evince disappeared

Illegal meme. Has nothing to do with shifting burden of proof.

No I do not agree.

Desh comes here to talk politics. Her potty mouth is not even close to being as offensive as the unrestrained and unchecked racism and misogyny which roams this forum

To my knowledge, Desh has never gossiped about any rightwingers.

That rightwingers are spending considerable time gossiping about her, thinking about her, perhaps even pm'ing about her signals to me the possibility of actual and authentic mental health issues
Desh use to be very civil, but then she was constantly attacked and called names, so she fights back and people call her crazy. I get it, she’d had enough.
I see. So your schtick is talking about ppl behind their backs. Got it.

I took a month-long break from this place too. I don't know if anyone started any "where's Owl at?" threads, but I was definitely mentioned daily by my favorite fan and crazy stalker bitch. Even today if I don't respond to or about the skank, the coat-tailing and nasty little jabs begin. But never, ever to my face. Only behind my back.

Must be a Reichwing chickenshit thing, eh? :laugh:
Huh? I thought my OP was totally innocuous . It was just obvious to me because she posted like 100 post a day and many in reply to herself and virtually all include the dreaded Russians or Putin. Talking about evince behind her back? I stated many times when she was here that she must be in a psych ward. She 's a freaking loony tune. Anybody can see that. Even on something called liberalforum.com (I think) they talk about her mental illness. It's common knowledge.
Again, I wish her no ill will.
Desh use to be very civil, but then she was constantly attacked and called names, so she fights back and people call her crazy. I get it, she’d had enough.

She was, I remember that clearly. It was only in the last few years that she really started fighting back. I can understand how the name calling and false accusations can get to someone and make them lash out.
Yet ppl like TDAK, CFM, Volsrock, etc. who constantly spout vulgar racist comments and unhinged personal attacks are not, Dr. Freud?

She certainly has left her mark on the psyches of several of our more obsessed posters here. One of them resurrected a thread from seven years ago just to mourn her absence, joined by others obsessed with her as well.

To Evince!


It's just sick the way Evince became the focus of so much RW hatred. They loved to torment her. Countless times I suggested that people put her on ignore if they didn't like her posts, but to my knowledge nobody did. This shows me that they wanted to hit out at her and hoped to drive her off the forum.
It's just sick the way Evince became the focus of so much RW hatred. They loved to torment her. Countless times I suggested that people put her on ignore if they didn't like her posts, but to my knowledge nobody did. This shows me that they wanted to hit out at her and hoped to drive her off the forum.
Desh use to be very civil, but then she was constantly attacked and called names, so she fights back and people call her crazy. I get it, she’d had enough.

Yes, she used to be very civil, and her reward was vitriol and insult.

There is a level of Desh obsession here I always thought called for intervention from mental health professionals.

For the record, I think Desh is an intelligent and insightful person. I think she is a college graduate, and she is one of about three posters here who have actually read Solzhenitsyn. Dim-wits, dolts, and rubes do not read Solzhenitsyn.