Fascism or Democracy.

You keep repeating the same lie. Only you believe the only way to be guilty of a crime is to publicly announce it.
I am telling you what you told me he did. You told me that he coordinated with groups to plan the riot and you told me that he told the people at the rally to go riot.
Lie, I never told you that.. You are not even trying.
Post 70. Page 4:

ZenMode said:
You made claims about Trump conspiring with groups and you haven't backed it up.

Hume: I did. You ignored it. Then repeated the same meaningless phrase that Trump has to say he is going to commit a crime in order for him to be guilty.
Post 70. Page 4:

ZenMode said:
You made claims about Trump conspiring with groups and you haven't backed it up.

Hume: I did. You ignored it. Then repeated the same meaningless phrase that Trump has to say he is going to commit a crime in order for him to be guilty.
Yes. You lied about what I said.
I did say Trump organized the attack on the Capitol.

Again, we are light years from debating that.

Let's try this again ...

ZenMode said:
You (Hume) made claims about Trump conspiring with groups and you haven't backed it up.

Hume: I did. You ignored it. Then repeated the same meaningless phrase that Trump has to say he is going to commit a crime in order for him to be guilty.
Let's try this again ...

ZenMode said:
You (Hume) made claims about Trump conspiring with groups and you haven't backed it up.

Hume: I did. You ignored it. Then repeated the same meaningless phrase that Trump has to say he is going to commit a crime in order for him to be guilty.
Why do you keep reposting that?
Holy shit..... Seek help.
You keep lying about what I say.

It took you many days to even admit Trump called the rally to coincide with Congress certifying the election.

We are LIGHT YEARS away from talking about Trump organizing the attack. You keep denying simple facts.
I don't have a major issue with any of Trump's Supreme Court pics. Amy Coney Barrett is probably the best selection he made. Nepotism doesn't make a difference when the votes come in.

The votes came in, he was a sore loser as you would expect a petulant, narcissistic man-child to be. He left office when he was supposed to and Biden moved into the presidency.

If he wins again, which is looking more and more likely, he will also leave office when he is supposed to. He's not a dictator. He's not a king. If he absolutely lost his mind and decided he was going to refuse to leave, he would be removed by force.
Nepotism is about governance. It provides control over the admin. When Ivanka and Jared were given huge jobs while being unable to get a clearance, it should have told you something. Trump overruled the qualifications and gave them huge power, which they used to enrich themselves.
Biden told many he was not vacating the Whitehouse. He finally gave in at the last minute and was his normal rude self.
Nepotism is about governance. It provides control over the admin. When Ivanka and Jared were given huge jobs while being unable to get a clearance, it should have told you something. Trump overruled the qualifications and gave them huge power, which they used to enrich themselves.
Biden told many he was not vacating the Whitehouse. He finally gave in at the last minute and was his normal rude self.
Ok. Nepotism can probably play a role in fascism. To be, that isn't as concerning as what Biden did regarding COVID vaccines.
Nepotism is about governance. It provides control over the admin. When Ivanka and Jared were given huge jobs while being unable to get a clearance, it should have told you something. Trump overruled the qualifications and gave them huge power, which they used to enrich themselves.
Biden told many he was not vacating the Whitehouse. He finally gave in at the last minute and was his normal rude self.
you're a fucking idiot.
Tell me if you agree with this statement:

Trump purposely organized a rally on the day Congress was voting to certify the Electoral College.
Congress doesn't certify the electoral college. States do. See the Constitution of the United States. It is legal to organize a rally.