
My prediction re: obsession, proven once again. Thanks for your cooperation, Tatoo 2.

Damn! That’s almost as good as Dark Stool! Which do you prefer, cumstain?

So your answer is, no, you're not man enough to admit it. Instead you continue with your obsession of name calling and middle school antics.
So your answer is, no, you're not man enough to admit it. Instead you continue with your obsession of name calling and middle school antics.

Did I say anything like that, Dark Stool? Let me look back......

Nope, sure said nothing like that, illiterate fuckwad. Why are words so difficult for you?

Here's another prediction. You're going to start obsessing on this.

So far, batting 1.000. Thanks for cooperating and always proving my point for me, Tatoo. :rofl2:
Capitalism produces a world of huge nothingness and then rushes along to sell something to make it seem better, booze, tobacco, other drugs, convenience food and so on. I got cancer meself. The great thing is that they shouldn't see you off while you can still produce profit for them.