FEMA is doing nothing....

Stop spamming the forums.
I'm one of the few posting legitimate, insightful content. You should pay attention; you might learn something.

Literally everyone know you are ITN,
Let's unpack.
1. You are not omniscient. You don't speak for anyone but yourself, much less for literally everyone else.
2. The word "know" needs an "s" appended.
3. Your inability to distinguish between different people is nobody else's problem
4. When you stupidly include the word "literally" as though you are a thirteen-year-old girl gabbing with her friends, you make your stupid comments even more absurd because you are referring to all humans and not just some mere subset.

I had such high hopes that you were going to take the high road by closing this stupid subthread you created and stop your spamming/bandwidth-wasting, but you are once again highly disappointing.
I'm one of the few posting legitimate, insightful content. You should pay attention; you might learn something.

Let's unpack.
1. You are not omniscient. You don't speak for anyone but yourself, much less for literally everyone else.
2. The word "know" needs an "s" appended.
3. Your inability to distinguish between different people is nobody else's problem
4. When you stupidly include the word "literally" as though you are a thirteen-year-old girl gabbing with her friends, you make your stupid comments even more absurd because you are referring to all humans and not just some mere subset.

I had such high hopes that you were going to take the high road by closing this stupid subthread you created and stop your spamming/bandwidth-wasting, but you are once again highly disappointing.

Gosh, all that unpacking just for me to tell you to fuck right off.
Why do you think I have him on ignore? Trying to engage him is like banging your head against a wall .... it feels so good when you stop!
I just scan over his posts unless I see my name then I might read it and see just how STUPID it is this time.
He gets obnoxious when he does 10,20,30 really stupid posts almost all in a row and doesn't say one intelligent thing,
And that is most of the time.
He IS so fucking stupid.
I just scan over his posts unless I see my name then I might read it and see just how STUPID it is this time.
He gets obnoxious when he does 10,20,30 really stupid posts almost all in a row and doesn't say one intelligent thing,
And that is most of the time.
He IS so fucking stupid.
Since the format has changed here, I can't see the posts of people I have on "ignore" even when they are responded to by other posters. Works for me.
I just scan over his posts unless I see my name then I might read it and see just how STUPID it is this time.
He gets obnoxious when he does 10,20,30 really stupid posts almost all in a row and doesn't say one intelligent thing,
And that is most of the time.
He IS so fucking stupid.
In my experience, it's because they "live for the moment" and don't save, make reasonable investments nor thing in long term.

In North Texas it's not unusual to see a $100K truck parked in front of a $25K mobile home. That's more immediate gratification over a long-term savings plan.
Cars in America are a double mistake. Our society has made the first mistake of forcing people to get cars just to survive. Throughout much of the world, you can get to a job, and do the other important things, without a car. In America, most of us are forced to get cars. The second mistake is getting a fancy car to try to impress people. It simply does not work, and is a huge waste of money.
We should just give money to random Southerners, because other people were hit by hurricanes?
Random Southerners did not have floodwater wash away their house. Your problem is you never experienced life. Neighbors huddle in a group for days dealing with their loss. Who cares if a drifter ends up with 750 bucks?
Random Southerners did not have floodwater wash away their house. Your problem is you never experienced life. Neighbors huddle in a group for days dealing with their loss. Who cares if a drifter ends up with 750 bucks?
If floodwaters washed away their house, they could apply for FEMA aid. It sounds like a strong case. FEMA should not just give them aid because a hurricane hit somewhere in the South.

The $750 is easy to get. It is the hundred thousand dollars that is tough to get. And it should be.
Random Southerners did not have floodwater wash away their house. Your problem is you never experienced life. Neighbors huddle in a group for days dealing with their loss. Who cares if a drifter ends up with 750 bucks?
FEMA does. They give MUCH more money to drifters and illegal immigrants!