FEMA is doing nothing....

IMO he will hold off as long as possible to make it look like Biden and Harris don't care and wouldn't do anything for the people of Fla.
Make it look like they didn't give a shit about the people and what happened down there.
I hope Biden and Harris handle this and make SURE the people of FLA Know it was the Republican House that were the ones holding up the funding for emergency help they NEED NOW and are going to need.
Yes Biden and Harris should turn this BS on them and use it for their benefit and make it look like their great Republican members of Congress are just like Trump and don't give a shit about them all they want is their Vote.
Have a nice day
It is DEMOCRATS holding up the budget bill, Tball.
I had a long career. I talked to a guy who is an high level executive. I mentioned the Uber Eats soft landing, because he told me he was struggling to let go. I think he actually worked for a living instead of being a trust fund baby. He thought the idea was brilliant. I really don't give a fuck what you think about it, frat boy. I don't feel the need to impress people by tossing in a Croatian word in the middle of sentence. It actually just makes you look like the pompous asshole that you have proven to be over and over again. A perfect example of a person born with the proverbial silver spoon. You haven't had to do shit. I accomplished a lot in my career, and I made a lot of money. But my retirement fortune was from smart investing. You? You got yours from daddy, and probably mismanaged it as badly as Trump. I am considered one of the top experts in the country on Medicare Risk Adjustment and how to maximize capitation payments while staying inside the safe harbor set by CMS. I am still asked to speak at conferences, but thanks to my soft landing, I'm done. I ran into one of my employees one night when I was picking up from Insomnia cookies. They were envious. And of course, so are you. It's okay, Winthrop, daddy's money will probably keep your country club membership intact. You are an insufferable prick. Of the highest order. Any other stupid questions, frat boy?
you fucking lie all the time bro....

...for totalitarian population reduction liar Nazi fascists.

you suck as a human and are dumb.

there's nothing more annoying than the "new money" people.
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Well as people have told you there is this new thing that is called a telephone some people have them and you punch in what is called a telephone number and the person who that number is assigned to can answer it and actually talk to the person on the other end and tell them to do things .
So people like the President can just call his people and get things started right away and they do not need to go to places that are having emergencies and get in the way.
You may not know but it takes time and money to set up for a President to go to these places and it is better for them to go after a lot of the mess is already cleaned up and not in the middle of the clean up.
And as I said I guaranteed a stupid MAGA like your self would be on here ASAP putting all the blame on Biden and Harris and I was right
Where's FEMA? Where's Mayorkas? Where's Biden? Where's Kamala?
This thread is priceless.

Here's the bottom line. The Administration response to these two back to back destructive Hurricanes is exactly what the American people expect from their leaders. The wailing, gnashing of teeth, and outright lying from Trump and his cult members is horrific. Despicable, disgusting, dangerous. And it continues in this thread. A bunch of monkeys throwing shit at each other trying to see who can come up with the best seventh grade insult. A shining example of exactly how revolting the Trump cult has become.
Where's FEMA? Where's Mayorkas? Where's Kamala? Where's Biden?
So since when does a President do these kind of things himself?
President get on that new fanged thing called the telephone and tells his people to do this or that they do not go do it themselves.
Where's FEMA? Where's Mayorkas? Where's Biden? Where's Kamala?
And when you do not know where exactly the hurricane was going to hit until a day before it is really hard to stage things like water and MREs,
IF you haven't realized it yet and I know you are kinda slow , but getting things staged and delivered where they have to go takes time and when as I said you are not 100% sure where they will need to go it takes even more time.
And what for waste more Taxpayers money?
Money that could go to the victims of the storm?
Have you any idea what it would have cost for him to fly over and look at something he has people working on and taking care of, A LOT of money, as I said money that could be used to help these people directly .
Again they have a lot of new devices they can use to make sure the President knows what is going on and he can actually see the mess and not even have to be near where it happened and not get in the way.
Maybe YOU should get up to the 21 Century.
Where's FEMA? Where's Mayorkas? Where's Biden? Where's Kamala?
ASSHOLE HE got on the fucking phone and called his people and got them going Presidents have assistance's for a reason , President are not experts in running disaster relief so they put people in that position that are experts so that when something happens all he has to do is get on the fucking phone and make sure the ball is rolling, and if he needs to he can call them and find out what is going on and keep up on the situation.
And again ASSHOLE they did not know where the last Hurricane was going to hit until about a day before or less and if you do not know where it is going to hit how do you know where to stage your supplies?
YOU don't so it takes time to get things moved into place .
And with all the mud and shit blocking the roads in NC it takes time to clear that away and I am SURE YOU THINK it just takes a wave of some magic wand and it will be all fixed, well it doesn't work that way it takes TIME, money, people and equipment and now with this hurricane hitting they are going to have to split not only the resources of FEMA but their people and equipment, it may take several years for both sites to get back to where they were before these hurricanes hit.
Have a nice day ASSHOLE

Where's FEMA? Where's Mayorkas? Where's Biden? Where's Kamala?
Your posts say otherwise, Hater. You're only fooling yourself by claiming piety and honesty.

OTOH, if you truly believe that, then the only conclusion is that you are irrational.
Fallacy fallacy, inversion fallacy, Sybil. DON'T TRY TO BLAME YOUR PROBLEMS ON ANYBODY ELSE!
  • At 10 p.m., the center of the storm was around 20 miles northeast of Sarasota as it continued to move inland. Its maximum sustained winds were 110 mph, making it a Category 2 hurricane.
  • Deaths have been confirmed in St. Lucie County on Florida's Atlantic Coast, where officials said tornadoes touched down.
  • There were more than 1.4 million utility customers without electricity in Florida around 10 p.m., according to poweroutage.us.
  • President Joe Biden said he predeployed thousands of federal personnel to areas affected by the storm, including more than 1,000 Coast Guard members.
He never did. Stop making shit up.
you fucking lie all the time bro....

...for totalitarian population reduction liar Nazi fascists.

you suck as a human and are dumb.

there's nothing more annoying than the "new money" people.
Old Concarty can stop speeding bullets and leap tall buildings in a single bound.
  • Haha
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