APP - Fracking for Gas

Anyone who's actually passed a basic chemistry course should know the answer. Why don't you?

So anyone who has passed a basic chemistry course should know what you are claiming? Wow, they must teach some seriously different shit in chemistry class up north. We never got into Psychic-Chemistry. I took Chem 101, Organic Chem and Inorganic Chem, but I never saw Psychic Chem on the course listings.
Ironic that you use the word coward, since you get afraid when Moot says they use dangerous chemicals. What did you major in again?
Ironic that you use the word coward, since you get afraid when Moot says they use dangerous chemicals. What did you major in again?

Ok, let me know when you decide to discuss the topic. I'm tired of your ridiculous games, SM. You are either calling people names, derailling the topic to avoid embarrassment, or spouting lies & bullshit.

I'd be happy to have a discussion with you if you can stay on a topic.
Its not up to me to disprove a baseless allegation.

That's away like the cowardly little turd we all knew you were.

There's no "baseless allegation"...

YOU said Methane is what Natural Gas is...

THEN YOU SAID that Methane is only PART of what is in Natural Gas...

So, clear up the confusion your conflicting statements created...
Translation: Zap can't read so he needs to blame someone other than himself. :)

No Problemo my go right on ducking the fact you've gotten caught lying!

I have NO PROBLEM coming back to this thread over and over ad nauseum, to remind everyone on these boards just what an enormous, lying sack of shit you are! you go right on lying like the chickenshit coward everyone thinks you are, and I'll go right on pointing that fact out to all the other posters who might stop by for a little debate.
No Problemo my go right on ducking the fact you've gotten caught lying!

I have NO PROBLEM coming back to this thread over and over ad nauseum, to remind everyone on these boards just what an enormous, lying sack of shit you are! you go right on lying like the chickenshit coward everyone thinks you are, and I'll go right on pointing that fact out to all the other posters who might stop by for a little debate.

FatAssInTheGutter, I have no problem returning to tell folks that you can't read, and are fat. :)
FatAssInTheGutter, I have no problem returning to tell folks that you can't read, and are fat. :)

And every time you do they will see what a coward the man who calls himself a "real conservative" truly is.

Go right ahead and call me fat a few thousand times more...maybe there's still one or two posters here who haven't figured that part out yet!

Here...let me help ya...HEY EVERYBODY...DID YOU ALL HEAR? I AM FAT!

Meanwhile, they will also see another so-called "real conservative" ducking questions, lying repeatedly and being the petulant little girl we've all known him to keep it up!
And every time you do they will see what a coward the man who calls himself a "real conservative" truly is.

Go right ahead and call me fat a few thousand times more...maybe there's still one or two posters here who haven't figured that part out yet!

Here...let me help ya...HEY EVERYBODY...DID YOU ALL HEAR? I AM FAT!

Meanwhile, they will also see another so-called "real conservative" ducking questions, lying repeatedly and being the petulant little girl we've all known him to keep it up!

There you go with your sexism again...

So, in two posts now you have asserted something which cannot possibly be true:

1. "... to remind everyone on these boards just what an enormous, lying sack of shit you are!" Obviously "everyone" can only consist of folks that read this thread and are dumb enough to agree with you.
2. "...every time you do they will see what a coward the man who calls himself a "real conservative" truly is." Again, only if they are dumb enough to actually agree with you.

Is it your assertion that everyone on this board agrees with you? :)
There you go with your sexism again...

So, in two posts now you have asserted something which cannot possibly be true:

1. "... to remind everyone on these boards just what an enormous, lying sack of shit you are!" Obviously "everyone" can only consist of folks that read this thread and are dumb enough to agree with you.
2. "...every time you do they will see what a coward the man who calls himself a "real conservative" truly is." Again, only if they are dumb enough to actually agree with you.

Is it your assertion that everyone on this board agrees with you? :)

Focus like a laserbeam sunshine...we haven't finished discussing your comments and which of them is false.

Were you lying when you said Natural Gas is Methane...

Or when you said that Natural Gas is only partly made up of Methane?

We'll get to your questions once you've answered mine.

Or are you still too scared to answer?
Focus like a laserbeam sunshine...we haven't finished discussing your comments and which of them is false.

Were you lying when you said Natural Gas is Methane...

Or when you said that Natural Gas is only partly made up of Methane?

We'll get to your questions once you've answered mine.

Or are you still too scared to answer?

Honestly Fats I'm having so much fun kicking your can down the road that I don't see a need to play the game your way. But what the hell, you promised to answer my questions after I answered yours. :)

What I said was: "Methane is what natural gas is." Your assertion (actually Moot's, since you're uneducated in anything beyond getting your voice to sound deep) is that I said 'natural gas is 100% methane'.

Obviously these two sentences are not identical, and the first has no quantitative comparison of the two substances while the latter certainly does. Further, methane is the active ingredient in natural gas, just as morphine is the active ingredient in Oxycontin. Someone who says "morphine is what Oxycontin is" would be correct, just as I was correct when I stated that "methane is what natural gas is".

You will undoubtedly attempt to twist this in a desperate attempt to save face, but you will undoubtedly fail.

Your turn. :)
Honestly Fats I'm having so much fun kicking your can down the road that I don't see a need to play the game your way. But what the hell, you promised to answer my questions after I answered yours. :)

What I said was: "Methane is what natural gas is." Your assertion (actually Moot's, since you're uneducated in anything beyond getting your voice to sound deep) is that I said 'natural gas is 100% methane'.

Obviously these two sentences are not identical, and the first has no quantitative comparison of the two substances while the latter certainly does. Further, methane is the active ingredient in natural gas, just as morphine is the active ingredient in Oxycontin. Someone who says "morphine is what Oxycontin is" would be correct, just as I was correct when I stated that "methane is what natural gas is".

You will undoubtedly attempt to twist this in a desperate attempt to save face, but you will undoubtedly fail.

Your turn. :)

Making up more nonsense, are you? Why am I not surprised...

Your letest attempt at explanation has once again been classified as bullshit! Your childish sentence structure aside, the statement "Methane is what Natural Gas is" is indeed the same as saying Natural Gas is 100% methane.

If Methane is what Natural Gas is, therefore natural Gas is what Methane see how stupid you've been? AGAIN?

Or we can try this...Let us just remove the unnecessary, redundant words from your sentence and we are left with "Methane is Natural Gas". If you had half a brain, you might have written that Methane is THE ACTIVE INGREDIENT in Methane...but you didn't, did you? wrote Methane is what Natural Gas is.

Methane may be the "active ingredient" in Natural Gas...but it isn't the "ONLY" ingredient and therefore your claim that "Methane is what Natural Gas is" and "Natural Gas is 100% Methane" falls flat on it's face and so do you. to your claim that I "promised" to answer your questions after you dealt with mine? Just show me where I used the word "promise" and where I "promised" to answer your questions and we're good!

See, what I stated was we'd "get to your questions" once you answered mine...while you claim I promised to answer your questions after you answered mine...Obviously, those two sentences are not identical...

What's that? Dumb Yankee got pwned because someone turned the tables on him and used his own petty word games against him?


A statement does not have to use the word promise in order to be a promise.

Perhaps you simply lied.

Perhaps you haven't satisfactorily answered my questions.

Once I am satisfied that you've done your best to answer the questions put to you, we'll get to your questions...
Perhaps you haven't satisfactorily answered my questions.

Once I am satisfied that you've done your best to answer the questions put to you, we'll get to your questions...

"We'll get to your questions once you've answered mine" has no such qualification. So answer my questions.