APP - Fracking for Gas

Methane is what natural gas is. It's very useful as a fuel, hard hat enforcer.

No statement from DY that Methane is a PORTION of what natural gas is...just a straight ahead statement that "Methane IS what natural gas is"

Nice straw man. Where did I say it was 100% methane? :)

Right up let's watch the big liar DY try and wriggle his way out of admitting he was wrong.
No statement from DY that Methane is a PORTION of what natural gas is...just a straight ahead statement that "Methane IS what natural gas is"

Right up let's watch the big liar DY try and wriggle his way out of admitting he was wrong.

How about that?

I was wrong!

DY didn't even have the spine to admit he was wrong...he just ran away with his tail tucked between his legs.
No statement from DY that Methane is a PORTION of what natural gas is...just a straight ahead statement that "Methane IS what natural gas is"

Right up let's watch the big liar DY try and wriggle his way out of admitting he was wrong.
Look at this fat fool jizzing all over himself thinking he's finally found a gotcha moment. Sorry, fatty. No doughnut for you today. :)
SM, with the evidence of contamination that is available, do you think fracking should be an acceptable practice?
Methane is what natural gas is.

Look at the lying douchebag trying to pretend he didn't just contradict himself...

Where did I say it was 100% methane? :)

He's now going to try and rely on either some ridiculous bullshit semantics to pretend he didn't just lie his ass off. More likely however, he'll just resort to the same petty insults he uses whenever he gets caught contradicting right now.

Look at this fat fool jizzing all over himself thinking he's finally found a gotcha moment. Sorry, fatty. No doughnut for you today. :)

AAAAAAAAAAND there he goes! What did I tell everyone! DY the lying asswipe. So afraid of admitting he made a mistake

Those are YOUR words right there...first they show you did indeed say Natural Gas is all Methane.

THEN you changed your which time were you lying?

Perhaps DY would explain himself...if he wasn't the enormous douchebag we've all come to know.
Look at the lying douchebag trying to pretend he didn't just contradict himself...

He's now going to try and rely on either some ridiculous bullshit semantics to pretend he didn't just lie his ass off. More likely however, he'll just resort to the same petty insults he uses whenever he gets caught contradicting right now.

AAAAAAAAAAND there he goes! What did I tell everyone! DY the lying asswipe. So afraid of admitting he made a mistake

Those are YOUR words right there...first they show you did indeed say Natural Gas is all Methane.

THEN you changed your which time were you lying?

Perhaps DY would explain himself...if he wasn't the enormous douchebag we've all come to know.

You have a reading comprehension problem, fatso.
Its all about risk versus rewards. If you can fracture some bedrock seams and dissolve some channels to collect millions of dollars worth of gas that is otherwise unobtainable, and you end up contaminating a well or two for a relatively short period of time and can make the owners of those wells rich with a settlement, then why wouldn't you?

I'd make offers of agreements with property owners in the areas prior to operations to monitor their wells and structures. Any impact would either be fixed along with generous compensation or the property purchased for double the market value.
You have a reading comprehension problem, fatso.

Then why haven't you explained to everyone how I am wrong and belittled me repeatedly for it?

Oh right...because I'm NOT wrong and you got caught being the same ole two-faced douchebag you turn into every time you get cornered.

Its all about risk versus rewards. If you can fracture some bedrock seams and dissolve some channels to collect millions of dollars worth of gas that is otherwise unobtainable, and you end up contaminating a well or two for a relatively short period of time and can make the owners of those wells rich with a settlement, then why wouldn't you?

I'd make offers of agreements with property owners in the areas prior to operations to monitor their wells and structures. Any impact would either be fixed along with generous compensation or the property purchased for double the market value.

" end up contaminating a well or two for a relatively short period of time..."

For relatively short period of time? With seriously dangerous chemicals?
By the way 15ppMoot a better title for this thread would be "Fucking for Gas" because that's what we Americans are going to have to do if fools like you are successful in preventing use of this technology. Except the Saudis are going to be doing the fucking and we Americans are going to be receiving.
There you go responding with emotion due to your complete lack of understanding about the issue.

There you go inventing a reason to avoid answering questions or discussing the topic.

Did you look at the MSDS for one of the chemicals used in this process? How long will it take to remove that chemical from the watertable? Will they ever be able to remove enough to be 100% sure it is safe?

As for my lack of knowledge, I understand that they are using dangerous chemicals and high pressure water to crack a layered, sedementary rock. There is no way that they can completely control HOW that rock cracks. So those chemicals will be released into the bedrock, between layers of rock, and can seep into the watertable, people's wells or work up to the surface.

But as long as someone makes money and we have plenty of cheap fuel, you are ok with that?

Have you even looked at the documented contaminations from fracking?
By the way 15ppMoot a better title for this thread would be "Fucking for Gas" because that's what we Americans are going to have to do if fools like you are successful in preventing use of this technology. Except the Saudis are going to be doing the fucking and we Americans are going to be receiving.

Perhaps this is a wakeup call to either find new sources of energy or to make far better use of those we have. The ones who will be fucked is the people living around where they do the fracking.
Wow you're ignorant as well as emotional. Do you know why they use acid to fracture rock? Do you know what the acid does to the rock? Do you know what the rock does to the acid?

Of course you don't. You've read the MSDS and became afraid.
Wow you're ignorant as well as emotional. Do you know why they use acid to fracture rock? Do you know what the acid does to the rock? Do you know what the rock does to the acid?

Of course you don't. You've read the MSDS and became afraid.

Would you like to actually discuss this or will you continue to dodge the entire topic and post insults instead?

Are you saying that the acid is rendered completely inert? Are you saying that the acid does not dissolve other contaminants that will find their way into wells and the watertable?