Forum Alert! ... Forum Alert! ...

it all started when some ass wink righty started claiming Maine man was fucking his son

the site was sooo small at the time it was practically taking over the site with that drama

its a stupid rule and maine man should have never allowed the asshole to get under his skin

I tried to tell him to shrug it off like all the other idiot insults but he couldn't

dumb rule

this site was awesome when there were basically no rules except always link to material that is not yours

no holds barred

maineman was perm-banned for repeated violations of 12b. And I turned his fat ass in on several of them as well as the last straw,

Medic! We need a medic over here! This poor idiot just got his itty dick stuck in his keyboard again!


Now you admit that you've got an itty dick. :good4u:

Owl: "There's nothing wrong with a tiny dick."

Mason: "I know, I just wish you didn't have one."

I think that applies to legit bans,not personal feelings against a posters bans.

I think I recall that very ban. It was a poster that kept putting discussions in the wrong forum. Billy had changed a few and brought it up. When it was the umpteenth time he was temp banned. I agreed with him being banned but I wish it extended to more than just current events. Flanders has put untold numbers of discussions in forums they surely don't belong but nothing was ever done.
I think I recall that very ban. It was a poster that kept putting discussions in the wrong forum. Billy had changed a few and brought it up. When it was the umpteenth time he was temp banned. I agreed with him being banned but I wish it extended to more than just current events. Flanders has put untold numbers of discussions in forums they surely don't belong but nothing was ever done.

I don't think Billy is looking for them; but instead they were reported to him.
I think I recall that very ban. It was a poster that kept putting discussions in the wrong forum. Billy had changed a few and brought it up. When it was the umpteenth time he was temp banned. I agreed with him being banned but I wish it extended to more than just current events. Flanders has put untold numbers of discussions in forums they surely don't belong but nothing was ever done.

Wrong!Why do you think Top posted it.
Because it was my one day ban,for reporting that Billy didn't like.
Yup: (Jack's original quote)

Clearly 12b. I missed the whole thing till the Official Jack Is Now No Longer Among Us announcement. What made me laugh about his post wasn't so much the "kill me, kill me now" aspects -- but that HE has zero respect for women, esp. those he has rightfully identified as being smarter, younger, more successful, more powerful, etc. than he is. But he went after you for his own defects. Classic projection.
Now you admit that you've got an itty dick. :good4u:

Owl: "There's nothing wrong with a tiny dick."

Mason: "I know, I just wish you didn't have one."


USF. I didn't start this thread to hear you prattle on and on. I started this to confront Dark Soul. He ratted Jack out ... and I have some theories why:

Theory #1. Dark Soul is still angry that I exposed him as NOT being an 'Engineer'. (Has something to do with DS not being able to accept the concept of a Roman Arch carrying a load)

Theory #2, I pointed out his Entry Step on his Country House was a 'Lawsuit waiting to happen'. (He became furious and panicky)

Theory #3. DS knows Jack has a 75/25 asset allocation and has rode the 'Trump Market', while DS has been stuck with some 'CD/Bond Ladder' his overpriced Broker talked him into.

Theory #4. Dark Snitch knows Jack supports Jerry Nadler's 'Impeachment Proceedings', and has vowed to the death to kill off Jack. (this is just sad)

Theory #5. (and I've warned him about this) He's been hanging around you again and has become very mean-spirited and angry.

Oh, and PS. If you want to make this about you, we can. (I received some unflattering information about you while I was on 'vacation')
One the real rules,the other the moderators not doing what Top tells them to do!

You're as retarded as scowlwoman.

The mods here are extremely strict on personal info issues. If Top actually did what scowlwoman claims, he would not be here. He would be banned.