly true in social democracies, so I don't see how that is beneficial for the working class.

The religious ones are also over-represented in political funding and they also want America to be multiracial.
Yes, Jews aren't the only issue. It's also Capitalism. But like I mentioned before, Nationalism keeps Capitalism in check. And in America, Jews have destroyed Nationalism.

The secular ones push globalist agendas through media. The religious ones don't tend to do that.

They're further Right than most European countries, but they're still pretty Left. One of the things that the Japanese are covered for is sexual reassignment surgery. Japan had their first openly trans politician in office way back in 2003. So in some ways, they're more socially liberal than America.

Fair enough, but they also are more conservative regarding gender roles. Feminism in Japan seems a lot more functional there than the nonsense pushed here.

I'm all for banning voting for people who have an IQ under 100.
Want to take the power away from the Elitists? Social Democracy, my dude.

That would just be changing who the elites are. Social democracy still has elites.

Sure, because like in many societies that are Christian or Jewish, the Muslim Establishments decided to start using LGBT people to distract from the real issues. But if you want to get into pre-islam Arabia, they had multiple genders and gender fluidity too.

If that's the case, then they must have done that for over a thousand years. It's more realistic to note that the LGBT lobby wasn't a thing until recently. The distraction is activists making a big stink about supposed rights.

Because in order for assimilation to work, the minorities need to be the same race as the majority. That's why Blacks, Mestizos, and American Indians haven't assimilated in America, even though they've been here longer than most white ethnicities.

They have to be light enough that society would see them as white people.

So, the only Muslims you were referring to were Eastern Europeans? If so, most of the movement of Muslims in Europe aren't among that group.
No, they are not..

Treated better probably isn't the best phrase. It's more like black people are given certain exceptions that aren't given to others -- like making a big deal out of a violent black suspect being shot, when any other violent suspect is shot without major news coverage or protests.