
What adults go to the movies anymore? That is where you dump your kids when you want to have an interruption free weekend afternoon shag.

Frankly I've been twice in the last 30 years, not including our annual fundraiser. The last time the seats were free (a friend won a prize) and all the seat were massive recliners.

A funny side note- the sponsor gal was about 350 pounds.
Frankly I've been twice in the last 30 years, not including our annual fundraiser. The last time the seats were free (a friend won a prize) and all the seat were massive recliners.

A funny side note- the sponsor gal was about 350 pounds.

It really depends on where you live. Our local megaplex is about as generic as they come and is a baby-sitting factory. The art film theater about an hour south has some pretty nice creature comforts though the screens are fairly small. When I lived in DC, there used to be this theater we went to that was pretty awesome but I think I heard somewhere it closed down. I cannot even recall the last time I have seen a new movie in a movie theater. We have an infrequently open historical theater that does special events and showings I have been to a couple times for film festivals and magic shows whose seats are as comfortable to sit on as I imagine a prison toilet would be.
Working at the state fair for my company the last few days.

The obesity problem in this country is staggering.

Stop eating the concessions, that you're supposed to be selling in the grandstands, and your weight gain won't be a problem for you. :D
Geeze. I guess though your experiences there would fall under the anecdotal type. Obviously in a venue that promises a lot of caloric heaven with very little effort, you're bound to see far more of the overweight folks than in, say, our art fairs. We did have a Taco Mama food truck at one, and a hot dog/soft drink/ice cream cone hut at the other.... so not much in the way of a food reward. Plus most of the parking was a block or more away. That might have screened out a lot of the heavier types. But still... we saw plenty of folks who needed to trim down substantially.

This is a huge cost factor in our health care delivery and payment system, and -- I suspect -- a reason why so many "conservatives" are loathe to adopt a national health care system. Not just the cost of providing medical care to obesity-related diseases, but the possibility that self-induced disease conditions may not be covered to the same extent as other conditions.

That's a good topic for discussion: Should your insurer be required to pay the same for your care if your condition is self-induced, as they would for someone whose same condition is not? Example: You are 37, obese, and have a mild heart attack. Your physicians advise a bypass given the extent of CAD, rather than one or two stents. Meanwhile, your normal-weight coworker who is 40 but has a family history of heart disease has a mild heart attack as well. His physicians advise that a stent or two would be helpful, plus a medication regime. Should the insurer that you both have be allowed to require you to pay more out of pocket due to your self-induced condition? Or should they have to cover you both equally? These questions are what insurers grapple with all the time.

Would you also apply that to those whos addiction is also "self-induced"??
Stop eating the concessions, that you're supposed to be selling in the grandstands, and your weight gain won't be a problem for you. :D

Sonny boy, I was selling goods for the company that a trailer rat like you will never afford.

Unlike you fatfuck rednecks, many of which I observed, my weight is dead center perfect.

Another failure on your part, stupid fuck. Don't you grow weary of being so fucking wrong all the time?

Loser :rofl2:
Frankly I've been twice in the last 30 years, not including our annual fundraiser. The last time the seats were free (a friend won a prize) and all the seat were massive recliners.

A funny side note- the sponsor gal was about 350 pounds.

Nothing beats watching a good movie, in a recliner seat, with plenty of leg room, great surround sound, and a HUGE screen; especially if you go when everyone else is not there. :D
Sonny boy, I was selling goods for the company that a trailer rat like you will never afford.

Unlike you fatfuck rednecks, many of which I observed, my weight is dead center perfect.

Another failure on your part, stupid fuck. Don't you grow weary of being so fucking wrong all the time?

Loser :rofl2:

I love how you find it necessary to sprinkle attempts at denigration, through out your responses, when you're triggered. :D
I love how you find it necessary to sprinkle attempts at denigration, through out your responses, when you're triggered. :D

Just pointing out the facts, Jethro.

Just because you're one of those under-educated, fatfuck rednecks walking around with their two Buds in hand, doesn't mean it's all over for you. This country still needs long haul truck drivers and shit shovelers.

What might disqualify you from the truck driving career is your inability to read and comprehend.
Just pointing out the facts, Jethro.

Just because you're one of those under-educated, fatfuck rednecks walking around with their two Buds in hand, doesn't mean it's all over for you. This country still needs long haul truck drivers and shit shovelers.

What might disqualify you from the truck driving career is your inability to read and comprehend.

Your "attempts" at facts, aren't facts at all; but are nothing more then to be laughed at, seeing as how they are obviously "projection" on your part.

But don't change; because you've already shown how desperate you are. :D
It really depends on where you live. Our local megaplex is about as generic as they come and is a baby-sitting factory. The art film theater about an hour south has some pretty nice creature comforts though the screens are fairly small. When I lived in DC, there used to be this theater we went to that was pretty awesome but I think I heard somewhere it closed down. I cannot even recall the last time I have seen a new movie in a movie theater. We have an infrequently open historical theater that does special events and showings I have been to a couple times for film festivals and magic shows whose seats are as comfortable to sit on as I imagine a prison toilet would be.

Well, things have changed dramatically in the last few years. Our annual funding event was held for years i the same theater that used to have 240 seats- we needed about 1/2 of that to break even, and have done well. Last year they installed the lounger seats and the capacity went down to 80. We couldn't hold the event last year since there was no way we could not lose money.