Freedom of speech vs Technology

I would take Germany over Poland any day. Deal with it. As for Poland in WW II, fuck them. Deal with that too. Poland had the bad luck of being stuck between Germany and Russia. If you want to side with the Russians, go fuck yourself. Don't reply to me again.

I would pick Poland over Germany any day.

Poland stands up for the unborn. With the only current strict anti Abortion laws in Europe.
Poland stands against a Muslim refugees.
Poland built a fence to keep out Muslim refugees.
Poland is the Only current European nation to fight with Israel a lot over Holocaust propaganda & Restitution!?

How about Germans!?

A bunch of pro LGBTQ, pro Zionist, idiots who let in 1 million Islamic refugees in one year & even tries to bully other Euro nations to take Islamic refugees as if they want every last European nation to be like them a Arab / Turkish ghetto.

Maybe you should look at WHAT POLAND IS DOING.
Rather than what Germany didn't do long ago.

Fact is Germans FAILED to being down SOviets.

But, Poles NOT Germans played a more active role in dismantling Soviets.

Like Polish Solidarity, Brzezinski, Pope Jan II Pawel, Lech Walesa, Ryszard Kuklinski. etc.
I would take Germany over Poland any day. Deal with it. As for Poland in WW II, fuck them. Deal with that too. Poland had the bad luck of being stuck between Germany and Russia. If you want to side with the Russians, go fuck yourself. Don't reply to me again.

Honestly I don't like Putin's Russia, but It appears to be a bit better than the EU.

Putin is a bit aggressive & the EU more than a bit passive aggressive.

Both are threats to Poles.

Russians are at least partially related to Poles.

Although I believe more of Russia is something of Slavic speaking Finnics.

Chronicler Nestor of Kievan Rus said in Russia their ethnics were of assimilated Finnic & Baltic tribes.

Stalin was not Russian he was Georgian as was Beria.

Lenin was likely not very Russian.
He was a mix of Jews, Kalmyk, Chuvash, Mordovin, Swedish & Volga German.

Leon Trotsky was definitely Jewish.

Did you know only 23% of Russia would have voted for Lenin!?
Brendon Vestal (comedian) has a very funny take on this very subject

start around the 11 minute mark ( but the whole thing is hilarious) to about 13:30

Old Prussians were a Baltic tribe similar to Lithuanians.

Before I speak to you further, Hitler or Stalin. Make a choice. Also, I have to correct something I said earlier. Before I told you that the U.S. knew that a Japanese attack was going to happen, most likely at Pearl Harbor, and they did nothing about it. Actually they did do something about it. They made sure that their two most valuable ships, their two aircraft carriers, were out to sea. The third carrier in that naval group was being refitted in dry dock in San Diego.
I would pick Poland over Germany any day.

Poland stands up for the unborn. With the only current strict anti Abortion laws in Europe.
Poland stands against a Muslim refugees.
Poland built a fence to keep out Muslim refugees.
Poland is the Only current European nation to fight with Israel a lot over Holocaust propaganda & Restitution!?

How about Germans!?

A bunch of pro LGBTQ, pro Zionist, idiots who let in 1 million Islamic refugees in one year & even tries to bully other Euro nations to take Islamic refugees as if they want every last European nation to be like them a Arab / Turkish ghetto.

Maybe you should look at WHAT POLAND IS DOING.
Rather than what Germany didn't do long ago.

Fact is Germans FAILED to being down SOviets.

But, Poles NOT Germans played a more active role in dismantling Soviets.

Like Polish Solidarity, Brzezinski, Pope Jan II Pawel, Lech Walesa, Ryszard Kuklinski. etc.

First, I would pick Germany over Poland. Despite the lack of everything compared to the U.S., the value of their yearly exports is nearly the equal of the U.S. Also, back in WW II, they were more technologically advanced than the U.S. Next, the issue isn't Germany and Poland today. The issue was Germany and Poland back then. As for Germany today, let's not forget that Germany is at this very moment a defeated and occupied country. Poland was at least able to shed themselves of their occupying forces. The Russians. And as for Poland today, I already admitted and had admiration for the Poles not letting in invading muslim scum. Next, it wasn't Germany or Poland that caused the USSR to collapse.
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Honestly I don't like Putin's Russia, but It appears to be a bit better than the EU.

Putin is a bit aggressive & the EU more than a bit passive aggressive.

Both are threats to Poles.

Russians are at least partially related to Poles.

Although I believe more of Russia is something of Slavic speaking Finnics.

Chronicler Nestor of Kievan Rus said in Russia their ethnics were of assimilated Finnic & Baltic tribes.

Stalin was not Russian he was Georgian as was Beria.

Lenin was likely not very Russian.
He was a mix of Jews, Kalmyk, Chuvash, Mordovin, Swedish & Volga German.

Leon Trotsky was definitely Jewish.

Did you know only 23% of Russia would have voted for Lenin!?

Putin is just Russia's de facto Tsar. Next, the Ukraine may have reason to fear Russia. But Poland? Not so much. And the only thing they have to fear from the EU is the muslim scum issue. Next, ethnically Stalin was a jew. Just like the founder of communism was. Karl Marx. And I told you before, that most of if not all of the Bolshevik leadership were jews.
Before I speak to you further, Hitler or Stalin. Make a choice. Also, I have to correct something I said earlier. Before I told you that the U.S. knew that a Japanese attack was going to happen, most likely at Pearl Harbor, and they did nothing about it. Actually they did do something about it. They made sure that their two most valuable ships, their two aircraft carriers, were out to sea. The third carrier in that naval group was being refitted in dry dock in San Diego.

I'm more akin to Fascism than Communism.

So, I'd pick Mussolini over Hitler or Stalin!?

Not that I'm necessarily a Fascist.

I do favor Democratic voting rights.
See Fascists as a bit too totalitarian.
Putin is just Russia's de facto Tsar. Next, the Ukraine may have reason to fear Russia. But Poland? Not so much. And the only thing they have to fear from the EU is the muslim scum issue. Next, ethnically Stalin was a jew. Just like the founder of communism was. Karl Marx. And I told you before, that most of if not all of the Bolshevik leadership were jews.

I think the evidence for Stalin being a Jew is lacking.

He initially wanted to be a Orthodox Christian priest, apparently.

Eh, I don't hate all Muslims.

I tend to see it largely as a racial thing.

I actually prefer Palestine over Israel.

I actually prefer Tatars over Russians or Cossacks.

Crimea should be not given to Russia nor Ukraine but to Islamic Tatars who lived there before hand.

I also think Persia ( Iran) is just as intelligent as Israel.
If not more so.
I'm more akin to Fascism than Communism.

So, I'd pick Mussolini over Hitler or Stalin!?

Not that I'm necessarily a Fascist.

I do favor Democratic voting rights.
See Fascists as a bit too totalitarian.

If you want some real good information, send me a PM. As for Hitler, it wasn't that long before he came to power that Germans literally needed a wheelbarrow full on money to buy a loaf of bread with. Who knows what they would have needed for a steak. Also, unemployment was rampant in Germany before Hitler took over. Hitler took care of all that. He turned Germany's economic misery into the economic envy of the WORLD! It's no wonder that "democracies" wanted him destroyed. As for our "democracy," it is a farce. Our elections are nothing more than a puppet show put on by big business. Who will win is probably decided before any election takes place. The only way to have true democracy is to have all our leaders put into place through a lottery. Though there would need to be added guards against corruption put into place. And I would exclude the wealthy outright from such a lottery. To have it really operate well, maybe they should exclude it to homeless winos.

Hitler, Time.jpg
If you want some real good information, send me a PM. As for Hitler, it wasn't that long before he came to power that Germans literally needed a wheelbarrow full on money to buy a loaf of bread with. Who knows what they would have needed for a steak. Also, unemployment was rampant in Germany before Hitler took over. Hitler took care of all that. He turned Germany's economic misery into the economic envy of the WORLD! It's no wonder that "democracies" wanted him destroyed. As for our "democracy," it is a farce. Our elections are nothing more than a puppet show put on by big business. Who will win is probably decided before any election takes place. The only way to have true democracy is to have all our leaders put into place through a lottery. Though there would need to be added guards against corruption put into place. And I would exclude the wealthy outright from such a lottery. To have it really operate well, maybe they should exclude it to homeless winos.

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The strength of Democracy is voting to empower the masses.

Certainly far from perfect.

The weaknesses are that ignorant people vote in ignorance.
That it gives people a inflated sense of power.

We don't have a good Democratic voting system in the USA.
Things like Roe V Wade & Amnesty for migrants were never particularly popular.

The USA founding fathers America had a decent system.

Charters for corporations
Naturalization Act of 1790.
1st & 2nd amendment.

All which were eroded by greed & Globalism.
I think the evidence for Stalin being a Jew is lacking.

He initially wanted to be a Orthodox Christian priest, apparently.

Eh, I don't hate all Muslims.

I tend to see it largely as a racial thing.

I actually prefer Palestine over Israel.

I actually prefer Tatars over Russians or Cossacks.

Crimea should be not given to Russia nor Ukraine but to Islamic Tatars who lived there before hand.

I also think Persia ( Iran) is just as intelligent as Israel.
If not more so.

Yes. Evidence that Stalin was a jew is lacking. His real last name was Duzhugashvili. I was reading somewhere that in some dialect spoken in that part of the world, it translates to "son of the jew." As for muslims, send me a PM. Maybe I can hook you up with some interesting information. As for Cossacks, you should look up the story behind the photo I will show you.

Betrayal of the Cossacks.jpg
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The strength of Democracy is voting to empower the masses.

Certainly far from perfect.

The weaknesses are that ignorant people vote in ignorance.
That it gives people a inflated sense of power.

We don't have a good Democratic voting system in the USA.
Things like Roe V Wade & Amnesty for migrants were never particularly popular.

The USA founding fathers America had a decent system.

Charters for corporations
Naturalization Act of 1790.
1st & 2nd amendment.

All which were eroded by greed & Globalism.

What good is democracy when what people basically see on TV is what my avatar shows.
Yes. Evidence that Stalin was a jew is lacking. His real last name was Duzhugashvili. I was reading somewhere that is some dialect spoken in that part of the world, it translates to "son of the jew." As for muslims, send me a PM. Maybe I can hook you up with some interesting information. As for Cossacks, you should look up the story behind the photo I will show you.

View attachment 21430

I see Poles, Hungarians, Czechs & Slovaks as more normal & Russians as more masochistic & Cossacks / Ukrainians as more sadistic.

Do you deny Cossacks / Ukrainians as perpetrating genocide upon the Polish nation!?

The Cossack Uprising & Wolyn Massacres killed about 1.5 million Poles.
What good is democracy when what people basically see on TV is what my avatar shows.

The problem with anti Democratic voting rights is that it often perpetrated violence.
either the people fight it to Civil War
The people effectively lose their rights in tyranny.

Do you think Stalin had good voting rights!?

Lenin took over Russia by bloodshed.

Hitler was elected...
You may not be able to understand. But I will tell you again anyways. The reason I don't say what I would around here is because IT WOULDN'T BE ALLOWED. Then, there is the other major problem. YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW! You would also be pissed off at me for telling you. I have been telling people truths at forums for years. From what I have found, the vast majority of people want absolutely nothing to do with the truth. They prefer lies. You can say that you would like to know some truth. But almost certainly, it would be another lie. A lie that you yourself may want to believe. But that doesn't make it true. Over many years, I have told many people where the truth can be found. It may be a shit forum, but at least I am there. That is enough. I have invited those many people to speak to me there. Nobody ever has. I doubt if anybody ever will.

View attachment 21428

I give up. I don't think you have any "truths" to reveal. If you did, I don't think they would be removed from JPP.
I see Poles, Hungarians, Czechs & Slovaks as more normal & Russians as more masochistic & Cossacks / Ukrainians as more sadistic.

Do you deny Cossacks / Ukrainians as perpetrating genocide upon the Polish nation!?

The Cossack Uprising & Wolyn Massacres killed about 1.5 million Poles.

Generally speaking, I'm not much interested about the history of warfare in Europe. They have been going at each other for centuries. What does interest me to some degree is Europeans fighting against muslim invasion. On Sepetember 11, 1683, (though some say it was September 12) European forces lead by King John III Sobieski broke the Ottoman siege of Vienna.
Generally speaking, I'm not much interested about the history of warfare in Europe. They have been going at each other for centuries. What does interest me to some degree is Europeans fighting against muslim invasion. On Sepetember 11, 1683, (though some say it was September 12) European forces lead by King John III Sobieski broke the Ottoman siege of Vienna.

Thanks to Merkel's ruling by decree for all of Europe that ship has sailed.
Anything that has been done can be undone.

No, and that has a lot to do with why the Revolution is willing to suffer what ever ramifications they must for opening America's borders....once the people are here for any length of time we will never be able to get rid of them, they will have changed America forever no matter what else happens next.