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I'm glad you crawled out of your Rat Nest and decided to tackle this head on.
WHICH of my 5 Theories is correct?
One can only imagine how sickened anyone would be when they heard that they were being compared to a low class piece of shit like Dork Stool....


Sorry Jack, but comparing any other person to Dork Hole is inexcusable, no matter who that other person is.

Once again you show your ignorance.

View attachment 11381


1. 8 inches is kinda high. Just because the Code tells you 2 Kitchen Circuits is required, most Electricians will provide a dedicated circuit to the Refrigerator and to the Microwave, besides the 2 Required Circuits.
2. You could easily resolve the 'Death Trap' by building a 'portable Entry Landing', cutting your 8 inch dimension in half. If you only get large snowfall one month out of the year, it would be worth it just for ease of entry and exit.

Now, I'm a little busy with 'Investor stuff', so please, just come back with a full confession of which of my theories is correct. (MJ. Alternative Harvest ETF. Not only 5 large marijuana companies, but tobacco and pharmaceuticals as well)
It says that I detest perverts. If that is a bad thing in your world then that says everything about you that I need to know.

Sure thing, wannabe boob grabber.

Irony: When a pervy loser with a boob grabbing avatar who supports a pussy grabber President claims he detests perverts.

You just can't make this shit up... :palm:
1. 8 inches is kinda high. Just because the Code tells you 2 Kitchen Circuits is required, most Electricians will provide a dedicated circuit to the Refrigerator and to the Microwave, besides the 2 Required Circuits.
2. You could easily resolve the 'Death Trap' by building a 'portable Entry Landing', cutting your 8 inch dimension in half. If you only get large snowfall one month out of the year, it would be worth it just for ease of entry and exit.

Now, I'm a little busy with 'Investor stuff', so please, just come back with a full confession of which of my theories is correct. (MJ. Alternative Harvest ETF. Not only 5 large marijuana companies, but tobacco and pharmaceuticals as well)

It's all moot anyway.

It's not even his place.

He lies like shit in the grass.
One can only imagine how sickened anyone would be when they heard that they were being compared to a low class piece of shit like Dork Stool....


Sorry Jack, but comparing any other person to Dork Hole is inexcusable, no matter who that other person is.


:) I guess you're right. (what was I thinking?)

I still have pleasant memories of 'Leonard the Cat' giving construction lessons to DS. Once Dark Soul refused to believe a 'Roman Arch' could carry a load WITHOUT reinforcing steel, that blew his Cover as any kind of 'Engineer'.
It's all moot anyway.

It's not even his place.

He lies like shit in the grass.

I don't know? It might be? Course, the little video with the latex gloves was a sure giveaway. I think he's probably a Painter in Real Life. Nothing wrong with being a Painter. (I hear they drink a lot, claim it's because they stand real close to their work all day)
USF. I didn't start this thread to hear you prattle on and on. I started this to confront Dark Soul. He ratted Jack out ... and I have some theories why:

Theory #1. Dark Soul is still angry that I exposed him as NOT being an 'Engineer'. (Has something to do with DS not being able to accept the concept of a Roman Arch carrying a load)

Theory #2, I pointed out his Entry Step on his Country House was a 'Lawsuit waiting to happen'. (He became furious and panicky)

Theory #3. DS knows Jack has a 75/25 asset allocation and has rode the 'Trump Market', while DS has been stuck with some 'CD/Bond Ladder' his overpriced Broker talked him into.

Theory #4. Dark Snitch knows Jack supports Jerry Nadler's 'Impeachment Proceedings', and has vowed to the death to kill off Jack. (this is just sad)

Theory #5. (and I've warned him about this) He's been hanging around you again and has become very mean-spirited and angry.

Oh, and PS. If you want to make this about you, we can. (I received some unflattering information about you while I was on 'vacation')

I don't give a fuck about your reason for starting this thread; because you're just whining about being held responsible and you're refusing to admit that you were a dumbass, who got caught.

As to your "information", please let me look for my "I DON'T CARE" sign.

I've come up with 5 'theories'. (see Post #114)

Let's take Theory #2. DS had photos of his new Country Home he was showing off. Looked very nice, some custom work, 3-car Garage at ground level and the Main Building above. Covered Porch, ... then I noticed a very high Entry Step to get in the House. I didn't want to say 'Death Trap', so toned it down with 'Lawsuit ready to happen'. He became noticeably agitated and said something about 'It's for the snow'. Then, being the amiable and helpful fellow Poster that I am, I suggested making a '3 foot by 4 foot removable Entry Platform' that could be used for the 11 months it WASN'T snowing. At this point, DS went ballistic. Began calling my idea 'socialism', 'right out of the Alinsky playbook', and that I should go back and read 'Mao's Little Red Book'.

Naturally, at this point, I began fearing for my physical safety and immediately fled the scene. (Now, this is just one of many theories I have here)

Which has absolutely nothing to do with you being banned for a 12b violation.

:) I guess you're right. (what was I thinking?)

I still have pleasant memories of 'Leonard the Cat' giving construction lessons to DS. Once Dark Soul refused to believe a 'Roman Arch' could carry a load WITHOUT reinforcing steel, that blew his Cover as any kind of 'Engineer'.

Yeah, because everyone knows the ancient Romans were known to have invented and pioneered the use of rebar in their construction... :laugh:

If you've never read a book called The Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follet, do so.

Lotta ancient building techniques covered, even their drafting techniques for how they drew the plans.

Lotta technical stuff about different styles of arches and their load bearing capabilities, etc.

Plus it's a great and engrossing story.
I don't know? It might be? Course, the little video with the latex gloves was a sure giveaway. I think he's probably a Painter in Real Life. Nothing wrong with being a Painter. (I hear they drink a lot, claim it's because they stand real close to their work all day)

Or maybe a handyman or caretaker of some kind.

Maybe he works for a maid service.... :laugh:

That would explain the rubber gloves, anyway. ;)
Yep. Very small, and very attention-whorish. Much like his toxic chief supporter here... turds of a feather. lol

Besides the issues with ladies, Jack isn't that bad. Top's behavior is kind of all-around detestable. I don't really think they are comparable. I say this guaranteeing I hate perversion likely way more than anyone here.
Besides the issues with ladies, Jack isn't that bad. Top's behavior is kind of all-around detestable. I don't really think they are comparable. I say this guaranteeing I hate perversion likely way more than anyone here.

You're right, not exactly the same, but both detestable and vile in their own ways.