ethically (and legally) appropriate application of deadly force

I would not have intentionally put myself in a situation I had to kill someone. If everything Z said was true. He did.
I think it was taken very seriously when Zimmerman was forced to pull his to stop some young black thug from beating him MMA style. I bet if that were you, you would have done the same thing.
Well if the answer is murder without all that, then surely the answer is murder with all that, no?

Can you type anything that makes sense instead of this moronic word salad. Let's try again; If the perps jump you and start beating you MMA style, now what do you do?
I thought for a second you might have some intelligent input, never mind.

You think the stupidity Fentoine Lum erupts with is intelligent? Seriously? The thread troll hasn't had an honest eruption in his life. I keep trying to have one with you, but all you seem to want to do is cry.
I would not have intentionally put myself in a situation I had to kill someone. If everything Z said was true. He did.

Then you can show that he already knew he might have to kill someone, prior to him seeing Trayvon take off like a bat out of hell??
My point was 'baiting'.

I watched a show on TV that took place in a NYC subway platform late at night. The 'john' played like he was drunk and had a nice watch and necklace on. The Detectives (and camera) were hidden. Just waiting for someone to take advantage of the 'john'. Sure enough, some guy grabbed his stuff and was immediately tackled.

BUT, the point is this; it isn't baiting when the cars are in a public street. It is when you do it in your own garage. See the difference?
His judgment was very questionable at best. The dispatcher's advice to stay in the SUV certainly was not legally binding but it was good judgment. Z intentionally put himself in a situation that he had to kill someone that night when there was no reason to. It is just that simple. He was found not guilty, not innocent.
Then you can show that he already knew he might have to kill someone, prior to him seeing Trayvon take off like a bat out of hell??
Probably sacred, like really, ... not the I'm-scared-I-get-to-kill-you-cause-you're black now" kinda scared. Not the I-need-an-alibi kinda scared.

You seem very scared; why do you project it onto everyone else? I bet you would be scared to talk this stupid to my face. I think your own shadow scares you. Even worse, the TRUTH obviously scares the shit out of you which would explain why you tun and hide from it all the time. ;)
I can't speak for dumbass, but I'm cool with capping crackers looking for trouble. The fewer cretinous slugs like you, the better for the republic and humanity in general.

Of course you are; you're fascist leftist punk on steroids. But I do appreciate your honesty.