i was having a convo with rana the other day, about how we literally don't understand like any of you new people or who knows who or who said what. it's all gibberish to us. you guys are like irrelevant amoebas. no offense though, it's just hard to perceive your guys' existence in any meaningful way, if you sort of get what I mean?

heheheheh ...

Yeah, it's all kind of 'insider' stuff. You know how you, Billy, Rana, Mott, Tom, Threedee, Watermark, etc. fuck with each other and have been together for so long you have a history together, well, it's kinda' like that.

I probably shouldn't say this, but it might help if you just envision a Senior Center with a group of Elderly and semi-demented retired people voicing their opinions, whether solicited or not. That's not a compliment nor a criticism but just an accurate description by someone that witnessed the mayhem, the rivalry, the drama, that preceded the Arrival of your uninvited 'guests'.

Now, we all have opinions, isn't that what this is all about, ... expressing 'opinions'. Hopefully, 'new' people will add something to the Discussion?
heheheheh ...

Yeah, it's all kind of 'insider' stuff. You know how you, Billy, Rana, Mott, Tom, Threedee, Watermark, etc. fuck with each other and have been together for so long you have a history together, well, it's kinda' like that.

I probably shouldn't say this, but it might help if you just envision a Senior Center with a group of Elderly and semi-demented retired people voicing their opinions, whether solicited or not. That's not a compliment nor a criticism but just an accurate description by someone that witnessed the mayhem, the rivalry, the drama, that preceded the Arrival of your uninvited 'guests'.

Now, we all have opinions, isn't that what this is all about, ... expressing 'opinions'. Hopefully, 'new' people will add something to the Discussion?

i love you new people. i just don't understand you guys at all. lol.
jack you should put together a flow chart for me breaking down your groups mini alliances. thanks.
nobody. the universe is an uncaring and cruel place. we're on our own
I’m not, I have wonderful friends and family who wouid do anything for me. I’m sure your mother and father doesn’t see you as being on your own. I’m pretty sure they would both die for you. I know I would for my children.
here is the thing

I don't get offended at things. I am not that type of person. So it's very difficult for me to get offended on behalf of other people. it's fake, i don't feel it. I just don't give a shit. I've tried in the past, but I honestly really don't care. We are all adults here, and people don't need me to hold their hand.

I did try in some respect to do what you suggest in the past, but then I would turn around and see liberals, the people that always scream for civility and no racism or sexism, say the same racist and sexist things to conservatives. liberals calling asian women gooks and whores. then I realized the outrage culture (at least on JPP) is bullshit and nothing but talk. So why am I going to do something I have very little empathy on to begin with when others don't even practice what they preach?

I know what offends you, but I won’t share!
jack you should put together a flow chart for me breaking down your groups mini alliances. thanks.

Uh, yeah Grind, I would do that, but .................
..... that would take out all the suspense, intrigue, and postulation as to "Who's Who?".