False Flags Falling Apart: Uvalde and Buffalo unraveling.

You keep posting that article. I do not think it means what you think it means.
Liberals and business came together to support free and fair elections. Oh, what a shady thing, free and fair elections, the cornerstone to a Democratic Republic. :laugh:
You keep posting that article. I do not think it means what you think it means.
Liberals and business came together to support free and fair elections. Oh, what a shady thing, free and fair elections, the cornerstone to a Democratic Republic. :laugh:

I think this paragraph was significant and true:

For Trump and his allies were running their own campaign to spoil the election. The President spent months insisting that mail ballots were a Democratic plot and the election would be “rigged.” His henchmen at the state level sought to block their use, while his lawyers brought dozens of spurious suits to make it more difficult to vote–an intensification of the GOP’s legacy of suppressive tactics. Before the election, Trump plotted to block a legitimate vote count. And he spent the months following Nov. 3 trying to steal the election he’d lost–with lawsuits and conspiracy theories, pressure on state and local officials, and finally summoning his army of supporters to the Jan. 6 rally that ended in deadly violence at the Capitol.
Liberals and business came together to support free and fair elections. Oh, what a shady thing, free and fair elections, the cornerstone to a Democratic Republic. :laugh:

Yeah, no. Big tech and media put their finger on the scale of the election, and really should be hanged for it.

Did not report on Hunter Biden's laptop..


Zuckerberg funded most of the poll workers and polls in the most problematic areas.

Who decided to let him do that?

That little fucker should hang.

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Liberals and business came together to support free and fair elections. Oh, what a shady thing, free and fair elections, the cornerstone to a Democratic Republic. :laugh:

The exact statement I was focusing on. I went with the Princess Bride reference instead :)
Go for the gusto! Faggot leftist prick.

I changed nothing and only left the part that was relevant. :laugh:


We'll see what the mods think about that. But you might want to read the rule:

"...However, altering the words posted and changing the meaning of what they said for whatever reason (a joke for instance) is not allowed unless you change the "quoted by" portion of the quote to make it clear that the original poster did not post what you are "making" them say."

That's exactly what you did.
We'll see what the mods think about that. But you might want to read the rule:

"...However, altering the words posted and changing the meaning of what they said for whatever reason (a joke for instance) is not allowed unless you change the "quoted by" portion of the quote to make it clear that the original poster did not post what you are "making" them say."

That's exactly what you did.

Actually I think that's exactly what you meant. :laugh:

A Freudian slip if you will...
Didn't read the article did you? Or do your math skills suck worse than your reading skills?

You are not one to talk about things like that, fucktard. What's pi R squared, motherfucker?

I bet you don't know without Googling..Cum Googler.

The article exposes the way Zuckerberg exerted influence on the 2020 election, shitforbrains.


But what's pi R squared, oh ye who claims to be intellectually superior? Hmm?

I already know by memory, you? Can you even figure it out, you monkey?

I can give you math problems you can't solve all day long, fucktard. I am capable of having been a professor in Math or English. Almost went that route..

I tutored Math in college for credits and minimum wage, bitchass.
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You are not one to talk about things like that, fucktard. What's pi R squared, motherfucker?

I bet you don't know without Googling..Cum Googler.

The article exposes the way Zuckerberg exerted influence on the 2020 election, shitforbrains.


But what's pi R squared, oh ye who claims to be intellectually superior? Hmm?

I already know by memory, you? Can you even figure it out, you monkey?

I can give you math problems you can't solve all day long, fucktard. I am capable of having been a professor in Math or English. Almost went that route..

I tutored Math in college for credits and minimum wage, bitchass.

OMG.. Next you will ask what an isosceles triangle is or what the ratio of base to height is for a 30/60/90 triangle or what the Pythagorean theorem is. I probably use Pi r^2 more in my day to day life than you do but that's an area I am more familiar with than you are. How many digits have you memorized for Pi? I can still rattle off 10.

When was the last time you had to solve a differential equation? I'll admit I haven't done that in a while but I haven't forgotten how to do it but then I only took calculus for fun.