APP - Fracking for Gas

Look, you're clearly not ready for this conversation. Try taking a chemistry course first. Did you even go to college?
Look, you're clearly not ready for this conversation. Try taking a chemistry course first. Did you even go to college?

I guess you answered that question for me. Obviously you are not going to discuss the topic.

Yes I went to college. In fact, I am qualified to teach chemistry.

Care to stick with the actual topic? If you get to a point where I am lost I'll stop you.
I don't read all your posts, in fact I ignore them unless they are specifically addressed at me. So if you've posted it before you should be able to post it again. The fact that you have to ask a basic chemistry question while at the same time claiming that you are qualified to teach chemistry says lots.
I don't read all your posts, in fact I ignore them unless they are specifically addressed at me. So if you've posted it before you should be able to post it again. The fact that you have to ask a basic chemistry question while at the same time claiming that you are qualified to teach chemistry says lots.

So answer the two simple questions I asked you. If you have such a great grasp of the subject, it should be quite easy to do.

"Are you saying that the acid is rendered completely inert? Are you saying that the acid does not dissolve other contaminants that will find their way into wells and the watertable?"
The fact that you have to ask a basic chemistry question while at the same time claiming that you are qualified to teach chemistry says lots.
The fact that you have to ask a basic chemistry question while at the same time claiming that you are qualified to teach chemistry says lots.

No, I am not asking a basic chemistry question. You reading comprehension leaves a lot to be desired.

I did not ask any questions except ones about what you are claiming.

And yes, I did graduate. Now, would you care to answer the two questions. Or will you act like the rest of the trolls and refuse to answer questions while continually asking them?

Because, so far, in this thread you have posted very little that has pertained to the topic.
Like the thread that you claim not to know what type of caliper you own, this proves you to be a liar.

Please cite where I said I did not know what type of caliper I own? Or admit you are lying?

You are dancing to avoid the topic here, just like you did when I was embarrassing you about the specifications of the .308 Win bullet and bore.
Its a basic chemistry question. What was your major?

No it is not. I am asking if that is what you claim.

Stick with the topic here, SM. I mean, if you are capable.

And the subject is whether or not hydro-fracturing is safe.

Care to join in the actual discussion?
Yes it is, unless you didn't learn chemistry. What was your major?

No, it does not matter at all. The chemistry doesn't matter at all. I am asking if that is what you are claiming. Is it?

Or are you afraid to actually debate me on the topic and state your claims and opinions?
No, he cannot answer.
Yes, that is what he is claiming.

He claims to be such a great debator, but getting him to stay on topic is like herding cats. Everything is about personal bullshit and attacks.

Jeez what a jackass. Between him, \\\\//// or whatever his handle is, and Bfoon the level of debate has hit a new low.