Every debate with a creationist ever

You cannot literally count to infinite. That doesn't mean it's not a number. It doesn't make it equal to 0 either. This is an epic math fail.
No, it's a joke, but in simple mathematical terms, infinity is non-numerical and zero is the absence of value or neutral value. Thus you both have nothing. Dixie in the literal sense, and you in the sense that you cannot accurately or even approximately quantify the value of your points.

Of course I suck at math unless it's inventory or geometry, so I could just be making all this up to sound smart.
No, it's a joke, but in simple mathematical terms, infinity is non-numerical and zero is the absence of value or neutral value. Thus you both have nothing. Dixie in the literal sense, and you in the sense that you cannot accurately or even approximately quantify the value of your points.

Of course I suck at math unless it's inventory or geometry, so I could just be making all this up to sound smart.

And all of those equations I did with limits to infinity! If only my professor knew that we were taking the equation from 0 to 0!
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And all of those equations I did with limits to infinity! If only my professor new that we were taking the equation from 0 to 0!
Dude, I just told you I suck at math. Shut the fuck up and take that as a sign of deference (extremely rare for me) to you (even rarer) and your knowledge of math.
Here comes the wack-a-mole. I smash one of his questions, so instead of defending the point, he runs off to an unrelated one.

I'll just make a little scoreboard:

WM: 1
Dix: 0

To respond to your new, unrelated non response to my question, you do not "prove" things in science. It's not a math equation. You gather evidence for scientific theories. NASA is one of the organizations that is compiling evidence for global warming. Here is information on how they and others are doing that:

  1. NASA http://www.nasa.gov/worldbook/global...worldbook.html http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Fea...lWarmingQandA/ http://data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/graphs/Fig.A2.lrg.gif (The graph)
  2. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Climatic Data Center http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/oa/climate/globalwarming.html
  3. World Meteorological Organization (WMO) http://www.wmo.ch/pages/about/wmo50/...warming_e.html
  4. American Meteorological Society http://www.ametsoc.org/policy/2007climatechange.html
  5. National Center for Atmospheric Research “How do we know Earth is warming now?” http://www.ncar.ucar.edu/research/climate/now.php
  6. Earth System Research Laboratory - Global Monitoring Division “Climate Forcing” http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/gmd/about/climate.html
  7. University Corporation for Atmospheric Research http://www.ucar.edu/research/climate/warming.jsp
  8. Jet Propulsion Laboratory - California Institute of Technology “Global Climate Change” “How do we know?” http://climate.jpl.nasa.gov/evidence/
  9. American Geophysical Union (world's largest scientific society of Earth and space scientists) “Human Impacts on Climate” http://www.agu.org/sci_soc/policy/cl..._position.html
  10. American Association for the Advancement of Science “The scientific evidence is clear: global climate change caused by human activities is occurring now” http://www.aaas.org/news/press_room/..._statement.pdf http://www.aaas.org/news/press_room/climate_change/
  11. The United States Energy Information Administration “Greenhouse Gases, Climate Change, and Energy” http://www.eia.doe.gov/bookshelf/bro...e/Chapter1.htm
  12. Massachusetts Institute of Technology “Report: Human activity fuels global warming” http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/2007/climate.html
  13. California Institute of Technology “How We Know Global Warming is Real” “The science behind human-induced climate change” http://www.gps.caltech.edu/~tapio/papers/skeptic_2008.pdf
  14. Atmospheric Sciences - University of Illinois - Champaign “Evidence continues to mount that human activities are altering the Earth’s climate on a global scale.” http://www.atmos.uiuc.edu/research/01climate.html
  15. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution “Global Warming” http://www.whoi.edu/page.do?pid=12457
  16. The UK’s Met Office Hadley Centre “Climate change - the big picture” http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/corporat...ths/index.html http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/climatechange/guide/
  17. The UK’s Royal Society “Climate change controversies: a simple guide” http://royalsociety.org/page.asp?id=6229
  18. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (Based in Switzerland) “Climate Change 2007: Synthesis Report” http://www.ipcc.ch/pdf/assessment-re...r4_syr_spm.pdf
  19. Japan Meteorological Agency “Global Warming Projection Vol.7” http://ds.data.jma.go.jp/tcc/tcc/pro...7/index-e.html
  20. The Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society “Our climate has changed substantially.” “Global climate change and global warming are real and observable.” http://www.amos.org.au/publications/...t/publications
  21. Royal Society of New Zealand “The globe is warming because of increasing greenhouse gas emissions.” http://www.royalsociety.org.nz/Site/.../clim0708.aspx
  22. National Geographic Magazine http://environment.nationalgeographi...lobal-warming/
  23. Scientific American Magazine http://www.sciam.com/topic.cfm?id=gl...climate-change
Why do you do this to yourself Watermark? I mean debate Dixie in science? You are aware that there are more enjoyable forms of self abuse, aren't you?
Believers are boring, arguing their faith one way or another, attempting to make people believe that either absence of evidence is evidence of absence or that Jeebus really did make good wine from water and that means we should get drunk....

Waste of time trying to convince the faithful that it is all nonsense... I don't give a crap if you believe that you have all the answers because you can do math, nor do I care if you know every verse in the Book of Mormon and are willing to share it with me.
I only have faith in evidence. Not having faith in evidence would be silly. Having faith with no evidence would be equally as silly. Pretending that believing in evidence is "having faith" in the same way religious people have faith is intellectually dishonest.
Ever notice that dixie doesn't ever actually reply to a question? He just responds with another question or claim. That's why it's impossible to debate him. He debates like a police interrogator.

I'll be glad to answer any questions, I didn't respond with a question before, I just put your argument into logical perspective for clarification. You think it is "absurd" to believe man causes global warming without any scientific evidence to prove it, that's what you stated, and I just clarified it. Thanks for admitting I am right and you are full of shit, so often is the case, pinheads want to argue the absurd and deny that I am right. It took a lot for you to submit to me, and I promise to not make you my regular bitch because of it.
I'll be glad to answer any questions, I didn't respond with a question before, I just put your argument into logical perspective for clarification. You think it is "absurd" to believe man causes global warming without any scientific evidence to prove it, that's what you stated, and I just clarified it. Thanks for admitting I am right and you are full of shit, so often is the case, pinheads want to argue the absurd and deny that I am right. It took a lot for you to submit to me, and I promise to not make you my regular bitch because of it.

So you ADMIT that you are UNWILLING to look at the abundant (your words!) evidence for global warming, because you KNOW then you'd realize the truth and have to do something about it? Well tickle me and color me pink! Why we havin' this conversation, folks?
Originally Posted by Dixie

Did NASA determine that man was causing global warming? I did not know that! Can you link me up with this finding? Because something like that might change my mind!e

Here's the problem with reading and responding flat earth teabagger buffoonery. After a while, one can almost feel your IQ dropping down to their level.

Bottom line, the teabagger flat-earth denier cabal would have us people believe that Dixie, Meme, Webbway, Bravo, Toby, Southernman, Tinfoil, USFreedom, PiMP have all been cunning and clever enough to see through a global conspiracy by climate scientists.....a conspiracy which somehow fooled the qualified, and world-class scientists at these reputable and internationally respected scientific institutions:

... NASA is one of the organizations that is compiling evidence for global warming.
Here is information on how they and others are doing that:

  1. NASA http://www.nasa.gov/worldbook/global...worldbook.html http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Fea...lWarmingQandA/ http://data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/graphs/Fig.A2.lrg.gif (The graph)
  2. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Climatic Data Center http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/oa/climate/globalwarming.html
  3. World Meteorological Organization (WMO) http://www.wmo.ch/pages/about/wmo50/...warming_e.html
  4. American Meteorological Society http://www.ametsoc.org/policy/2007climatechange.html
  5. National Center for Atmospheric Research “How do we know Earth is warming now?” http://www.ncar.ucar.edu/research/climate/now.php
  6. Earth System Research Laboratory - Global Monitoring Division “Climate Forcing” http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/gmd/about/climate.html
  7. University Corporation for Atmospheric Research http://www.ucar.edu/research/climate/warming.jsp
  8. Jet Propulsion Laboratory - California Institute of Technology “Global Climate Change” “How do we know?” http://climate.jpl.nasa.gov/evidence/
  9. American Geophysical Union (world's largest scientific society of Earth and space scientists) “Human Impacts on Climate” http://www.agu.org/sci_soc/policy/cl..._position.html
  10. American Association for the Advancement of Science “The scientific evidence is clear: global climate change caused by human activities is occurring now” http://www.aaas.org/news/press_room/..._statement.pdf http://www.aaas.org/news/press_room/climate_change/
  11. The United States Energy Information Administration “Greenhouse Gases, Climate Change, and Energy” http://www.eia.doe.gov/bookshelf/bro...e/Chapter1.htm
  12. Massachusetts Institute of Technology “Report: Human activity fuels global warming” http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/2007/climate.html
  13. California Institute of Technology “How We Know Global Warming is Real” “The science behind human-induced climate change” http://www.gps.caltech.edu/~tapio/papers/skeptic_2008.pdf
  14. Atmospheric Sciences - University of Illinois - Champaign “Evidence continues to mount that human activities are altering the Earth’s climate on a global scale.” http://www.atmos.uiuc.edu/research/01climate.html
  15. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution “Global Warming” http://www.whoi.edu/page.do?pid=12457
  16. The UK’s Met Office Hadley Centre “Climate change - the big picture” http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/corporat...ths/index.html http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/climatechange/guide/
  17. The UK’s Royal Society “Climate change controversies: a simple guide” http://royalsociety.org/page.asp?id=6229
  18. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (Based in Switzerland) “Climate Change 2007: Synthesis Report” http://www.ipcc.ch/pdf/assessment-re...r4_syr_spm.pdf
  19. Japan Meteorological Agency “Global Warming Projection Vol.7” http://ds.data.jma.go.jp/tcc/tcc/pro...7/index-e.html
  20. The Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society “Our climate has changed substantially.” “Global climate change and global warming are real and observable.” http://www.amos.org.au/publications/...t/publications
  21. Royal Society of New Zealand “The globe is warming because of increasing greenhouse gas emissions.” http://www.royalsociety.org.nz/Site/.../clim0708.aspx
  22. National Geographic Magazine http://environment.nationalgeographi...lobal-warming/
  23. Scientific American Magazine http://www.sciam.com/topic.cfm?id=gl...climate-change
    US National Academy of Sciences
    National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Adminstration
    American Geophysical Union

In the parlance of science and logic -- an exercise in occam's razor if you will -- which seems more plausible and likely?

(1) That Dixie, Bravo, Meme, Toby, PiMP et al have discovered a fantastical global conspiracy that somehow the world's most qualified scientists missed?


(2) that there's a very high probability that humans are changing the climate, and that rightwing blog-reading teabaggers, with IQs approaching that of a chimpanzee, have been easily duped and misinformed by their smarter, and manipulative Masters in rightwing-blog world?
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I only have faith in evidence. Not having faith in evidence would be silly. Having faith with no evidence would be equally as silly. Pretending that believing in evidence is "having faith" in the same way religious people have faith is intellectually dishonest.
Rubbish. Your extreme efforts to convert people and insist you have all the answers belies this.
So you ADMIT that you are UNWILLING to look at the abundant (your words!) evidence for global warming, because you KNOW then you'd realize the truth and have to do something about it? Well tickle me and color me pink! Why we havin' this conversation, folks?

There is no "abundant evidence" for man-made global warming. Yes, the planet gets warmer and cooler in cycles, we know this for a fact, but you are trying to claim that your THEORY is a FACT... It's just NOT! Sorry, that's the TRUTH!
(1) That Dixie, Bravo, Meme, Toby, PiMP et al have discovered a fantastical global conspiracy that somehow the world's most qualified scientists missed?

They didn't miss it! It's been reported on the news a bunch. The data was suppressed, altered, manipulated, fabricated, and discarded, in order to make the hockey stick real. It's been exposed as a fraud, a complete and total fraud perpetrated by socialist charlatans.