Fascism or Democracy.

No, you sound like every other Trump supporter on this forum.
Right is right. Facts are fax. Accuracy is accuracy. If an idiotic Trump supporter says something that is accurate, I'm not going to claim it's inaccurate just because it's them saying it. If a far left liberal lunatic says something accurate, I'm not going to claim its inaccurate just because of the person saying it.

Lots of far left Democrats, to this day, run around claiming that Trump colluded with Russia even though the investigation did not show that. Am I supposed to make myself believe that Trump colluded because I don't like the far left contingency of the Democratic Party?

Lots of trumpers like to claim that Trump did nothing wrong as it relates to classified documents. Am I supposed to make myself believe that when it's very clear that he did?
I don't have a major issue with any of Trump's Supreme Court pics. Amy Coney Barrett is probably the best selection he made. Nepotism doesn't make a difference when the votes come in.

The votes came in, he was a sore loser as you would expect a petulant, narcissistic man-child to be. He left office when he was supposed to and Biden moved into the presidency.

If he wins again, which is looking more and more likely, he will also leave office when he is supposed to. He's not a dictator. He's not a king. If he absolutely lost his mind and decided he was going to refuse to leave, he would be removed by force.
Biden is not President. He was never elected. There was no election in 2020.
Biden cannot win 'again', since he never won in the first place.
Right is right. Facts are fax. Accuracy is accuracy. If an idiotic Trump supporter says something that is accurate, I'm not going to claim it's inaccurate just because it's them saying it. If a far left liberal lunatic says something accurate, I'm not going to claim its inaccurate just because of the person saying it.
Here is a question that you Trump supporters refuse to answer. Your response will show whether you are willfully ignorant or a liar:

Why did Trump call a rally on that exact day, January 6.

(Please don't bullshit that he has a right to call a rally. Not the question.)
He put his family in positions they were not qualified for because he could control them.
Not fascism.
He put people on the federal courts
He didn't, and not fascism. The SENATE puts people on federal courts.
and Supremes who would follow his rules.
He didn't, and not fascism. The SENATE puts people on the Supreme Court.
He pardoned a whole bunch of people who were complicit in his crimes.
What crimes?
He is the first president to use the pardoning power to protect himself.
What crimes?
Trump refused to concede the election he lost.
Trump has never lost an election. He left office at the end of his term, the last President of the United States (currently).
He tried to stay in office.
Blatant lie. Trump left at the end of his term.
He has said he will be a dictator.
Contextomy fallacy.
He has said he wants more than one more term.
Contextomy fallacy.
Donnie Jr. saod Trump's first act will be to take over the FBI.
The FBI is under the executive branch of government, Sybil.
He casually talks about using the justice department to punish those on his enemies list.
You are describing Biden. Trump is not Biden, Sybil.
Trump used the IRS to investigate people while he had power,
You are describing every President since the 16th amendment was ratified, Sybil.
Trump does not respect the American system and will happily replace it with one that serves him.
You are describing Biden and the Democrats and yourself again, Sybil. You cannot blame YOUR problems on Trump.

You have listed NO examples of fascism. You failed to answer the question. Want to try again?
Biden is not President. He was never elected. There was no election in 2020.
Biden cannot win 'again', since he never won in the first place.
Uh huh. Ok sweetie. Shhhh....

Here is a question that you Trump supporters refuse to answer.
I will answer it.
Your response will show whether you are willfully ignorant or a liar:

Why did Trump call a rally on that exact day, January 6.
Because it was an election year, Hugo.
(Please don't bullshit that he has a right to call a rally. Not the question.)
Trump has the right to call a rally.
Here is a question that you Trump supporters refuse to answer. Your response will show whether you are willfully ignorant or a liar:

Why did Trump call a rally on that exact day, January 6.

(Please don't bullshit that he has a right to call a rally. Not the question.)
I can't read Trump's mind and I'm not going to pretend that I can. Politicians arranged rallies or protests for a variety of reasons. It can be to draw attention to a wrong that they believe has occurred or it can be simply to increase their support. The rally was not held at the Capitol. Trump never told them to go riot and break into the Capitol. There has been nothing released that shows a dialogue between Trump and the idiotic groups that were actually there to try and stop Biden from taking office.

There are two possibilities here. One is that there is proof that Trump conspired with certain groups to write at the Capitol. The second is that you are making assumptions about his intent and trying to be a mind reader.

If a wife tries to hire someone to kill her husband, they have to get proof that she is trying to do it. They set up a meeting with the alleged assassin and get it on the record that she is hiring someone to kill him. Compare that to What you have regarding January 6th.
Trump was following orders in his Supreme choices.
So Trump respects the rulings from the Supreme Court. Meh.
The Federalist Society which has the same despotic goals as Trump vetted and groomed the choices for years.
They do not groom anyone.
Trump has a crappy knowledge base so he takes his instructions from powerful billionaires in the background.
Jealousy. You can't stand people that know how to make money by creating wealth.
Nepotism is a sign of Fascism. It is how you keep control.
Nepotism is not fascism. Redefinition fallacy. What nepotism??
No president pardoned people who were involved in their campaign and admin for crimes they committed in concert with Donald.
What crimes?
Your view of not conceding is incorrect.
Trump left office at the end of his term, Sybil.
That is exactly what a person who wants to stay in power would do.
Trump left office at the end of his term, Sybil.
His organizing a rally/insurrection
A rally is not insurrection, Sybil. Redefinition fallacy. The riots were organized by Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats.
to stop the certification of electoral votes is also Fascistic.
Congress does not certify any electoral vote. Fascism is not vote certification or the lack of it, Sybil. Redefinition fallacy.
He was in the process of stealing back the presidency.
Trump left office at the of his term, Sybil.
Trump uses violence to get his way, easily and casually.
You are describing Democrats. Trump is not a Democrat, Sybil. You cannot blame YOUR problems on Trump or anybody else.
I can't read Trump's mind and I'm not going to pretend that I can. Politicians arranged rallies or protests for a variety of reasons. It can be to draw attention to a wrong that they believe has occurred or it can be simply to increase their support. The rally was not held at the Capitol. Trump never told them to go riot and break into the Capitol. There has been nothing released that shows a dialogue between Trump and the idiotic groups that were actually there to try and stop Biden from taking office.

There are two possibilities here. One is that there is proof that Trump conspired with certain groups to write at the Capitol. The second is that you are making assumptions about his intent and trying to be a mind reader.
So, you don't know why he held a rally on that day. I conclude you are willfully ignorant.
I can't read Trump's mind and I'm not going to pretend that I can. Politicians arranged rallies or protests for a variety of reasons. It can be to draw attention to a wrong that they believe has occurred or it can be simply to increase their support. The rally was not held at the Capitol. Trump never told them to go riot and break into the Capitol. There has been nothing released that shows a dialogue between Trump and the idiotic groups that were actually there to try and stop Biden from taking office.
Biden was installed as Chief Puppet. There was no stopping it, since the 2020 election faulted.
There are two possibilities here. One is that there is proof that Trump conspired with certain groups to write at the Capitol. The second is that you are making assumptions about his intent and trying to be a mind reader.

If a wife tries to hire someone to kill her husband, they have to get proof that she is trying to do it. They set up a meeting with the alleged assassin and get it on the record that she is hiring someone to kill him. Compare that to What you have regarding January 6th.
All they have is hate and false narratives fed to them by the same Democrat party that organized the riots in cities across America and also in Washington DC on Jan 6th.
Right is right. Facts are fax. Accuracy is accuracy. If an idiotic Trump supporter says something that is accurate, I'm not going to claim it's inaccurate just because it's them saying it. If a far left liberal lunatic says something accurate, I'm not going to claim its inaccurate just because of the person saying it.

Lots of far left Democrats, to this day, run around claiming that Trump colluded with Russia even though the investigation did not show that. Am I supposed to make myself believe that Trump colluded because I don't like the far left contingency of the Democratic Party?

Lots of trumpers like to claim that Trump did nothing wrong as it relates to classified documents. Am I supposed to make myself believe that when it's very clear that he did?
Trump broke no law concerning the documents he retained.
Trump broke no law concerning the documents he retained.
I'll give it to you.....you REALLY believe you can create reality by repeating things that aren't true over and over and over and over.

The PRA states that presidents have to turn over all non-diary/journal items before leaving office. Unless you can show me where the PRA was deemed unconstitutional, I have no interest in reading the same things over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over.

Your beliefs don't change reality.
Amazing you brag about your ignorance. Like all Trump supporters.

Again.... reality is reality whether you like it or not. You can't read Trump's mind any more than I can.

You pretending to know something you don't know doesn't make me ignorant, it just makes you dishonest.