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And yet, you still haven't posted the offending post, so we can be the judge of it's severity. If it was no big deal, why are you refusing to post it? I have no choice but to assume you deserved the infraction. It's pretty easy to avoid calling another member a pedophile.

Let me ask you a question: "Is Jeffrey Epstein a pedophile?"
You're full of shit Jack. Take personal responsibility for once in your life. Don't call other members pedos, easy peezy.

I could've welcomed you back if you weren't being such a pussy about this.

"Definition of pedophilia
: sexual perversion in which children are the preferred sexual object
specifically : a psychiatric disorder in which an adult has sexual fantasies about or engages in sexual acts with a prepubescent child"

Do you understand the word 'prepubescent'?
Definitely Two sets of rules. I don't use the report button any more. If I want something done, I know who to ask:)
"Banned 24 hours for being a whiny piece of shit and spamming our backroom with dumb reports.":laugh:
Some jive-ass 'Rule 12b' violation.

(say, where are these Rules posted. I need to see exactly what that thing says)

You're an idiot. You agreed to them when you joined. They are at the very top of the board. And rule 12b is almost constantly talked about because perverts like you can't help but break a simple fucking rule.

Fuck you man.
it all started when some ass wink righty started claiming Maine man was fucking his son

the site was sooo small at the time it was practically taking over the site with that drama

its a stupid rule and maine man should have never allowed the asshole to get under his skin

I tried to tell him to shrug it off like all the other idiot insults but he couldn't

dumb rule

this site was awesome when there were basically no rules except always link to material that is not yours

no holds barred

You're full of shit. And BTW, Maine an is perm banned.

(say, where are these Rules posted. I need to see exactly what that thing says)

they are carefully and artfully concealed under the first subforum labelled "Rules".......our mods are clever at stealth that way.......