Fact Check: Trump makes more than 20 false claims in RNC acceptance speech

The Majority of Americans? The Majority of Americans my Ass!

Trump had a chance to come out and have a speech to ALL Americans, and for 20 minutes, he did.

But then, the REAL Donald Trump showed up and lied his ass off for an hour, lying about his own accomplishments and abilities, and denying his own failures, while lying about Biden's accomplishments, and blaming him for every problem in the world.

If you do not think that the VOTING MAJORITY of people coming to vote in November, know the truth about Trump's and Biden's administrations accomplishments and failures during their tenure as president, YOU ARE HOPELESSLY CRAZIER THAN A LUNATUC.

But we already know that you are a cultist that worships Trump as your IDOL (God), and that you believe everything he says without question or proof and while ignoring all true facts. When the true facts are, Trump while telling his speech, is guilty of BEARING FALSE WITNESS (Intentionally Lying) to you.

Donald Trump is a False Prophet- and you worship him!

So right there you are guilty of committing two of God's sins by defying two of his 10 commandments.

"Thou shall have no other Gods before me"

"Thou shall not bear false witness"

SO what you are doing here today is EVIL, SINFUL and SACRILEGE in God's eyes!!

Liars are not CHRISTIANS! And you and TRUMP are liars- Damned by God!
Trump had no failures, other than getting anti American leftists to leave America for good.
"Former President Donald Trump accepted the Republican presidential nomination on Thursday with the most dishonest speech in the four-day Republican National Convention, making more than 20 false claims by CNN’s count.

Trump has made many of these false claims before, some of them for years. They spanned topics including the economy, immigration, crime, foreign policy and elections. Some of them were total lies, others smaller exaggerations. Some were in his prepared text (like the claim that he left the Biden administration a world at peace), while he ad-libbed others (such as his lies that Democrats cheated in the 2020 election and that the US is experiencing the worst inflation it has ever had).

Here are some of the claims CNN fact-checked Thursday:
Trump’s misleading claim about North Korean missile launches during his presidency

Trump’s claims of defeating ISIS in a “couple of months”

Trump on the impact of immigration on Medicare and Social Security

Trump’s exaggeration about gas prices

Trump’s claims about military equipment left in Afghanistan

Trump’s false claim that the ‘world was at peace’ during his administration

Read all the fact checks.
Only 20 😂
The Majority of Americans? The Majority of Americans my Ass!

Trump had a chance to come out and have a speech to ALL Americans, and for 20 minutes, he did.

But then, the REAL Donald Trump showed up and lied his ass off for an hour, lying about his own accomplishments and abilities, and denying his own failures, while lying about Biden's accomplishments, and blaming him for every problem in the world.

If you do not think that the VOTING MAJORITY of people coming to vote in November, know the truth about Trump's and Biden's administrations accomplishments and failures during their tenure as president, YOU ARE HOPELESSLY CRAZIER THAN A LUNATUC.

But we already know that you are a cultist that worships Trump as your IDOL (God), and that you believe everything he says without question or proof and while ignoring all true facts. When the true facts are, Trump while telling his speech, is guilty of BEARING FALSE WITNESS (Intentionally Lying) to you.

Donald Trump is a False Prophet- and you worship him!

So right there you are guilty of committing two of God's sins by defying two of his 10 commandments.

"Thou shall have no other Gods before me"

"Thou shall not bear false witness"

SO what you are doing here today is EVIL, SINFUL and SACRILEGE in God's eyes!!

Liars are not CHRISTIANS! And you and TRUMP are liars- Damned by God!
Have a terrific weekend...;) watch JD'S movie...a little baseball...grill a burger...walk your dog... You'll feel much better about life...





Zero lies by Trump. Tell us one if you can.
"Former President Donald Trump accepted the Republican presidential nomination on Thursday with the most dishonest speech in the four-day Republican National Convention, making more than 20 false claims by CNN’s count.

Trump has made many of these false claims before, some of them for years. They spanned topics including the economy, immigration, crime, foreign policy and elections. Some of them were total lies, others smaller exaggerations. Some were in his prepared text (like the claim that he left the Biden administration a world at peace), while he ad-libbed others (such as his lies that Democrats cheated in the 2020 election and that the US is experiencing the worst inflation it has ever had).

Here are some of the claims CNN fact-checked Thursday:
Trump’s misleading claim about North Korean missile launches during his presidency

Trump’s claims of defeating ISIS in a “couple of months”

Trump on the impact of immigration on Medicare and Social Security

Trump’s exaggeration about gas prices

Trump’s claims about military equipment left in Afghanistan

Trump’s false claim that the ‘world was at peace’ during his administration

Read all the fact checks.
False authority fallacy. CNN is not a 'fact check' nor a Universal Truth.

* North Korea was launching more and more missiles, some of them passing over allies and one headed toward Hawaii (but fell short).
* Trump can defeat ISIS in a very short time. Take their money away so all they can do is effectively throw rocks.
* Since Biden has decided to give illegal immigrants social security and Medicare (that do not contribute to it), and because both programs have a lot of fraud in them, his statement on them is accurate.
* Trump is not exaggerating fuel prices.
* Biden gave weapons and supplies to the enemy in time of war, an act of treason.
* Trump never claimed the world was at peace. He claimed he didn't start any new wars, which is true.

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Zero lies by Trump. Tell us one if you can.
I did not waste one second of my time on Earth watching that Trumper shit show convention .

So I did not hear one word of his idiotic babbling.

But one does not need to torture oneself listening to that obnoxious carnival barker to know he told multiple lies, anymore than one has to get on one's knees and sniff a pile of dog shit to know it stinks.

Some things just are the way they are.