Fantasy Football

well its not letting me back into the leauge, i will give em a few hours and see what happens, i keep getting an error from their site.

if some one else wants to create another one feel free to, other wise i will send out PM's either later tonight or tomarrow sometime.
just want you to know i am still in, just had not had time to set it up yet, Care's Comandos!!!!

but what's goin' on, no time to read the whole thread....not enough people?

just want you to know i am still in, just had not had time to set it up yet, Care's Comandos!!!!

but what's goin' on, no time to read the whole thread....not enough people?

It appears we are setting up one on fox with 10 teams instead. I'm not sure yet.
ok sending out pm's there may be a delay but i should get em all out within the next 6 hours. i am driving so its kinda coppy until i get to where i am going
ok sending out pm's there may be a delay but i should get em all out within the next 6 hours. i am driving so its kinda coppy until i get to where i am going
Don't drive and post. That is almost as bad as drinking...

We'll wait six hours until you are in a safe place.
well i think i PMed everyone who wanted to play, let me know if i need to send out pm's to anyone else, our feel free to do so your self.

good luck all

League Information [Edit]
League Name J_P_P
League Password *******
League ID 193923

Draft Settings [Edit]
Draft Type Automated
Draft Date Wed, Sep 5

League Rules [Edit]
General Rules:
Max Teams in League 10
Divisions 2
Why does the draft order not show ALL players mine starts with #2 and then the order skips a bunch of players I have no Tomlinson on my draft list or Johnson
weird, i will see if i can change it, it probably wont happen until tomarrow, my single up here relly stinks, took me 5 min just to get here and post.
well it looks like the nfl leauge got canceled. we have 5 teams on fox sports, we need an even number to play.

hopefully people will get signed up before the 5th.
well what should we do if we dont get another person singed up ???

we need an even number of teams to play.
We'll have to try again with a shortened season after week one. I think we'll get one more tonight. Make sure you set your draft rankings or you might get stuck with Michael Vick...