Election Results

Who will win the election?

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After that first debate, I'm pretty sure Trump is brain dead.
... but enough about you, your lack of perception and your poor judgement.

Trump can remember what sentence he's on.

Soon, Biden won't even be able to remember which consecutive 15-year sentence he's on.


So you also support welfare policies that help poor parents feed their kids, right?

I help the local food bank and church home for unwed mothers. Ever hear about that?

I do not advocate ne'er do wells for having babies they use to get money, no. Or women that play the child suppoert game with 5 different baby's daddies n stuff.
I've seen quite a bit in my life, girl.
One pretty girl with 4 different baby daddys rather disgusted me when I was 23.
She cheated her children out of some good fathers in the name of "Women's lib" and "not wanting to work".
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It's cheating when you change your views on filing vacancies based on who is president at the time.

They didn't change their views actually. McConnell specifically said that if the opposing party to the president has a majority in the Senate, they have the right to stall confirmation in an election year until after the election. That was the statement made back in 2016. Nothing about the current situation contradicts that statement, because the opposing party is not in power.

The Republicans also didn't remove Trump when he was caught trying to cheat with the Ukraine scandal, haven't condemned him for encouraging voter fraud, haven't condemned him for calling for voter intimidation, and appear to be going along with his plan to have mail-in ballots thrown out to steal the election.

Do you really want to go down the voter fraud route? Which party has pushed for increased mail in voting despite the mess it's been in many elections already? Which party has been removing security features of mail in voting (like removing witness requirements)? Which party got caught in NJ stuffing ballot boxes? The Democrats are blatantly more culpable in voter fraud.

One of the problems with Liberals is that they don't understand the history of Conservatism, so they think that both sides are arguing over how best to run our Republic. But the Republicans, despite their name, are opposed to Democracy. So if you're going to play by the rules when dealing with Republicans, you're handicapping yourself.

That kind of thinking is perfectly aligned with critical race theorists. They are thoroughly convinced that anyone who disagrees with them is completely morally bankrupt, and so they refuse to even debate opponents. It's like you're assuming that every conservative is incapable of holding an opposing view without being innately evil. As much as I dislike progressives, I recognize that some of them are true believers who really think they are doing what's morally right.

Serious question, do you know where the terms left-wing and right-wing come from?
There's no shame in saying no because like 90% of Americans don't know either.

It had to do with the seating arrangement of the different parties in the French legislature.
I help the local food bank and church home for unwed mothers. Ever hear about that?


I do not advocate ne'er do wells for having babies they use to get money, no. Or women that play the child suppoert game with 5 different baby's daddies n stuff.
I've seen quite a bit in my life, girl.
One pretty girl with 4 different baby daddys rather disgusted me when I was 23.
She cheated her children out of some good fathers in the name of "Women's lib" and "not wanting to work".


So the answer is no, because you don't care about children. I'm sure you also oppose free birth control, despite that also reducing abortions. It's not really about children, it's about punishing women for having sex.
They didn't change their views actually. McConnell specifically said that if the opposing party to the president has a majority in the Senate, they have the right to stall confirmation in an election year until after the election. That was the statement made back in 2016. Nothing about the current situation contradicts that statement, because the opposing party is not in power.

Do you really want to go down the voter fraud route? Which party has pushed for increased mail in voting despite the mess it's been in many elections already? Which party has been removing security features of mail in voting (like removing witness requirements)? Which party got caught in NJ stuffing ballot boxes? The Democrats are blatantly more culpable in voter fraud.

There's no evidence that mail-in ballots cause voter fraud over 1%.
There have been instances of Democrats cheating locally, but it's nothing compared to the Republicans, especially on a national level.

That kind of thinking is perfectly aligned with critical race theorists. They are thoroughly convinced that anyone who disagrees with them is completely morally bankrupt, and so they refuse to even debate opponents. It's like you're assuming that every conservative is incapable of holding an opposing view without being innately evil. As much as I dislike progressives, I recognize that some of them are true believers who really think they are doing what's morally right.

No, I don't think all Conservatives are Fascists. However, all Conservatives are much more susceptible to Fascism than Liberals and even Centrists. Conservatism is a toned-down extension of Fascism, even if most Conservatives don't realize this. And Republicans, as in the politicians of the RNC, are most certainly Fascists to varying degrees.

It had to do with the seating arrangement of the different parties in the French legislature.

So you know that the origin of the Right was an opposition to Democracy. This never really went away.
Personally, I don't believe a clump of cells is a living thing. Maybe you do, but if you cared about children, then you would support welfare policies that help kids born into poverty as well as gun control that protects kids from getting shot in school.
You only support banning abortion because it punishes women for having sex.

Are others supposed to believe the way you believe?

I didn't choose for those kids to be born into poverty. Those that chose to have them did and are the only ones responsible for them. Abortion has been legal for almost 50 years. That means any child born into poverty today is there because the mother, the only one you baby killers say has the choice, chose to do so. Why should those of us told to butt out of her choice be responsible for supporting what SHE chose to have when she can't afford it?

Since nothing I believe in when it comes to gun ownership and gun rights supports the killing of children, trying to tie those two together is ridiculous. However, the very act you support with abortion involves the death of a child each time one is performed.
Are others supposed to believe the way you believe?


I didn't choose for those kids to be born into poverty. Those that chose to have them did and are the only ones responsible for them.

So you don't really care what happens to those kids. They could starve to death and you'd just say it's their parents' fault.
Now the exact same argument can be used for abortion. It's not your fault their parents decided to abort them.

Since nothing I believe in when it comes to gun ownership and gun rights supports the killing of children, trying to tie those two together is ridiculous. However, the very act you support with abortion involves the death of a child each time one is performed.

You oppose any form of gun control, even though it would save lives. Kids were murdered at Sandy Hook and even that wasn't enough to change the minds of the gun nuts on the Unhinged Right.

So you don't really care what happens to those kids. They could starve to death and you'd just say it's their parents' fault.
Now the exact same argument can be used for abortion. It's not your fault their parents decided to abort them.

You oppose any form of gun control, even though it would save lives. Kids were murdered at Sandy Hook and even that wasn't enough to change the minds of the gun nuts on the Unhinged Right.

It's called a question you either clearly can't answer or are too gutless to answer.

If they starved to death, it would be their parents' fault since it is solely their parents' responsibility to feed them.

False premise about abortion.

That's because I don't support murder and you trying to equate my belief in gun ownership as a right with not caring that kids were murdered is like you trying to claim pro choice doesn't equal pro abortion.

Graham is apparently a hypocrite then. McConnell's statement was different. He never made the declaration that Graham did. What he instead pointed out was that not since 1888 had the Senate confirmed a Supreme Court nominee by an opposing party’s President to fill a vacancy that arose in an election year. In short, what happened with Garland was standard practice.

For Graham to take things further with his statement does make him look pretty bad, but most of the other Republican senators at the time did not align with his statement.

There's no evidence that mail-in ballots cause voter fraud over 1%.
There have been instances of Democrats cheating locally, but it's nothing compared to the Republicans, especially on a national level.

The NJ ballot stuffing scandal was a lot more than just 1% of the vote. But yes, when it comes to national elections, it's harder to prove a major amount of voter fraud specifically because of how few measures we take to secure votes. In basically every other Western nation, even the left supports things like voter ID policies. Apparently, here it's "racism." But that shows you how dysfunctional the American left really is.

No, I don't think all Conservatives are Fascists. However, all Conservatives are much more susceptible to Fascism than Liberals and even Centrists. Conservatism is a toned-down extension of Fascism, even if most Conservatives don't realize this. And Republicans, as in the politicians of the RNC, are most certainly Fascists to varying degrees.

You seem to define fascism about as broadly as you define leftism narrowly.

So you know that the origin of the Right was an opposition to Democracy. This never really went away.

The modern right rejects direct democracy, for sure. The Founders of this country also rejected it.
Graham is apparently a hypocrite then. McConnell's statement was different. He never made the declaration that Graham did. What he instead pointed out was that not since 1888 had the Senate confirmed a Supreme Court nominee by an opposing party’s President to fill a vacancy that arose in an election year. In short, what happened with Garland was standard practice.

For Graham to take things further with his statement does make him look pretty bad, but most of the other Republican senators at the time did not align with his statement.

What McConnell did was use #whataboutism. His argument was basically "Well, look at what they did."
The point is that he's willing to do whatever it take to maintain power, that being his only consistency.

The other Republicans didn't back Graham up because they were smart enough to know that they very well could end up in this situation. They weren't more principled, they were just smarter.

The NJ ballot stuffing scandal was a lot more than just 1% of the vote. But yes, when it comes to national elections, it's harder to prove a major amount of voter fraud specifically because of how few measures we take to secure votes. In basically every other Western nation, even the left supports things like voter ID policies. Apparently, here it's "racism." But that shows you how dysfunctional the American left really is.

The reason the Left says the voter ID laws are racist is because states are trying to make it harder for black people to get an ID.
Now I don't think this is racism, because of the reason behind it. Republicans are trying to stop Blacks from voting because they tend to vote Democrat. If the majority of Blacks started voting Republican, then Republicans would never talk about voter ID laws again. This is an example of Fascism. They don't believe in democratic elections, they believe in using state power alone.

You seem to define fascism about as broadly as you define leftism narrowly.

Not really. I acknowledge that very few Conservatives are Fascist. But there's no denying that when Fascism becomes mainstream, like it is now, they fall in line very quickly.

The modern right rejects direct democracy, for sure. The Founders of this country also rejected it.

Nope, the Founders rejected Direct Democracy. They liked Representative Democracy, which is what we still have. But the Right is against ANY form of Democracy, because even with a Republic, Leftists could hold office.
What McConnell did was use #whataboutism. His argument was basically "Well, look at what they did."
The point is that he's willing to do whatever it take to maintain power, that being his only consistency.

It's not "whataboutism" if it is maintaining the same trend that's been in place for over a century.

The other Republicans didn't back Graham up because they were smart enough to know that they very well could end up in this situation. They weren't more principled, they were just smarter.

Find me a politician that is principled.

The reason the Left says the voter ID laws are racist is because states are trying to make it harder for black people to get an ID.
Now I don't think this is racism, because of the reason behind it. Republicans are trying to stop Blacks from voting because they tend to vote Democrat. If the majority of Blacks started voting Republican, then Republicans would never talk about voter ID laws again. This is an example of Fascism. They don't believe in democratic elections, they believe in using state power alone..

I would consider it racism to assume that blacks somehow find it harder to get IDs. There's no evidence to suggest that they do.

Not really. I acknowledge that very few Conservatives are Fascist. But there's no denying that when Fascism becomes mainstream, like it is now, they fall in line very quickly.

Yes, it's so mainstream that we use "fascist" as a pejorative against each other. Tell me, do you think white supremacy is mainstream too?

Nope, the Founders rejected Direct Democracy. They liked Representative Democracy, which is what we still have. But the Right is against ANY form of Democracy, because even with a Republic, Leftists could hold office.

If the right is against democracy, then they do a poor job of subverting it. Weakening vote security is a better way to subvert democracy, which is what Democrats have been doing.
It's not "whataboutism" if it is maintaining the same trend that's been in place for over a century.

Of course it is! This thing is wrong, but other people have done it, so stop criticizing me for doing said wrong thing.

I would consider it racism to assume that blacks somehow find it harder to get IDs. There's no evidence to suggest that they do.

I just gave you evidence that Republicans are trying to make it harder for Blacks to get an ID.

Yes, it's so mainstream that we use "fascist" as a pejorative against each other. Tell me, do you think white supremacy is mainstream too?

Plenty of people use "Fascist" incorrectly. That doesn't mean it hasn't become mainstream in America.

No, I don't think White Supremacy really exists outside of the West.
Of course it is! This thing is wrong, but other people have done it, so stop criticizing me for doing said wrong thing.

I don't think it's wrong. It makes sense.

I just gave you evidence that Republicans are trying to make it harder for Blacks to get an ID.

No, the article you posted showed the legislature shutting down places to vote at because of race. It was connected to voter ID legislation, but requiring an ID itself isn't racist. The left here has been arguing that just requiring an ID is racist.

Plenty of people use "Fascist" incorrectly. That doesn't mean it hasn't become mainstream in America.

How is it mainstream then? What fascist principles have gained public acceptance in America?

No, I don't think White Supremacy really exists outside of the West.

Well yeah, because not many white people live outside of the West.
I don't think it's wrong. It makes sense.

It makes sense if all you care about is having as much power as possible. If you want there to be a consistent rule here, then Trump should have to wait until after the election.

No, the article you posted showed the legislature shutting down places to vote at because of race. It was connected to voter ID legislation, but requiring an ID itself isn't racist. The left here has been arguing that just requiring an ID is racist.

Requiring an ID itself isn't racist. However, because Republican officials make it extra difficult for Blacks to get an ID, the Left is saying that requiring a voter ID is racist. If getting an ID was equally easy for everyone regardless of race, nobody would be saying this is racist.

How is it mainstream then? What fascist principles have gained public acceptance in America?

Trump is a Fascist and one of the two major parties fully supports him. He's already normalized cheating in elections through bribery, voter fraud, voter intimidation, and throwing out ballots.

And yes, I know there have been cases of politicians doing things like this before, both Republican and Democrat. However, they've always been fringe local cases that most people never found out about. But Trump has done this stuff in public, on live TV, and the Right hasn't rejected him. The Right has, once again, embraced Fascism on a major stage.

Well yeah, because not many white people live outside of the West.

There are a lot of white people in Latin America. There are some movements there that can be called White Supremacy.
I do also think Richard Spencer is a White Supremacist, but he doesn't have nearly enough support to be called mainstream