Fact Check: Trump makes more than 20 false claims in RNC acceptance speech

"Former President Donald Trump accepted the Republican presidential nomination on Thursday with the most dishonest speech in the four-day Republican National Convention, making more than 20 false claims by CNN’s count.

Trump has made many of these false claims before, some of them for years. They spanned topics including the economy, immigration, crime, foreign policy and elections. Some of them were total lies, others smaller exaggerations. Some were in his prepared text (like the claim that he left the Biden administration a world at peace), while he ad-libbed others (such as his lies that Democrats cheated in the 2020 election and that the US is experiencing the worst inflation it has ever had).

Here are some of the claims CNN fact-checked Thursday:
Trump’s misleading claim about North Korean missile launches during his presidency

Trump’s claims of defeating ISIS in a “couple of months”

Trump on the impact of immigration on Medicare and Social Security

Trump’s exaggeration about gas prices

Trump’s claims about military equipment left in Afghanistan

Trump’s false claim that the ‘world was at peace’ during his administration

Read all the fact checks.

Oh, CNN "fact checkers..."


You sure as hell don't give a rat's ass about Trump's lies.
they just DON'T actually listen to what he says or IF they do they say he is just lying again, he doesn't mean it, he is joking and on and on with the excuses.
I can't for the life of me understand with Trump being SO pissed off at the left that they don't believe it when he says he is going to go after and shut down all left leaning MSM outlets taking away millions of peoples first Amendment rights .
then he is saying " take their guns away " we will deal with the due process stuff later.
taking millions of Americans second Amendment rights away from them.
and just who decides when is later?
does LATER ever come?
isn't it like tomorrow? it never comes either.
then he says he doesn't know anything about the 2025 project when there was a lot of the writers and contributors to it in his cabinet, and then turns around and says he will be doing the very same thing the 2025 project says to do.
He has come out and said these things and they think it is a joke or something.
and with him following the 2025 project they have to remember IT does NOT say how far to take it, and when to stop, so when they and Trump are done stomping on left leaning peoples Constitutional right what says they don't turn on them and start taking their Constitutional rights away?
as I have said many of times people on the right had better watch out what they wish for because once they get it and it turns on them and bites them in the ass it is too late to go back.
and you can bet everything you own they will cry like mad if it ever does happen, but they got what they wanted.
have a nice day
they just DON'T actually listen to what he says or IF they do they say he is just lying again, he doesn't mean it, he is joking and on and on with the excuses.
I can't for the life of me understand with Trump being SO pissed off at the left that they don't believe it when he says he is going to go after and shut down all left leaning MSM outlets taking away millions of peoples first Amendment rights .
then he is saying " take their guns away " we will deal with the due process stuff later.
taking millions of Americans second Amendment rights away from them.
and just who decides when is later?
does LATER ever come?
isn't it like tomorrow? it never comes either.
then he says he doesn't know anything about the 2025 project when there was a lot of the writers and contributors to it in his cabinet, and then turns around and says he will be doing the very same thing the 2025 project says to do.
He has come out and said these things and they think it is a joke or something.
and with him following the 2025 project they have to remember IT does NOT say how far to take it, and when to stop, so when they and Trump are done stomping on left leaning peoples Constitutional right what says they don't turn on them and start taking their Constitutional rights away?
as I have said many of times people on the right had better watch out what they wish for because once they get it and it turns on them and bites them in the ass it is too late to go back.
and you can bet everything you own they will cry like mad if it ever does happen, but they got what they wanted.
have a nice day