
Ahhhh, a hot tub salesman. I bought mine at the Dixie Classic years ago.


Love my hot tub, but never sold one.

This is going to be great. Watching you sad fuckers try to hijack a thread about obesity in young people by obsessing on what I was doing there.

But, that is one thing you are good at, Tatoo. Obsessing.

“Da door! Da door!” :rofl2:

Love my hot tub, but never sold one.

This is going to be great. Watching you sad fuckers try to hijack a thread about obesity in young people by obsessing on what I was doing there.

But, that is one thing you are good at, Tatoo. Obsessing.

“Da door! Da door!” :rofl2:

Delicious irony! LOL!
“Guess” is not the correct word. “Obsess” is.

In your favor, however, they do rhyme. :rofl2:

If there's one thing Toxic Top knows.... it's obsession. If you're ever bored, ask her sometime why she followed me to this forum from another, and why she tells ppl she's only here to get me banned, not discuss politics. Oh, and how many times she's reported me on JPP as well. lol
That “junk”, douchenozzle, is shit you’ll never be able to afford.

Keep floundering, cunt. It’s amusing.

You sell cheap costume jewelry? Figures...
I can afford the real stuff, but would rather
put the money into my house and cars.
Hell, I'd bet you couldn't afford my tractor :laugh:
If there's one thing Toxic Top knows.... it's obsession. If you're ever bored, ask her sometime why she followed me to this forum from another, and why she tells ppl she's only here to get me banned, not discuss politics. Oh, and how many times she's reported me on JPP as well. lol

You sell cheap costume jewelry? Figures...
I can afford the real stuff, but would rather
put the money into my house and cars.
Hell, I'd bet you couldn't afford my tractor :laugh:

I predicted it. Lo and behold:


Pathetic, Tatoo.

"Da door! Da door!" :rofl2:
Other than laughter at your massive ignorance, you force nothing, cumstain.

So you willingly finally revealed your bigotry and knowingly used the very same behavior that Darla finally was expose by, which resulted in her leaving JPP in shame; after all her proclamations of being a compassionate liberal were destroyed!! :good4u: