Fact Checking Kamala

I haven't forgotten a thing! I haven't forgotten that Hillary had 3 million more votes than TRUMP and should have been the president, as she was the most popular candidate!

You really have a problem with Mexicans huh? You should move out of Texas, as Mexican Americans are now our States largest segment of our population by race. Your neighborhood is full of them.
No I love legal Mexicans their food is GREAT! I just want people legally immigrating so we can vwtt people and not release dangerous people into our country. Did you notice they just arrested 10 illegal aliens gang members in Aurora Colorado? Do you know we have members of the same gang operating in North Dallas?
I bet you just hate that huh?
You would be wrong.....as usual.
Kamala Harris and Willie Brown's past relationship is really playing on your mind HUH?

Are you jealous? Or do you make it a point to dwell on people's love lives!
Well I must admit Willie must have like CHEATING ON HIS WIFE with a Ho. Oh wait isn't that what the Libratards have been pooping themselves over about Donald Trump? And now it is suddenly a problem for you? How selective.

Try to pull yourself together neighbor and prepare yourself for the next 8 years, or you are just going to make yourself miserable!
Are you saying the Cowboys are going to have losing seasons for the next 8 years. :sadbaby:
I took a course on Gerontology in Medical School. The considered of lectures and treating patients in the office environment. I administered cognitive exams to patients during their office visits. I said: "I can tell you that the signs that Joe Biden is displaying in public is consistent with advancing dementia. To 100% diagnose Joe Biden he needs a cognitive exam which he will not take or has taken but will not reveal the results."

I have seen neurologist on TV saying essentially the same thing. That isn't a 100% diagnosis as I said because it needs a full cognitive exam and likely a MRI to 100% confirm.

If you had crushing chest pain radiating down your left arm and into your left jaw with shortness of breath and faintness. I would say you are having signs of a MI but need a EKG to confirm it. I'm pretty sure most doctors would agree with me
You did not go to medical school nor did you take a course in Gerontology. *I* did take that course. It merely explains dementia and its various forms and aspects, but does not attempt to teach the student how to diagnose it. Stop lying already. You're making more of a fool of yourself than you already have.
You did not go to medical school nor did you take a course in Gerontology. *I* did take that course. It merely explains dementia and its various forms and aspects, but does not attempt to teach the student how to diagnose it. Stop lying already. You're making more of a fool of yourself than you already have.
I didn't realize you went to medical school :rofl2: Maybe the course you took was a NURSING course. Of course their courses do not attempt to teach them how to diagnose dementia because nurses are not supposed to diagnose people unless they are nurse practitioners.

BTW: I always chuckle when people tell me that I didn't go to medical school. Now I wonder what I was doing for 4 years in the late 80s to early 90s :laugh:
I didn't realize you went to medical school :rofl2: Maybe the course you took was a NURSING course. Of course their courses do not attempt to teach them how to diagnose dementia because nurses are not supposed to diagnose people unless they are nurse practitioners.

BTW: I always chuckle when people tell me that I didn't go to medical school. Now I wonder what I was doing for 4 years in the late 80s to early 90s :laugh:
For someone who claimed that she was also some variant of an advanced practice nurse -- at a time when that profession didn't exist yet -- you are awfully dismissive of actual nurses. It's too bad I no longer have the class rosters. The medical students in my Geronology, A&P, chemistry, microbiology, etc. classes would be delighted to learn that they received a substandard -- according to you -- education in those fields.
That was 4 years ago when he assessed Trump and 8 years ago when he assessed Biden. Biden's dementia has been increasing in the last year. That same doctor now thinks Biden LIKELY has dementia and should be tested.
Biden is almost gone. Trump's dementia is the problem. He is running for maniac in chief. The dictator of the future still looms over the election.
For someone who claimed that she was also some variant of an advanced practice nurse -- at a time when that profession didn't exist yet -- you are awfully dismissive of actual nurses. It's too bad I no longer have the class rosters. The medical students in my Geronology, A&P, chemistry, microbiology, etc. classes would be delighted to learn that they received a substandard -- according to you -- education in those fields.
Show me where I have ever said that. 1973: The National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners (NAPNAP) was established, and there were more than 65 NP programs in the United States. No not teaching nurses how to diagnose at the undergraduate level is pretty standard. I'm only dismissive of bad nurses because I know what good nursing is. Nurses are the heartbeat of a hospital. They are absolutely indispensable. Did you take Organic chemistry, Physics, Biochemistry, and Genetics too? You learned how to give nursing care to geriatric patients not diagnose them. Your course probably had a lot of Elisabeth Kübler-Ross material in it.
Show me where I have ever said that. 1973: The National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners (NAPNAP) was established, and there were more than 65 NP programs in the United States. No not teaching nurses how to diagnose at the undergraduate level is pretty standard. I'm only dismissive of bad nurses because I know what good nursing is. Nurses are the heartbeat of a hospital. They are absolutely indispensable. Did you take Organic chemistry, Physics, Biochemistry, and Genetics too? You learned how to give nursing care to geriatric patients not diagnose them. Your course probably had a lot of Elisabeth Kübler-Ross material in it.
Harris lied her ass off and the guard dogs did nothing about it when she did.
Biden is almost gone. Trump's dementia is the problem. He is running for maniac in chief. The dictator of the future still looms over the election.
Trump is MUCH more energetic and mentally intact than Biden was when he was elected at age 78. JD Vance is a former Marine that served honorably. He was a dirt poor kid that used the GI bill to graduate Summa Cum Luade in 2 years from Ohio State then Got an academic scholarship to the number one ranked law school in the country. He wrote a best selling book and started a successful High Tech company. He has a minority wife and three beautiful children that he loves. He is a winner.

Walz is a guy that drove 96mph while drunk. He let Minneapolis burn for 5 days before he took action. He served honorably in the NG for 24 years then when he found out the unit he was responsible for was being deployed to a war zone in Iraq. He assured people he would deploy with his unit. Then he went behind their back to retired with two years left on his commitment. He let others go in his place. Then he has lied multiple times about his rank. His own family does not like him.
Yep her BFFE runs the ABC News Division it isn't surprising that the mods were in the tank for her.
They would have been even without that. It must be a good feeling to know you will be going into a debate knowing the moderators are on your side and won't do a thing to correct anything you say. One jpp leftist moron told Harris didn't lie she "stretched the truth". You can't make this shit up.
Yep Minnestota law since 1976 REQUIRED doctor to report any baby born alive during a botch abortion attempt. So we have official Minnesota records on how many were born alive. Tampon Tim Walz specifically signed legislation to eliminate the reporting requirement. Now they can hide how many babies are born alive during botched abortions.
No I love legal Mexicans their food is GREAT! I just want people legally immigrating so we can vwtt people and not release dangerous people into our country. Did you notice they just arrested 10 illegal aliens gang members in Aurora Colorado? Do you know we have members of the same gang operating in North Dallas?

You would be wrong.....as usual.

Well I must admit Willie must have like CHEATING ON HIS WIFE with a Ho. Oh wait isn't that what the Libratards have been pooping themselves over about Donald Trump? And now it is suddenly a problem for you? How selective.

Are you saying the Cowboys are going to have losing seasons for the next 8 years. :sadbaby:

Smug ass douche bag. Of course he had to inform you because you're that fucking stupid.
Eat a dick!