Every debate with a creationist ever

Phil Jones says it is "most likely, global warming is man-made." And this has been repeated ad nauseum by you pinheads for the past week, as if he had stated a definitive fact. We can therefore conclude, since it is a consensus among theologians that it's "most likely God created the universe" ...this must also be a FACT!

Sorry, but you set the standards!
Phil Jones says it is "most likely, global warming is man-made." And this has been repeated ad nauseum by you pinheads for the past week, as if he had stated a definitive fact. We can therefore conclude, since it is a consensus among theologians that it's "most likely God created the universe" ...this must also be a FACT!

Sorry, but you set the standards!
Well in the first place what does this have to do with the price of tea in China and secondly who cares? You, PiMP and Tinhead constantly get trounced when you try to debate a scientific topic.

You either play philosophical "wack-a-mole" or you play ring around the rosy with circular arguments or you play "clip-n-paste' from Newsmax. You're constantly trounced in those situations by people who are informed on those topics.
Actually, I have yet to see Stirfry get "trounced" doing his anti-AGW sthick. Comparing Dixie to him is intellectually dishonest, at best. Particularly when Dixie's currently demonstrating his traitorist sentiments with his current avatar.
Phil Jones says it is "most likely, global warming is man-made." And this has been repeated ad nauseum by you pinheads for the past week, as if he had stated a definitive fact. We can therefore conclude, since it is a consensus among theologians that it's "most likely God created the universe" ...this must also be a FACT!

Sorry, but you set the standards!

First of all, you Bush-loving ignoramus, no educated person has ever said it was beyond a shred of possible doubt that humans are contributing to global warming. That’s just your BS strawman you creation science loving dupes trot out. Every scientifically-literate person (aka, liberals) understands that science deals in probabilities. And that the climate science community has rendered informed analysis that the probability is very high that human activities are changing the climate.

You were the one that presented Phil Jones as “your guy” and implied that he had somehow disavowed human-induced global warming. The embarrassment was yours when it turns out the link you provided showed Dr. Jones clearly stating the exact opposite of what you implied--- that it was likely that recent warming trends are largely due to humans. And that if the flat-earth denialists wanted to provide their own peer-reviewed datasets demonstrating this wasn’t true, they were welcome to do it…..instead of what they do now. Which is to whine and squeal like stuck pigs from the peanut gallery, while proffering no actual legitimate science of their own.

You and your fellow flat earthers spent the decade of the 1990s proclaiming that global temperatures weren’t even going up. That global warming wasn’t even happening. You had to move your goal posts in recent years, and change your position to admitting warming trends had occurred but man had nothing to do with it. You were hilariously wrong in the 1990s, why should anyone expect you to be right now? You flat earther’s expect us to believe that you have discovered vast global conspiracy of climate scientists that somehow easily fooled dozens the most reputable and respected internationally-recognized scientific organizations on the planet. Laughable and pathetic.

How do you expect me to take someone seriously someone who doesn’t even have a science education; someone who gets all their “science” information from rightwing blogs; someone who voted for Dumbya Shrub twice; someone who was easily fooled into supporting the Iraq war,; and someone who helped lead us right up to the edge of another great republican depression with your chants and blatherings for more deregulation and unleashing the power of unbridled corporations and wall street.

Why would I believe or trust the judgment of a dupe with that appalling record of ignorance? Answer? I don’t. That fact that the charter members of the flat-earth, denier society is made up of you, Meme, tinfoil, bravo, webbway, toby, and other denizens of rightwing blog-world speaks volumes.

Carry on worshiping and misinforming yourself with your rightwing “science” blogs.
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Phil Jones says it is "most likely, global warming is man-made." And this has been repeated ad nauseum by you pinheads for the past week, as if he had stated a definitive fact. We can therefore conclude, since it is a consensus among theologians that it's "most likely God created the universe" ...this must also be a FACT!

Sorry, but you set the standards!

Phil Jones says it is "most likely, global warming is man-made." And this has been repeated ad nauseum by you pinheads for the past week, as if he had stated a definitive fact. We can therefore conclude, since it is a consensus among theologians that it's "most likely God created the universe" ...this must also be a FACT!

Sorry, but you set the standards!

We mostly use the "the scientific consensus is that global warming is real and man-made...." line as basically a summary. We could give you the research papers, the college courses, and all of the evidence for you to wade through to prove it to yourself, but we know you wouldn't. You have very little knowledge on the subject, and no desire to gain more. And when you have very little knowledge you usually just wind up reinventing old, disproven errors rather than making some grand insight climatology has failed to take into account.

And theology isn't a science. I've often said that theology is basically the practice of multiplying by zero and getting something.
We mostly use the "the scientific consensus is that global warming is real and man-made...." line as basically a summary. We could give you the research papers, the college courses, and all of the evidence for you to wade through to prove it to yourself, but we know you wouldn't. You have very little knowledge on the subject, and no desire to gain more. And when you have very little knowledge you usually just wind up reinventing old, disproven errors rather than making some grand insight climatology has failed to take into account.

And theology isn't a science. I've often said that theology is basically the practice of multiplying by zero and getting something.

Speculation isn't science either, but you Warmers don't seem to let that deter you! The scientific data to support a theory for man-made global warming, is NOT THERE! Just as scientific data to support a theory that God made the universe is NOT THERE! In both instances, we have a "consensus" of individuals, who THINK that to be the case.

Now, we can be intellectually honest and say, neither Warmers or Theologians have scientific basis for their beliefs, or we can formulate an argument ad absurdum, that since it is a 'consensus' it must be a fact! What we CAN'T do is have two completely different standards applied to each, because it comports with our personal ideology and nothing more. That makes us intolerable bigoted idiots who don't know what they are talking about. I'm glad I'm not in that category with you!
Speculation isn't science either, but you Warmers don't seem to let that deter you! The scientific data to support a theory for man-made global warming, is NOT THERE! Just as scientific data to support a theory that God made the universe is NOT THERE! In both instances, we have a "consensus" of individuals, who THINK that to be the case.

Now, we can be intellectually honest and say, neither Warmers or Theologians have scientific basis for their beliefs, or we can formulate an argument ad absurdum, that since it is a 'consensus' it must be a fact! What we CAN'T do is have two completely different standards applied to each, because it comports with our personal ideology and nothing more. That makes us intolerable bigoted idiots who don't know what they are talking about. I'm glad I'm not in that category with you!

one can reasonably conclude based on the evidence that man made global warming exists. no one can reasonably conclude that god exists, as there is zero evidence of god. only stupid simpletons believe in god. this is why you believe in god, because you are a stupid prole simpleton backwoods retard
one can reasonably conclude based on the evidence that man made global warming exists. no one can reasonably conclude that god exists, as there is zero evidence of god. only stupid simpletons believe in god. this is why you believe in god, because you are a stupid prole simpleton backwoods retard

Well, no, I am sorry, but there is no scientific evidence to suggest man-made global warming exists, it is UNREASONABLE to make such a conclusion.

Theologians will argue the "evidence of God" is all around us! You just choose to ignore it. Hmm... sounds an awful lot like the Warmers argument, doesn't it?
Well, no, I am sorry, but there is no scientific evidence to suggest man-made global warming exists

This is a ridiculous statement. This reminds me of my trolling. Just angry, ridiculous hyperbole with no other reason than to infuriate the other side with its stupidity. I seriously think that you make ridiculous arguments like this for no other reason than the schadenfreude you get from knowing you're annoying the other side.
Here is some evidence for you to ignore:

  1. NASA http://www.nasa.gov/worldbook/global_warming_worldbook.html http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Features/GlobalWarmingQandA/ http://data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/graphs/Fig.A2.lrg.gif (The graph)
  2. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Climatic Data Center http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/oa/climate/globalwarming.html
  3. World Meteorological Organization (WMO) http://www.wmo.ch/pages/about/wmo50/e/world/climate_pages/global_warming_e.html
  4. American Meteorological Society http://www.ametsoc.org/policy/2007climatechange.html
  5. National Center for Atmospheric Research “How do we know Earth is warming now?” http://www.ncar.ucar.edu/research/climate/now.php
  6. Earth System Research Laboratory - Global Monitoring Division “Climate Forcing” http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/gmd/about/climate.html
  7. University Corporation for Atmospheric Research http://www.ucar.edu/research/climate/warming.jsp
  8. Jet Propulsion Laboratory - California Institute of Technology “Global Climate Change” “How do we know?” http://climate.jpl.nasa.gov/evidence/
  9. American Geophysical Union (world's largest scientific society of Earth and space scientists) “Human Impacts on Climate” http://www.agu.org/sci_soc/policy/climate_change_position.html
  10. American Association for the Advancement of Science “The scientific evidence is clear: global climate change caused by human activities is occurring now” http://www.aaas.org/news/press_room/climate_change/mtg_200702/aaas_climate_statement.pdf http://www.aaas.org/news/press_room/climate_change/
  11. The United States Energy Information Administration “Greenhouse Gases, Climate Change, and Energy” http://www.eia.doe.gov/bookshelf/brochures/greenhouse/Chapter1.htm
  12. Massachusetts Institute of Technology “Report: Human activity fuels global warming” http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/2007/climate.html
  13. California Institute of Technology “How We Know Global Warming is Real” “The science behind human-induced climate change” http://www.gps.caltech.edu/~tapio/papers/skeptic_2008.pdf
  14. Atmospheric Sciences - University of Illinois - Champaign “Evidence continues to mount that human activities are altering the Earth’s climate on a global scale.” http://www.atmos.uiuc.edu/research/01climate.html
  15. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution “Global Warming” http://www.whoi.edu/page.do?pid=12457
  16. The UK’s Met Office Hadley Centre “Climate change - the big picture” http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/corporate/pressoffice/myths/index.html http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/climatechange/guide/
  17. The UK’s Royal Society “Climate change controversies: a simple guide” http://royalsociety.org/page.asp?id=6229
  18. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (Based in Switzerland) “Climate Change 2007: Synthesis Report” http://www.ipcc.ch/pdf/assessment-report/ar4/syr/ar4_syr_spm.pdf
  19. Japan Meteorological Agency “Global Warming Projection Vol.7” http://ds.data.jma.go.jp/tcc/tcc/products/gwp/gwp7/index-e.html
  20. The Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society “Our climate has changed substantially.” “Global climate change and global warming are real and observable.” http://www.amos.org.au/publications/cid/3/t/publications
  21. Royal Society of New Zealand “The globe is warming because of increasing greenhouse gas emissions.” http://www.royalsociety.org.nz/Site/news/media_releases/2008/clim0708.aspx
  22. National Geographic Magazine http://environment.nationalgeographic.com/environment/global-warming/
  23. Scientific American Magazine http://www.sciam.com/topic.cfm?id=global-warming-and-climate-change
This is a ridiculous statement. This reminds me of my trolling. Just angry, ridiculous hyperbole with no other reason than to infuriate the other side with its stupidity. I seriously think that you make ridiculous arguments like this for no other reason than the schadenfreude you get from knowing you're annoying the other side.

Gosh, it's too bad that list of "evidence" you posted is all predicated on fraudulent manipulated data. It's like a religious person saying the evidence for God is lightning! Can you deny lightning? Nope, it does exist!

The only hyperbole is coming from the Warmers, who cling to their faith that man is causing global warming. This, in spite of the evidence to the contrary. Phil Jones himself admits, there has been no warming since 1995, and in fact, we are currently in a cooling trend. So who is being stupid, and who is recognizing scientific facts?
retard alert. poster above does not believe in 1/3rd. will never comprehend anything a more intelligent person will say. fruitless to argue with him, you would get more out of talking to a turtle.
said poster also has claimed to be a christian atheist, more atheist than the other claimed atheists on the board, has talked to jesus in the shower, but also doesn't call himself a christian anymore.
picture of dixie, if he was a dog:
