Every debate with a creationist ever

exactly ^. REASONABLE, intelligent RATIONAL people, are not religious, because religion is not reasonable, or rational. Someone with intelligence will not believe in non-falsifiable claims created by some barbaric caveman that didn't understand basic facts about reality. You have to be a very stupid person to elevate the writings of such barbarians and live your life by it.
You're being deliberately exclusionary in your basis for your thinking. You both claim open minded to be swayed by evidence, but in the next breath steadfastly deny that such evidence exists, or even that the possibility of such evidence exists.

You both claim a love of science, as it's the best method to try and explain that which we do not know. And I'll readily admit that science is a great way to deal with the mysteries of our world. But there is still much that science has yet to explain. Now, if you were strictly speaking about people using religion in place of science, I wouldn't feel the need to argue the point. But no, you extend your beliefs unto all that do no conform and condemn them. Science and a general belief in a higher power are not mutually exclusive. You can cite whatever references you want about the Bible, or Torah, or Koran, or the Cthulhu mythos, Etc but that is not the entirety of religion.
im just proud you were able to pull of "exclusionary" Who would have thought you could get up to 5 syllables.
and if you claim that god, the invisible man in the sky has guided you, you are delusional. it is impossible to be a reasonable intelligent person and be religious. impossible. if you believe in god, or are religious, you are a stupid person.

There is at least as much evidence for God as there is for man-made global warming!
im just proud you were able to pull of "exclusionary" Who would have thought you could get up to 5 syllables.
and yet, you overlooked the five syllable "delusionary" that was adjacent.......looks like he slipped one past you yet again.....you need to stop feinting to the left....it makes you predictable.....