Forum Alert! ... Forum Alert! ...

You're an idiot. You agreed to them when you joined. They are at the very top of the board. And rule 12b is almost constantly talked about because perverts like you can't help but break a simple fucking rule.

Fuck you man.

Hahaha. Yes I did. Well, I have two questions.
1. Why is Dark Soul a Forum Rat? (I have a few theories)
2. What EXACTLY is the intention of Rule 12b? ('Under 12' or 'Under 18')
Do you have proof he is? So far I have seen a LOT of allegations based on innuendo and hyperbole; nothing I would consider credible. LINK?

Jeffery Epstein has been called a 'Pedophile' and a 'Child Molester', ... by people who don't know what the words mean, or are deliberately trying to confuse others. I've asked for clarity on 12b, because I'm getting the feeling the same is occurring with 12b.
Jeffery Epstein has been called a 'Pedophile' and a 'Child Molester', ... by people who don't know what the words mean, or are deliberately trying to confuse others. I've asked for clarity on 12b, because I'm getting the feeling the same is occurring with 12b.

That wasn't my question. Let's try again and this time try to not be a dishonest dumb fuck: Do you have proof he is? So far I have seen a LOT of allegations based on innuendo and hyperbole; nothing I would consider credible. LINK?
Hahaha. Yes I did. Well, I have two questions.
1. Why is Dark Soul a Forum Rat? (I have a few theories)
2. What EXACTLY is the intention of Rule 12b? ('Under 12' or 'Under 18')

Dark Soul is not a rat or a forum rat. You're a forum convicted pervert.

Ask the mods you sick fuck. The fact you don't know says more about you than you care to admit.
(shaking head) Why are you encouraging Rattism?

Waaaaaaah, I still can't admit I fucked up.

You have no remorse. You blame Dark (bless his) Soul for your perversion.

Any other board, you would be perm banned based on your comments. You're lucky JPP exists.
Yeah. Did you see the 'Ban' by Phantasmal? She was actually touching herself as she posted it. 'pretty important' to some is an understatement.

You called someone the forums Epstein. That insinuates you were calling them a pedophile. Watch the pervy talk in discussion and that won't come up.
You called someone the forums Epstein. That insinuates you were calling them a pedophile. Watch the pervy talk in discussion and that won't come up.

I am going to kill myself now. I actually agree with Jaded.

Seriously, how is it so difficult to not be pervy and thus break 12b? There are plenty of forums that allow such trash talk. Go there.

I never make such insults because I find them beyond the pale. Those that abuse such insults forget about the actual children.

12b is my favorite rule of any message board.
That wasn't my question. Let's try again and this time try to not be a dishonest dumb fuck: Do you have proof he is? So far I have seen a LOT of allegations based on innuendo and hyperbole; nothing I would consider credible. LINK?

There is no proof that I am aware of that Jeffery Epstein is a Pedophile.
You claim you were born in Bavaria. Would Epstein be charged with a crime if he had sex with teen girls in Germany? Where age of consent is 14.

"The Age of Consent in Germany is 14 years old. The age of consent is the minimum age at which an individual is considered legally old enough to consent to participation in sexual activity. Individuals aged 13 or younger in Germany are not legally able to consent to sexual activity, and such activity may result in prosecution for statutory rape or the equivalent local law."
Dark Soul is not a rat or a forum rat. You're a forum convicted pervert.

Ask the mods you sick fuck. The fact you don't know says more about you than you care to admit.

Dark Soul has proven to be a Forum Rat, Snitch, and Informant.

I have many theories about this.
Waaaaaaah, I still can't admit I fucked up.

You have no remorse. You blame Dark (bless his) Soul for your perversion.

Any other board, you would be perm banned based on your comments. You're lucky JPP exists.

:) You're killing me here.
You called someone the forums Epstein. That insinuates you were calling them a pedophile. Watch the pervy talk in discussion and that won't come up.

Thank you, Jade. You're the perfect example of a person that has zero knowledge of what the word 'pedophile' actually means.