Every debate with a creationist ever

They didn't miss it! It's been reported on the news a bunch. The data was suppressed, altered, manipulated, fabricated, and discarded, in order to make the hockey stick real. It's been exposed as a fraud, a complete and total fraud perpetrated by socialist charlatans.

Nothing at East Anglia has been called into question. NASA and the IPCCC have been vindicated as some of the most useful and accurate sources of information ever known to humanity. The denialist movement is in full retreat, and soon we shall save the planet!
I'm just a positivist. You're the one who has faith in rubbish like reincarnation and science denialism without evidence.
Interesting, wild claims of my beliefs without any idea of what evidence may be there to support my actual beliefs. Zero evidence to support your Faith yet you insist it is correct.

You should join one of those Atheist "Congregations"... You may as well get something out of your faith a bit more than silly trollery on jpp.com...
Nothing at East Anglia has been called into question. NASA and the IPCCC have been vindicated as some of the most useful and accurate sources of information ever known to humanity. The denialist movement is in full retreat, and soon we shall save the planet!
If you stretch this out to 100K words or so you might be able to sell that fiction next to Stephen King...
LOL @ "it's been reported in the news....a bunch!!!"

Let me fix that for you

They didn't miss it! It's been reported on the news on some rightwing blogs a bunch. The data was suppressed, altered, manipulated, fabricated, and discarded, in order to make the hockey stick real. It's been exposed as a fraud, a complete and total fraud perpetrated by socialist charlatans.

Michael Mann - the creator of the hockey stick - was investigated by an academic board, and cleared of EVERY. SINGLE. CHARGE. that data was manipulated or faked. Your rightwing blogs didn't tell you that did they?

Get your head out of the rightwing blogs you Iraq-war loving dupe!
You're an anti-intellectual science denialist. Just admit it. Evidence has negative credibility with you; you only believe things that Glenn Beck tells you to believe.
there is a reason people with lower iq's are attracted to religion.
That doesn't prove your original assertion. I'll even be generous and let you get away with "highly unlikely or improbable" rather than "impossible". I'm open to evidence and different opinions. So prove your thesis.
exactly ^. REASONABLE, intelligent RATIONAL people, are not religious, because religion is not reasonable, or rational. Someone with intelligence will not believe in non-falsifiable claims created by some barbaric caveman that didn't understand basic facts about reality. You have to be a very stupid person to elevate the writings of such barbarians and live your life by it.
and if you claim that god, the invisible man in the sky has guided you, you are delusional. it is impossible to be a reasonable intelligent person and be religious. impossible. if you believe in god, or are religious, you are a stupid person.