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"Banned 24 hours for being a whiny piece of shit and spamming our backroom with dumb reports.":laugh:

Thanks for bringing that up Top!
Perfect example of a moderator abusing their job.
By making a on the spot ban all by themselves.
When we are told,it takes all the moderators to ban someone!Certainly not one with a hair up their ass!
I knew if I waited long enough,Top would do me a solid!
Hows that working out for you?

You're supposed to be ignoring her bs. Grind doesn't understand a damn thing she says most the time, and Phantasmal doesn't fall in line with her bs. I believe she's just joshing to be a brat like she always used to.
Thanks for bringing that up Top!
Perfect example of a moderator abusing their job.
By making a on the spot ban all by themselves.
When we are told,it takes all the moderators to ban someone!Certainly not one with a hair up their ass!
I knew if I waited long enough,Top would do me a solid!

That's not for short bans like that.
You're supposed to be ignoring her bs. Grind doesn't understand a damn thing she says most the time, and Phantasmal doesn't fall in line with her bs. I believe she's just joshing to be a brat like she always used to.

Actually I totally believed Top's post that she posted.I'm sure she fills one of the mods mail box with PM's.
You're welcome. They also have other rules about not posting ppl's personal info, posting links when quoting from outside sources, etc. -- but as we see by the existence of Toxic Top here, the other non-12b rules are kind of arbitrarily enforced.

Several ppl predicted that Jack would come back whining, and he sure did. I think he has two whines going at the same time.

I don't hate Jack, but he can be a major DOUCHEBAG at times, lolololol. Pretty sure he feels the same about me. He thanked the God he doesn't believe in that I said I was done with him.
Why on earth are you defending abuse of power?
What next Jade,going to wear a red hat?

If Grind or Billy wanted to "abuse" their power, you wouldn't have been allowed back or would already have been re-banned.

Suck it up, buttercup.

Do you have a copy of the reports,Billy was bitching about?No!Then you don't know it was abuse of power.

Grind said specifically that mods are all allowed to perform short temp bans on their own. For longer or full bans they need a consensus. Of course, I don't think that is needed when a permanent ban tries to return.
Sorry USF,you're on ignore!:(
I'm sure you wrote something meaningful!



I don't hate Jack, but he can be a major DOUCHEBAG at times, lolololol. Pretty sure he feels the same about me. He thanked the God he doesn't believe in that I said I was done with him.

LOL -- What a surprise. He can write well so if he ever develops a consistent political POV, a backbone, and stops being angry at women who are smarter, better, funnier, and more powerful than he is -- he might be a worthy poster. Alas, he'll be permabanned before that ever happens.
Grind said specifically that mods are all allowed to perform short temp bans on their own. For longer or full bans they need a consensus. Of course, I don't think that is needed when a permanent ban tries to return.

I think that applies to legit bans,not personal feelings against a posters bans.
Forum Alert!
It saddens me that I have to announce ANOTHER Forum Rat is amongst us. ----->Dark Soul.
Yes. It's true. Dark Soul snitched out ol' Jack for a minor infraction.

Now, I have a few theories about this. I'm not sure which carries the most weight.

I consider this to be one of my greatest victories.
