Freedom of speech vs Technology

And if freedom of speech was allowed, you would too.

I'm not necessarily anti Axis, Horthy of Hungary & even Mussolini of Italy were Axis & I definitely think they killed a lot less than Stalin or Churchill or FDR or Truman.

Yes, I have to laugh when I see so many adore Winston Churchill who didn't defeat Hitler barely at all most of which was by Stalin.

But, Churchill was a monster too.
Churchill starved to death 3 million Indian Hindus in the Bengali Famine.
Churchill bombed Dresden which probably killed 100s of thousands even if they reduced the number to 25,000.
Churchill gave Stalin Central East Europe killing another million in Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia & Hungary.

How can Mussolini be compared!? Who perhaps killed 400,000 in Ethiopia & Greece.

Truman was even worse!
Truman A bombed Japan which probably killed millions, but the numbers were reduced to 300,000
Truman started the Korean war & that killed another 4 or 5 million.
Truman also supported the Stalinist takeover of Central East Europe.

With that said, Hitler Nazis bombed Warsaw & Rotterdam.
What's the sense in that!? Do you think the Netherlands was threatening Nazi Germany too!?
Hitler Nazis even invaded Italy & Hungary their own allies.
Hitler's Nazis turned their back on their Soviet ally in the Molotov Ribbentrop pact by invading the Soviet Union in Operation Barbarossa.

With that said as much of a monster Germans have been in 2World Wars, the 30 Year war, the Wendish Crusade & Northern Crusade & the Rhineland massacres.

Kosher monsters are the worst who actively seek to collapse the Western civilization by toppling the USA by Globalist control.
And if freedom of speech was allowed, you would too.

Why should I see Germans / Nazis much differently than Jews / Zionists!?

Hitler had a New Order to make a German government worldwide.
Rothschild has a New World Order to make a Jewish government worldwide.

Zionists tend to say Poland was too pro German Nazi
Nazis tend to say Poland was too pro Zionist Jew.

One denies or minimizes their mass murders in Poland like from Jakub Berman & Salomon Morel.
Another denies or minimizes their mass murders in Poland in Wola massacre or Action AB.

Zionist Jews tend to maximize & get hysterical & obsessive about the Jedwabne massacre even though local Jews collaborated with Soviets to kill Poles.

Nazi Germans tend to maximize & get hysterical & obsessive about the Bromberg Massacre even though local Germans collaborated with Nazis to kill Poles.

Nazi Germans have the Prussian Trust to nickel & dime Poland for properties lost to the Soviet state.
Zionist Jews have the World Jewish Restitution Organization to nickel & dime Poland for properties lost to the Soviet state.

Both agree that Poles are dumb, one came up with dumb Polak jokes & the other made dumb Polak jokes mainstream.

The New Order wanted a pan European state under Germany's power.
The New World Order wanted a pan European Union under Germany's power.

One spoke German Yiddish for a thousand years & then switched to mostly Hebrew.
One speaks German for 2 thousand years & may switch to mostly Turkish.

German Chancellor Bethmann Hollweg as responsible for the Gerlfand plan to create the Soviet Union.

One Jew Karl Marx & one German Friedrich Engels founded Communism!?

Do I need to go onto the German Nazi Jewish Zionist pact the Haavara Agreement!?

Or Nazi German Adolf Eichmann calling himself a Zionist!?
I'm not necessarily anti Axis, Horthy of Hungary & even Mussolini of Italy were Axis & I definitely think they killed a lot less than Stalin or Churchill or FDR or Truman.

Yes, I have to laugh when I see so many adore Winston Churchill who didn't defeat Hitler barely at all most of which was by Stalin.

But, Churchill was a monster too.
Churchill starved to death 3 million Indian Hindus in the Bengali Famine.
Churchill bombed Dresden which probably killed 100s of thousands even if they reduced the number to 25,000.
Churchill gave Stalin Central East Europe killing another million in Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia & Hungary.

How can Mussolini be compared!? Who perhaps killed 400,000 in Ethiopia & Greece.

Truman was even worse!
Truman A bombed Japan which probably killed millions, but the numbers were reduced to 300,000
Truman started the Korean war & that killed another 4 or 5 million.
Truman also supported the Stalinist takeover of Central East Europe.

With that said, Hitler Nazis bombed Warsaw & Rotterdam.
What's the sense in that!? Do you think the Netherlands was threatening Nazi Germany too!?
Hitler Nazis even invaded Italy & Hungary their own allies.
Hitler's Nazis turned their back on their Soviet ally in the Molotov Ribbentrop pact by invading the Soviet Union in Operation Barbarossa.

With that said as much of a monster Germans have been in 2World Wars, the 30 Year war, the Wendish Crusade & Northern Crusade & the Rhineland massacres.

Kosher monsters are the worst who actively seek to collapse the Western civilization by toppling the USA by Globalist control.

fuck you. how did truman start the Korean War, you stupid polack? yeah, he bombed two cities with atomic bombs because japan would not unconditionally surrender. hundreds of thousands killed. it was also a warning to Russia that we had the bomb and we would use it, and it kept them from being even more aggressive in taking over eastern europe and into western europe. when you count all the american lives saved by Japan surrendering due to those bombs, and us not having to invade that island, and how many lives overall saved from Russia getting the message about us having the bomb and willing to use it, those two bombs probably saved hundreds of thousands of lives and decades of communist bullshit in the long run.

so fuck you, polack. go back to poland, bitch.
fuck you. how did truman start the Korean War, you stupid polack? yeah, he bombed two cities with atomic bombs because japan would not unconditionally surrender. hundreds of thousands killed. it was also a warning to Russia that we had the bomb and we would use it, and it kept them from being even more aggressive in taking over eastern europe and into western europe. when you count all the american lives saved by Japan surrendering due to those bombs, and us not having to invade that island, and how many lives overall saved from Russia getting the message about us having the bomb and willing to use it, those two bombs probably saved hundreds of thousands of lives and decades of communist bullshit in the long run.

so fuck you, polack. go back to poland, bitch.

The A bomb mostly killed Japanese civilians.

Truman started our intervention into Korea which caused it to be a major war.

What evidence do you have of Truman setting off the A bombs to scare Soviet Stalinist Russia!?
I'm not necessarily anti Axis, Horthy of Hungary & even Mussolini of Italy were Axis & I definitely think they killed a lot less than Stalin or Churchill or FDR or Truman.

Yes, I have to laugh when I see so many adore Winston Churchill who didn't defeat Hitler barely at all most of which was by Stalin.

But, Churchill was a monster too.
Churchill starved to death 3 million Indian Hindus in the Bengali Famine.
Churchill bombed Dresden which probably killed 100s of thousands even if they reduced the number to 25,000.
Churchill gave Stalin Central East Europe killing another million in Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia & Hungary.

How can Mussolini be compared!? Who perhaps killed 400,000 in Ethiopia & Greece.

Truman was even worse!
Truman A bombed Japan which probably killed millions, but the numbers were reduced to 300,000
Truman started the Korean war & that killed another 4 or 5 million.
Truman also supported the Stalinist takeover of Central East Europe.

With that said, Hitler Nazis bombed Warsaw & Rotterdam.
What's the sense in that!? Do you think the Netherlands was threatening Nazi Germany too!?
Hitler Nazis even invaded Italy & Hungary their own allies.
Hitler's Nazis turned their back on their Soviet ally in the Molotov Ribbentrop pact by invading the Soviet Union in Operation Barbarossa.

With that said as much of a monster Germans have been in 2World Wars, the 30 Year war, the Wendish Crusade & Northern Crusade & the Rhineland massacres.

Kosher monsters are the worst who actively seek to collapse the Western civilization by toppling the USA by Globalist control.

The English had a real death camp thing going on during the Boer War. They couldn't get at the Boers, so they decided to go after their women and children instead. Over 6000 women died and over 20,000 children died. Next, WW II was a pile of bullshit. The U.S. goaded the Japanese into attacking us. We also knew the Pearl Harbor attack was coming. But did nothing to get the American public behind the war. And we were basically already at war with Germany before we even officially got involved. With our navy escorting merchant vessels bringing supplies to England.

As for why atomic bombs were dropped on Japan, we did it to end the war before Russia made it to Japan. The Russians had already pretty much eliminated the Japanese in China. The Japanese forces there folded like a house of cards before the Russian forces. Probably because they were more anti-American than they were anti-Russian. As for Hitler, just about everything you have heard and continue to hear about him are lies. If you want to know more truth on this subject, just send me a PM. I can direct you to it. It wouldn't be allowed around here.
The English had a real death camp thing going on during the Boer War. They couldn't get at the Boers, so they decided to go after their women and children instead. Over 6000 women died and over 20,000 children died. Next, WW II was a pile of bullshit. The U.S. goaded the Japanese into attacking us. We also knew the Pearl Harbor attack was coming. But did nothing to get the American public behind the war. And we were basically already at war with Germany before we even officially got involved. With our navy escorting merchant vessels bringing supplies to England.

As for why atomic bombs were dropped on Japan, we did it to end the war before Russia made it to Japan. The Russians had already pretty much eliminated the Japanese in China. The Japanese forces there folded like a house of cards before the Russian forces. Probably because they were more anti-American than they were anti-Russian. As for Hitler, just about everything you have heard and continue to hear about him are lies. If you want to know more truth on this subject, just send me a PM. I can direct you to it. It wouldn't be allowed around here.

Do you believe the destruction & mass murders of Warsaw are lies too!?

Neo Nazis typically say Poland was too pro Jewish.

That's not even true. In the late 1930s Poland barred many Jews from college, or public jobs, or jobs of power & had Ghetto benches a Jewish Catholic segregation.

In fact Poland proposed the Jewish deportations to Madagascar before Nazi Germany had.

The Poles post WW1 had Zydokomuna.
Look it up.

Actually Germany post WW1 was more friendly to Jews than Poland was pre Hitler.

The difference is Poland didn't invade & destroy countless countries in Europe Hitler & the Nazis did.
I think that is what he wants. He is trying to steer people to the (I suspect) Nazi sites.

I don't think he gets banned for telling the truth but for crazy ass stuff. Certainly there is not "truth" we haven't heard before.

You "think" you know what I want? You would have to be able to "think" first. I've seen little evidence of that. Where I would steer anybody to is a Truth site. Next, to the best of my ability, I've never spoken anything anywhere but the truth. And back it up with proof. Where I run into problems is where I challenge people to tell me anything I said that they think is untrue. It goes against the cult they've been programmed to follow. And as for forums or their mods, they follow capitalism as it most often works. In its purest form. If lies keep the membership up and the money flowing, they will support the lies. By banning those who speak the truth.
You "think" you know what I want? You would have to be able to "think" first. I've seen little evidence of that. Where I would steer anybody to is a Truth site. Next, to the best of my ability, I've never spoken anything anywhere but the truth. And back it up with proof. Where I run into problems is where I challenge people to tell me anything I said that they think is untrue. It goes against the cult they've been programmed to follow. And as for forums or their mods, they follow capitalism as it most often works. In its purest form. If lies keep the membership up and the money flowing, they will support the lies. By banning those who speak the truth.

Then instead of just talking about it and whining about a lack of free speech, tell us some important truth you don't think we know--just a short sentence or two. That was just a guess about your "truth" site based on previous similar claims by posters.

You complain about not being able to tell the truth but then when you get an opportunity you fail to do so. Just give us one important truth you don't think we know or are not getting from other sources.
You "think" you know what I want? You would have to be able to "think" first. I've seen little evidence of that. Where I would steer anybody to is a Truth site. Next, to the best of my ability, I've never spoken anything anywhere but the truth. And back it up with proof. Where I run into problems is where I challenge people to tell me anything I said that they think is untrue. It goes against the cult they've been programmed to follow. And as for forums or their mods, they follow capitalism as it most often works. In its purest form. If lies keep the membership up and the money flowing, they will support the lies. By banning those who speak the truth.

You are just another babbling troll.
There is a forum out there with "message board" in the title. Of course I have been banned there. My name is one that they fear there. Not because I speak lies but because I speak the truth. I try to get back in anyway. I say something. Then all I need to do is take a stopwatch to see how long it takes them to ban me again. So I have no time to spread anything there. And anything I do say just disappears anyway. I can do more here by complaining. And if I talked about the topics that I thought should be talked about, truthful things that matter, I would just get the same treatment here. So complaining is the best I can do.

Keep in mind Storm Front is also pretty restrictive.

They don't let Albanians or Bosnians post.
Supposedly their highly Muslim beliefs means they're non White.
But, apparently Greeks & Sicilian are White.

They allow Germanics s to attack Poles but not Poles to attack Germanics.
Similar to Russians.

Come to think of it.
SF is mostly a German centric forum.
Why should I see Germans / Nazis much differently than Jews / Zionists!?

Hitler had a New Order to make a German government worldwide.
Rothschild has a New World Order to make a Jewish government worldwide.

Zionists tend to say Poland was too pro German Nazi
Nazis tend to say Poland was too pro Zionist Jew.

One denies or minimizes their mass murders in Poland like from Jakub Berman & Salomon Morel.
Another denies or minimizes their mass murders in Poland in Wola massacre or Action AB.

Zionist Jews tend to maximize & get hysterical & obsessive about the Jedwabne massacre even though local Jews collaborated with Soviets to kill Poles.

Nazi Germans tend to maximize & get hysterical & obsessive about the Bromberg Massacre even though local Germans collaborated with Nazis to kill Poles.

Nazi Germans have the Prussian Trust to nickel & dime Poland for properties lost to the Soviet state.
Zionist Jews have the World Jewish Restitution Organization to nickel & dime Poland for properties lost to the Soviet state.

Both agree that Poles are dumb, one came up with dumb Polak jokes & the other made dumb Polak jokes mainstream.

The New Order wanted a pan European state under Germany's power.
The New World Order wanted a pan European Union under Germany's power.

One spoke German Yiddish for a thousand years & then switched to mostly Hebrew.
One speaks German for 2 thousand years & may switch to mostly Turkish.

German Chancellor Bethmann Hollweg as responsible for the Gerlfand plan to create the Soviet Union.

One Jew Karl Marx & one German Friedrich Engels founded Communism!?

Do I need to go onto the German Nazi Jewish Zionist pact the Haavara Agreement!?

Or Nazi German Adolf Eichmann calling himself a Zionist!?

Some of the things you say are only kind of true. I could tell you the real truth. But not here. As for Hitler, he was a zionist. He needed the help of the jewish zionists to rid Germany of some of its jews. Through the Haavara Agreement as you mentioned, Germany deported 60 to 70% of its jews to Palestine. The Germans also had camps set up to teach the jews how to set up their kibbutz communities in Palestine. It was in one of those camps where the jews came up with flag that israel now uses. But before then, they flew a different flag. I will show you a picture of it. You could say that it was the first flag of israel. I will also show you one of the medallions that were minted to commemorate the friendship between the jews and the Nazis. Also, like rabid dogs the jews turned on that friendship by falsely accusing the Nazis of genocide. Why? Because according to jewish scripture, before israel can be reformed, 6 million jews must die in ovens.

Nazi Flag.jpg Nazi - jew coin.jpg
Some of the things you say are only kind of true. I could tell you the real truth. But not here. As for Hitler, he was a zionist. He needed the help of the jewish zionists to rid Germany of some of its jews. Through the Haavara Agreement as you mentioned, Germany deported 60 to 70% of its jews to Palestine. The Germans also had camps set up to teach the jews how to set up their kibbutz communities in Palestine. It was in one of those camps where the jews came up with flag that israel now uses. But before then, they flew a different flag. I will show you a picture of it. You could say that it was the first flag of israel. I will also show you one of the medallions that were minted to commemorate the friendship between the jews and the Nazis. Also, like rabid dogs the jews turned on that friendship by falsely accusing the Nazis of genocide. Why? Because according to jewish scripture, before israel can be reformed, 6 million jews must die in ovens.

The figure for 3 million Jews dying in Poland came First from Stalin's right hand man in Poland Jakub Berman who was responsible for about 6,000 Polish executions & up to 500,000 Polish political prisoners.
Some of the things you say are only kind of true. I could tell you the real truth. But not here. As for Hitler, he was a zionist. He needed the help of the jewish zionists to rid Germany of some of its jews. Through the Haavara Agreement as you mentioned, Germany deported 60 to 70% of its jews to Palestine. The Germans also had camps set up to teach the jews how to set up their kibbutz communities in Palestine. It was in one of those camps where the jews came up with flag that israel now uses. But before then, they flew a different flag. I will show you a picture of it. You could say that it was the first flag of israel. I will also show you one of the medallions that were minted to commemorate the friendship between the jews and the Nazis. Also, like rabid dogs the jews turned on that friendship by falsely accusing the Nazis of genocide. Why? Because according to jewish scripture, before israel can be reformed, 6 million jews must die in ovens.

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Isn' interesting that close to 6 million Jews reside in the USA & about 6 million in Israel.

Equated to 666 if all major Jewish parts died.

Coincidence that is the number of the Devil?
Do you believe the destruction & mass murders of Warsaw are lies too!?

Neo Nazis typically say Poland was too pro Jewish.

That's not even true. In the late 1930s Poland barred many Jews from college, or public jobs, or jobs of power & had Ghetto benches a Jewish Catholic segregation.

In fact Poland proposed the Jewish deportations to Madagascar before Nazi Germany had.

The Poles post WW1 had Zydokomuna.
Look it up.

Actually Germany post WW1 was more friendly to Jews than Poland was pre Hitler.

The difference is Poland didn't invade & destroy countless countries in Europe Hitler & the Nazis did.

From what I heard about the Warsaw uprising, they started it because they got a promise from Russia that they would give them help. But after they began their uprising, the help from the Russians didn't appear. However much you think Hitler wanted to kill Poles, it's likely bullshit. Stalin on the other hand was no stranger to genocide. No doubt he figured that the more dead Poles, the better for him. I don't know to what degree the Nazis went out of their way to kill Polish civilians. If at all. Anything you may have heard or read on the subject is likely bullshit. Though as I said, the Germans had little reason to like Poland. Because after WW I, Germany had to give up some of it's territory to Poland. Which included the city of Danzig. And as I said, the whole reason that Germany was forced to invade Poland to begin with was because of ethnic Germans there being murdered. Though after Germany did invade, things got worse much worse in that regard. I'll show you some pictures of the German Poles who were murdered. They weren't involved in any sort of uprising.

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Keep in mind Storm Front is also pretty restrictive.

They don't let Albanians or Bosnians post.
Supposedly their highly Muslim beliefs means they're non White.
But, apparently Greeks & Sicilian are White.

They allow Germanics s to attack Poles but not Poles to attack Germanics.
Similar to Russians.

Come to think of it.
SF is mostly a German centric forum.

There is a reason why stormfront is so restrictive. (FAR more than that message board I mentioned) It's because it is run by jews. As for who they allow on there, I think you're wrong. They even allow blacks there. Probably blacks like this guy.

The figure for 3 million Jews dying in Poland came First from Stalin's right hand man in Poland Jakub Berman who was responsible for about 6,000 Polish executions & up to 500,000 Polish political prisoners.

Well I showed you the first plaque that they used to have at the Auschwitz holocaust memorial museum in Auschwitz. It said that 4 million people suffered and died at the hands of the Nazis there. But you didn't seem to believe it. Though you can take my word for it. Unless you require more proof. That indeed was the first plaque they had there.
Isn' interesting that close to 6 million Jews reside in the USA & about 6 million in Israel.

Equated to 666 if all major Jewish parts died.

Coincidence that is the number of the Devil?

There are about 5 million jews in the U.S. 14 million in the entire world. I don't know how many of them live in israel. As for devil worship among jews, take what this guy said. There is no proof that he said it. Even the person who wrote about it can't be found. But I don't doubt he said it. Among other truths about the jews. Because he was killed in a bombing in Turkey. What I think happened there was that the mossad got themselves a twofer there. Not only did they eliminate a jew who dared to tell truths about the jews, but they were able to blame the bombing on their enemies.
