False Flags Falling Apart: Uvalde and Buffalo unraveling.

Not my call, son. Either the FBI does it or they don't. Which way do you think those cards are going to fall once your friends murder a building full of American adults and children?

They'll dig up every little piece of dirt on you, every scrap of evidence and use it to convict you. You'll be lucky to only get a fine, house arrest and no computers for life. At worst, like some of the 1/6 dumbasses, you'll be in prison until you are 70...unless you are an accessory to mass murder, then it's life.

Unhinged babbling.....
Same here. But never a military grade gun.

Define "military grade" please.

FWIW, I have military grade clothing, canteens, web gear, etc, but, my semi-automatic, magazine fed rifles are civilian manufactured fire arms. I do have a few military grade bolt actions rifles and a few military grade pistols from black powder to semi-auto. :)

Here's a fun quiz. Which of these three pistols was an actual military grade/military design pistol?


Only the top two; the Colt Walker and the Colt Single Action Army AKA Peacemaker

The bottom one is civilian; a Rock Island Armory 1911A2 FSP 45Ap
I've been hearing it's those shitbag leftists, the fucking traitors.

Still, we'll just have to wait and see.

Of course you have. No doubt all your friends applaud killing those shitbag fucking traitors. Not you, of course. Like AHZ, you're just a keyboard kommando, not an actual one. :thup:

You can sit on your fat fucking ass as much as you like, dude, but I prefer to advocate voting for reason. You may like sucking Trump's cock like many other RWers on JPP and the Lefties certainly love sucking Biden's (or is it Obama's?) cock, but I do not support either.

Stop voting for evil. Vote for reason, sanity and honesty.

I came in your moms hole!

In your dreams, Jack. No doubt you used some extra hand lotion to get it up. LOL

When you get permbanned off JPP, where will you go? What forum are you on now? Or will you turn into a fucking loser like Cultsmasher who keeps crawling back until busted again?

Those are not "facts"

Yes they are. The video has made the argument it made. You cannot change it. The events took place as reported. You can't change it.
The only thing you disagree with is Salty's conclusion. Fair enough. You have not presented any counterargument, however.
One of our belief systems in grounded in fiction, either yours or mine. Again, we have to decide whether we will believe all the facts, all the outcomes, all the experts, etc. etc., or you, some random person online.

Void argument fallacies. 'Expert' worship.
I feel so sorry for the family members. First they go through the hell of losing their children, and then they go through the hell of having scum like you accuse them of lying. It is Sandy Hook all over again. Are you going to protest at the funerals? Maybe wait around for a few years to make sure they cannot visit their children's graves?

You are describing yourself and other Democrats again. Inversion fallacy.
This forum is a good case study in the mind of Trump people. They are mostly below average intelligence. They literally do not understand how the government works.
They think a fascistic, violent, overthrow of the government will return the US into the Garden of Eden.

There has already been a fascistic overthrow of the government (including some violence)...by Democrats.
Socks are fully legal on JPP. Some people clearly have multiple accounts. Others have multiple accounts which they use rarely thus better keeping their identity secret.

You believe that everyone that disagrees with you is a sock. You also talk to imaginary people and expect others to be able to as well.
I find it hypocritical as always and definitely hilarious that those who insist Democrats stole the election for Biden...only make that accusation regarding Trump and not for the other Republicans who were on the same ballot. I mean come on, if we can steal it from Trump why stop there? Might as well kick the entire Republican party to the curb while we're at it and be done with it.

There are a few Republicans who are the very reason Trump got away with every fucking thing he did and THOSE people should have been gone right along with him and yet...still there.

Not to mention if Democrats were going to bother to steal the election AND Hillary Clinton was the heinous criminal the Right insists she is then chances are pretty damn good it would have been stolen for her or by her....just to put the icing on the cake for Trump who probably would have had a coronary if he had lost to her this last election.

So fucking stupid the lot of you with your pitiful accusations instead of just manning up and admitting he lost.

You can't make the evidence disappear by calling it a conspiracy, dude.
The Democrat party is a conspiracy.