APP - Fracking for Gas

MSDS sheets are so scary.

Depending on the substance, they certainly can be. And in this case, I would certainly question pumping it into the ground. Anytime an MSDS says "May be fatal if absorbed thru the skin" I'd rather not have it in my drinking water or in the water table.
Gotta love it when a cost estimator for a po-dunk little GC and a biologist start talking about hydrogeology. What a hoot!
Gotta love it when a cost estimator for a po-dunk little GC and a biologist start talking about hydrogeology. What a hoot!

Simce Mott is the biologist, you must be confused about my job. Not sure who is a "cost estimator for a po-dunk little GC". But I see that you are not arguing the actual topic, yet again.
How ironic. Oh yeah you lost that job for posting too much.

Oh, so you think I am (or was) a cost estimator for a po-dunk GC?

Sorry SM, your memory fails you there. I have been with the same company for over a decade. And I am the director of safety for a company that is part of the largest utility contractor in the world. We are the best at what we do. So "po-dunk" just ain't a word that fits.
Even a modest amount of searching shows numerous cases of contaminated water tables and even some wells that produced water with enough methane in it that it would burn.
Methane is what natural gas is. It's very useful as a fuel, hard hat enforcer.

Yes it is useful as a fuel, but not so good in your well or basement.

Among other duties, yes I am a proud enforcer of hardhat rules. If you want I will send you my hardhat photo file. I have dozens of pictures of hardhats that sustained damages from dents to cracks to electric scorch marks, and the people wearing them sustained no injuries. I keep my people safe, well trained and on the job.

At least I am not refusing to wear deodorant so I will smell so bad it will warn people that I am there. As I recall, you made that claim? lol
Methane is odorless. Why didn't you know that?

Please show me where I said anything about methane having an odor? YOur avoidance of the discussion about the chemicals used in hydro-fracturing is very telling.

I also love the way you claim I am a cost-estimator for a po-dunk gc, have the fact that you are wrong pointed out, and you never skip a beat but keep right on with the personal insults.

Is the topic too tough for you?
So you're a hard hat enforcer instead of a cost estimator. Either way its obvious that you know nothing about methane or hydrogeology.
I honestly believe that if a company made a profit making a product but the result was that children got poisoned as a side effect SM would be all for it. Doesn't matter what it is, how harmful, if a profit is involved then for god sake don't stand in the way of progress. Hell PG&E allowed water with toxins in it to seep in to the ground water and poison hundreds of people. But SM thinks we shouldn't punish them because in exchange they provided jobs. Who cares if they killed people.
SM, are you going to actually going to discuss the topic? Or will you continue posting sarcastic remarks, attacking posters and generally being a dickhead?
One of the problems with fracking, from what I can see, is that they pump water and some pretty nasty chemicals into shale, and hope they get most of it back.

The idea that they can use the hydraulic pressure to crack the shale and separate the layers in the rock, and control how these layers of sedementary rock will split, is insane.