Freedom of speech vs Technology

The Constitution is sacrosanct with regard to free speech. The MOB, of course, hates it as does the Democratic Party of Lying Jackasses and their PHONY media supporters.

This forum is one of the few that is the definition of free speech. ALL the others are over moderated by leftist hacks.

The Fairness Doctrine was BULLSHIT. There was nothing "fair" about it. You don't owe anyone equal time. The media owes nothing to anyone they don't want to give time to. Yes, it can appear to be unfair, but if they overdo it with one sided baloney like CNN and MSNBC, their ratings will eventually reflect it and few will give them the time of day.

The Constitution doesn't run the government. Business does. And the bigger the business, the more influence they have. Next, this or any other forum wouldn't know free speech if it bit them in the ass. There is only one forum that comes close to it. But because it involves speaking the truth, the place is practically a ghost town. Why? Because most people will avoid the truth to the best of their ability. As to the fairness doctrine, who in the hell do you think it is that gets to say what they do on TV. Opposing opinions to theirs should be a right. Even if they own the station. Even if they own the political forum.
What media sources allowed more free speech than we have today? Language and sexual content were much more limited. I see all kinds of speech allowed on social media and message boards. I think you have been believing fake news by those claiming "Facebook removed my post...."

"Media sources?" As i said, there is no real free speech anywhere. As for facebook, they banned me for about a year. I don't remember why. I may have used the "N" word.
Freedom of speech applies to what you say from your own soapbox. The one that YOU own.

It is nowhere implied that you are free to say anything that you want on somebody else's platform with no oversight from him/her/them.

It is said that a rich person would sell you the rope you are going to use to hang him if he thought he could make a buck. Business decides what is right or wrong in this country. I am reminded of a lyric from a song by Queensryche. "Got to make a million, doesn't matter who dies." With forums being "private entities," I would have to say that making money is the bottom line for them. If they have to FUCK THE WORLD by limiting free speech to do that, then so be it. (In their eyes) It is just the way that "business" works. It is all pure filth. The excrement of Beelzebub, Satan's jizz. Chunky dog vomit.
This poll is a bit outdated being 2008.

But, according to it in 2008 The UK, France & Germany were more likely to want to live near an African, a Jew or a Asian over an Eastern European.

Of course in those nations most Eastern Europeans are Poles.

But, at least Muslims were viewed slightly more unfavorable than Eastern Europeans.

When you poll sheeple, you mostly get sheeple opinions. When you have sheeple as jurors, you most likely get sheeple law. Only a severely brainwashed White person would choose to live near a non-White rather than a White person. Eastern European or not. Here in the U.S., when a black family moves into a White neighborhood, you may hear, "There goes the neighborhood!" House prices are likely to drop. White people will tend to move away. They call it, "Voting with your feet."
Why does speech in the public square have to be "fair" at all? So long as anyone can speak, that's fine. The fairness doctrine argues that certain commercial outlets must provide equal time even if they have to go out and find it. How fair is that? This forum is about as free as it gets. You truly have to be studious asshole to get tossed off it. There's next to no restriction on word use either. You can use all the fucking profanity you fucking please here as one example. Virtually any other forum you'd get a TOS violation for that. You can be racist, hateful, and anything else, and there are posters who certainly are here. Just about anything short of truly illegal speech (threats, porn, etc.) is allowed.

If only I could tell you the truth. I have been banned at other forums for speaking the truth. Not telling lies. Any time you may be interested in knowing the truth, just let me know. In a PM. Somebody else did. It didn't go very far. Why?

George Orwell.jpg
That already exists on forums like this. Most of the posts here are a reply or reaction to a previous post and I have never experienced any attempts to restrict what is said.

Who would enforce this fairness doctrine? The federal government?

I wonder how many people have been banned from this forum. And why. Surely there have been many. If you ever find yourself wanting to know the truth, just let me know. Though even if you do, I doubt if it would go anywhere. From what I have seen, most people try their best to avoid the truth. As for enforcing a fairness doctrine at forums for example, try starting one first. Then worry about enforcing it.
"Media sources?" As i said, there is no real free speech anywhere. As for facebook, they banned me for about a year. I don't remember why. I may have used the "N" word.

People say the "N" word all the time on here. Both JPP and Facebook are private companies that make their own rules. If you want the government to regulate the content on JPP and Facebook that is a worse infringement than your original claim.

If you want to say the "N" word go to your public park and make a speech. It is protected speech.

So, not only do you have hundreds/thousands of more outlets to express your free speech via the internet, but the speech you express is less restricted than before (foul language, etc.). Courts allow you to advocate anything you choose which 50 years ago could be punished.

So, your entire depiction of less free speech fails in both the number of access points you have and the content of that speech.

By the way, you agreed to the Facebook terms when you chose to use their platform.
I wonder how many people have been banned from this forum. And why. Surely there have been many. If you ever find yourself wanting to know the truth, just let me know. Though even if you do, I doubt if it would go anywhere. From what I have seen, most people try their best to avoid the truth. As for enforcing a fairness doctrine at forums for example, try starting one first. Then worry about enforcing it.

It is pretty hard to get banned on JPP. Again, it is a private entity and can make its own decision. Why don't you start your own message board and set your own rules?
People say the "N" word all the time on here. Both JPP and Facebook are private companies that make their own rules. If you want the government to regulate the content on JPP and Facebook that is a worse infringement than your original claim.

If you want to say the "N" word go to your public park and make a speech. It is protected speech.

So, not only do you have hundreds/thousands of more outlets to express your free speech via the internet, but the speech you express is less restricted than before (foul language, etc.). Courts allow you to advocate anything you choose which 50 years ago could be punished.

So, your entire depiction of less free speech fails in both the number of access points you have and the content of that speech.

By the way, you agreed to the Facebook terms when you chose to use their platform.

You no doubt saw the title of this thread. "Free Speech vs Technology." Facebook uses technology, doesn't it. Also, the rich can say whatever the fuck they want from the comfort of a lounge chair and have the world hear it. Those who listen to it have had the shit brainwashed out of them. The vast majority of them wouldn't know the truth if it bit them in the ass. Speaking publically on a soap box in front of a federal building would likely only get you shot. A rich person could ride around in an armored car. Like the president does. But somebody like me would be fucked. It would be like living in the movie "Invasion of the body snatchers" and letting the pod people know you are a normal person. It is unlikely to end well. In a music video by Van Halen, they had various statements show up on the screen. One of them was, "The U.S. does things that you think only other countries do." That is a very true statement.
It is pretty hard to get banned on JPP. Again, it is a private entity and can make its own decision. Why don't you start your own message board and set your own rules?

I tried. It didn't work. Maybe because it was a "free" forum to set up. At another forum where there is a greater amount of freedom to speak the truth, it is attacked by people joining and pretending to be normal posters. One of them brought up a forum I tried to start. That must have took some serious NSA computing power. Because I created the thing and even I can't find it. But as long as what I have to say is the truth, why should I have to go out of my way to speak it. In some communist countries it has been known for the government to take control of private businesses. They need to do the same thing at forums. But only to the extent that they do what the Constitution does. Allow freedom of speech.
You no doubt saw the title of this thread. "Free Speech vs Technology." Facebook uses technology, doesn't it. Also, the rich can say whatever the fuck they want from the comfort of a lounge chair and have the world hear it. Those who listen to it have had the shit brainwashed out of them. The vast majority of them wouldn't know the truth if it bit them in the ass. Speaking publically on a soap box in front of a federal building would likely only get you shot. A rich person could ride around in an armored car. Like the president does. But somebody like me would be fucked. It would be like living in the movie "Invasion of the body snatchers" and letting the pod people know you are a normal person. It is unlikely to end well. In a music video by Van Halen, they had various statements show up on the screen. One of them was, "The U.S. does things that you think only other countries do." That is a very true statement.

Rich people are not responsible for restricting your free speech. There are hundreds of forums like this one--post on all of them. What would be your solution--make everybody listen to your speeches like you think they do to the rich people sitting in their armchairs. There are no restrictions on your speech just because Facebook wouldn't let you use the "N" word.
If only I could tell you the truth. I have been banned at other forums for speaking the truth. Not telling lies. Any time you may be interested in knowing the truth, just let me know. In a PM. Somebody else did. It didn't go very far. Why?

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By all means give me some examples. Best would be quoting these and providing a link to that board so I can see what sort of place it is.
I tried. It didn't work. Maybe because it was a "free" forum to set up. At another forum where there is a greater amount of freedom to speak the truth, it is attacked by people joining and pretending to be normal posters. One of them brought up a forum I tried to start. That must have took some serious NSA computing power. Because I created the thing and even I can't find it. But as long as what I have to say is the truth, why should I have to go out of my way to speak it. In some communist countries it has been known for the government to take control of private businesses. They need to do the same thing at forums. But only to the extent that they do what the Constitution does. Allow freedom of speech.

Go ahead and say the things you want to say on JPP. You could have spread a lot of your views in the time you have been complaining about a lack of free speech.
Go ahead and say the things you want to say on JPP. You could have spread a lot of your views in the time you have been complaining about a lack of free speech.

There is a forum out there with "message board" in the title. Of course I have been banned there. My name is one that they fear there. Not because I speak lies but because I speak the truth. I try to get back in anyway. I say something. Then all I need to do is take a stopwatch to see how long it takes them to ban me again. So I have no time to spread anything there. And anything I do say just disappears anyway. I can do more here by complaining. And if I talked about the topics that I thought should be talked about, truthful things that matter, I would just get the same treatment here. So complaining is the best I can do.
By all means give me some examples. Best would be quoting these and providing a link to that board so I can see what sort of place it is.

I think that is what he wants. He is trying to steer people to the (I suspect) Nazi sites.

I don't think he gets banned for telling the truth but for crazy ass stuff. Certainly there is not "truth" we haven't heard before.