Mr. Tiny Penis, a bit of research would help you.
.0135 seconds on the DuckDuckGo machine.
"The evacuation orders caused Floridians to flood search engines with questions, mainly asking how "mandatory" the orders were, according to
Google Trends. The difference tends to be tied to severity, rather than potential criminal persecution.
Emergency management officials throughout the country use "mandatory" evacuation orders as a protective action in natural disasters and emergencies to save lives. The orders signal to residents that no first responders or public service workers will be in the area to provide assistance until after the emergency subsides.
“If someone does not evacuate the Beaches, are we going to go in and find them or enforce a law against them? No," Former Jacksonville Mayor Lenny Curry
previously said during 2016's Hurricane Matthew. “But they will have no access -- it’s important that they know this – they will have no access to public safety workers, or any other government needs that they may need, particularly during a storm or after a storm.”
Police historically haven't arrested individuals who have ignored mandatory evacuations, but
some states list the refusal as a criminal misdemeanor. Florida, however, does not list any criminal charges for those who refuse mandatory evacuation orders in the
"Evacuation" section of the state's "Emergency Management" statutes."
Now, if you were living in a blue state like Michigan, Minnesota, or California, you could be arrested like kids alone on wakeboards, or fishing in Lake Michigan.
Most classy, something that you can relate to so well, Tampon Tim set up a "stitch line" so people could turn in their neighbors. You would have been all over that stunt.
Do your own research on that one Buttercup, I tire of having to embarrass you.