Fire Mountain

You're not one of those Stoics that lived on top of a pole, are you?

More Epicurean, enjoying Life's simple pleasures.

"Epicurus of Samos, who flourished not long after Aristotle died, founded a school of philosophy that convened at his home and garden in Athens and that dedicated itself to attaining happiness through the exercise of reason and the application of rational principles. According to Epicurus, reason teaches that pleasure is good and that pain is bad, and that pleasure and pain are the ultimate measures of good and bad. This has often been misconstrued as a call for rampant hedonism, rather than the absence of pain and tranquillity of mind that Epicurus actually had in mind. Indeed, Epicurus explicitly warned against overindulgence, because overindulgence so often leads to pain."
(sigh) I don't want to brag, but I have a $40 Samsung 'flip phone' that I pay $100 a year to talk on. It has a camera, but I don't know how to use it. I rarely carry it, I'm afraid someone might call me. I do carry it when I go out of town though. It comes in handy at times. Like, during the 2008/2009 Great Recession, I was in Canada (outside Toronto) and I was able to buy stock as prices tumbled.

You can get an OK-ish cheap Chinese smartphone for like $100 these days. $200 will get you a nice one. For $300-$400 you can get something that's like a flagship from two years ago and be perfectly happy.

Tbh I don't even call people much. The apps are much more useful than the basic communication functions weirdly enough. They are getting to the point where they're practically laptop killers.
Will you please post a picture of your $500 chair. In fact, please start a separate thread about it. Include a 'Watermark like' narrative about how wonderful it is. :)

He bought a $500 chair a while back and bragged about it. I told him that he was retarded for paying $500 for a chair. Later on I cheaped out and bought the cheapest decent IKEA chair you can get, an IKEA Markus for $200. I regret it. I have an Aeron at work and can sit on it all day with no discomfort. I come home and sit on the Markus and in 15 minutes my ass is itchy and numb from bloodflow to parts of my ass being cut off.
You can get an OK-ish cheap Chinese smartphone for like $100 these days. $200 will get you a nice one. For $300-$400 you can get something that's like a flagship from two years ago and be perfectly happy.

Tbh I don't even call people much. The apps are much more useful than the basic communication functions weirdly enough. They are getting to the point where they're practically laptop killers.

Thanks. My son has a smartphone that he claims he cannot live without. I'm impressed with the way you can punch in an address and it tells you how to get there. Also, there's an app that tells you about accidents ahead of you and how to get around them, that's pretty convenient. Maybe I'll get one in the future?
He bought a $500 chair a while back and bragged about it. I told him that he was retarded for paying $500 for a chair. Later on I cheaped out and bought the cheapest decent IKEA chair you can get, an IKEA Markus for $200. I regret it. I have an Aeron at work and can sit on it all day with no discomfort. I come home and sit on the Markus and in 15 minutes my ass is itchy and numb from bloodflow to parts of my ass being cut off.

I like Office chairs. They're comfortable, swivel, and have rollers on them. I bought 4 of them for a $100 from this Manager in a High Rise I was working at. I bought them for my Dining room table, I still have them.
Don't try to smoke me.

lol: "Just got a Note 9! The stylus is so nice."
Jack; See, while CentCom is placing snipers to mow down unsuspecting asylum seekers, Republican operatives are actively suppressing voters, and White Nationalists are killing off our people ... the 1%ers like yourself are Christmas shopping early for the best deals. So Revealing!

"The Galaxy Note 9 is really expensive, with a starting price of $1,000 for the 128GB version. If you want to bump that your storage to 512GB, be ready to shell out $1,250 before tax."
He's not. He just moved out of his parents basement two years ago. Besides, I recently bought the I phone 10 for...I think it was around $ or minus a couple hundred bucks and I'm hardly elite. Just ask Billy.
I mean a smartphone is like a mandatory item in the world of today. Most people don't buy ones that have a value of less than $500. I'm upper middle class so, yeah, I buy a flagship phone. A flagship IPhone, which many posters on here have, is like the same price.

I bought my on credit anyway.
Who you kidding. You're not upper middle class. You need to make around $120 kpy just to be middle class in Northern Virginia. Now sure....50 kpy in Mississippi would be upper middle class but you aint livin in the Delta no longer.
Does he live in Georgetown like all the other Toadies, or does he live outside the Beltway, Park, and take the Metro into town? (Now, on the plus side, I heard the ratio of women to men is 9 to 1, so he has a chance at finding a girlfriend, ... I guess)

He never had a chance of finding a Woman if the ratio was 9 women to 1 men. He does have the hottest pillow case in the DC Metro area.
this post makes me so happy. gone are the days of watermark being blown away at my 500 dollar chair or however much it cost. watermark has joined the finer society (where I reside). he is now a capitalist. pretty soon he too will hate the takers :)

money corrupts all. we have our tentacles up his bunghole now. it wont be long now.
I think we're all pretty sure that a tentacle isn't the only thing that's been up his bung hole.
I'm a web designer by profession so color is really important to me... that's why I'm working on this stuff, it's a way to experiment with color schemes and see how to make things blend together. Of course I can't draw actual figures worth shit, you'll have to forgive me for that. The figures are just a bunch of smudges.

Well it's nice to see that you've finally come out of the closet Skidmark. :)
Will you please post a picture of your $500 chair. In fact, please start a separate thread about it. Include a 'Watermark like' narrative about how wonderful it is. :)

It's nothing special. I paid around $500 for the chair for my roll top desk...and that was some time ago. I paid $125 each for the wood chairs for my kitchen table.
It's nothing special. I paid around $500 for the chair for my roll top desk...and that was some time ago. I paid $125 each for the wood chairs for my kitchen table.

I like the idea of a roll top desk. Does it have little cubby holes for Bills and stuff?
I like the idea of a roll top desk. Does it have little cubby holes for Bills and stuff?
Yup. It even has a Flip Top lid on top for storing stationary supplies. It's a great desk but weighs a bloody ton and is a royal pain to move. But the point Grind was trying to make was not about bragging about paying $500 for a chair. Most good quality wood desk have chairs in that price range. Nothing special. It's just when he posted that he paid $500 for nice chair Skidmark has a melt down about elitist capitalist and how he was going to send them all to reeducation camp.
I know what you mean. I was perfectly happy with my S6 when the wife had to have the latest branded smart phone so next thing I know my S6 got traded in for a 10.

The S6 had that shitty proprietary charger though and dropped the water/dust proofing of the S5, which the S7 brought back. I NEED that shit for what I do.
The S6 had that shitty proprietary charger though and dropped the water/dust proofing of the S5, which the S7 brought back. I NEED that shit for what I do.
All I phones still have shitty proprietary chargers. The one I got now has a cordless charger but it's proprietary too.

To be honest I use mine mostly as a reader.
Yup. It even has a Flip Top lid on top for storing stationary supplies. It's a great desk but weighs a bloody ton and is a royal pain to move. But the point Grind was trying to make was not about bragging about paying $500 for a chair. Most good quality wood desk have chairs in that price range. Nothing special. It's just when he posted that he paid $500 for nice chair Skidmark has a melt down about elitist capitalist and how he was going to send them all to reeducation camp.

haha ... thanks for the update. Once you get the cool roll top desk, then you have to get the matching wood chair. :)

After Hurricane Katrina, we got an insurance check and went and bought some new furniture. We went to Lazy Boy and bought a chair. Me and my wife fussed over the fabric, the color, ... it had to be 'just right'. Then, we spent an extra $25 to get these brass tacks for the front of the arms, making it look so 'elegant'. :)

Sometimes you just want shit. :)