Freedom of speech vs Technology

From what I heard about the Warsaw uprising, they started it because they got a promise from Russia that they would give them help. But after they began their uprising, the help from the Russians didn't appear. However much you think Hitler wanted to kill Poles, it's likely bullshit. Stalin on the other hand was no stranger to genocide. No doubt he figured that the more dead Poles, the better for him. I don't know to what degree the Nazis went out of their way to kill Polish civilians. If at all. Anything you may have heard or read on the subject is likely bullshit. Though as I said, the Germans had little reason to like Poland. Because after WW I, Germany had to give up some of it's territory to Poland. Which included the city of Danzig. And as I said, the whole reason that Germany was forced to invade Poland to begin with was because of ethnic Germans there being murdered. Though after Germany did invade, things got worse much worse in that regard. I'll show you some pictures of the German Poles who were murdered. They weren't involved in any sort of uprising.

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Gdansk was not a part of Poland.
It became a free city.

Do you believe Gdansk was always German, or Berlin for that matter!?

Gdansk & even Berlin are Slavic Lechite words, Lechites being Polish tribes.

Prior to the Gdansk massacre perpetrated by Teutonic German friends of Poland in the early 1300s the city of Gdansk was fully Polish & Polish tribes like Kasubians.

It would be hard to prove West Slavs are not indigenous.

Sorbs & Kashubians are over 60% R1a haplogroup.
Even higher than other Slavic nations.
The highest besides those in Europe are in Poles approaching 55% to 58% R1a higher than Czechs, at 35% or so R1a or Slovaks, Russians, Belarus, and Ukraine being 40% to 48% R1a.

As for Bromberg massacre it happened following WW2 .
Only killed a few hundred Germans at most.

If Hitler was so concerned with Bromberg.
Why did he invade Czechoslovakiia before Poland!!??
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There are about 5 million jews in the U.S. 14 million in the entire world. I don't know how many of them live in israel. As for devil worship among jews, take what this guy said. There is no proof that he said it. Even the person who wrote about it can't be found. But I don't doubt he said it. Among other truths about the jews. Because he was killed in a bombing in Turkey. What I think happened there was that the mossad got themselves a twofer there. Not only did they eliminate a jew who dared to tell truths about the jews, but they were able to blame the bombing on their enemies.

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Their Talmud says Jesus is boiling in Gehenna in excement.
There is a reason why stormfront is so restrictive. (FAR more than that message board I mentioned) It's because it is run by jews. As for who they allow on there, I think you're wrong. They even allow blacks there. Probably blacks like this guy.

SF only allows from my understanding Blacks & Jews in highly moderated sections.
Well I showed you the first plaque that they used to have at the Auschwitz holocaust memorial museum in Auschwitz. It said that 4 million people suffered and died at the hands of the Nazis there. But you didn't seem to believe it. Though you can take my word for it. Unless you require more proof. That indeed was the first plaque they had there.

I have no intention of protecting an Hitler apologist who thinks Poles deserved the Wola Massacre because Poland took over majority Polish areas taken from Poland in the Partitions.

Warsaw was not a German territory that Poland retook.
It was actually a territory Poland regained from Tsarist Russia.

Irony, Germans saved by Poles from Islamic Turks in the Battle of Vienna in 1683 with Jan III Sobieski.

Within a few years Germany with help of Jewish banker Berend Lehman installed German Saxon Augustus II the Strong to the throne of Poland.
Which caused the anti Polish War of Succession.

Before Austrian & Prussian Germans Partitioned Poland.

Prussian Germans betraying the 1790 aliance with Poland for such a primitive reason as they weren't informed about the May 3rd Polish Constitution the first Enlightened Constitution in Europe.
The Constitution doesn't run the government. Business does. And the bigger the business, the more influence they have.

That is beyond merely moronic asshat. :palm:

Next, this or any other forum wouldn't know free speech if it bit them in the ass.

How so? Because a low IQ dumbass like you says it's so? Moron. You wouldn't know common sense if is slapped you on your empty thick skull. :palm:

There is only one forum that comes close to it. But because it involves speaking the truth, the place is practically a ghost town. Why? Because most people will avoid the truth to the best of their ability.

Translation: blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah :palm:

As to the fairness doctrine, who in the hell do you think it is that gets to say what they do on TV. Opposing opinions to theirs should be a right. Even if they own the station. Even if they own the political forum.

Translation: blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah :palm:

It is said that a rich person would sell you the rope you are going to use to hang him if he thought he could make a buck. Business decides what is right or wrong in this country. I am reminded of a lyric from a song by Queensryche. "Got to make a million, doesn't matter who dies." With forums being "private entities," I would have to say that making money is the bottom line for them. If they have to FUCK THE WORLD by limiting free speech to do that, then so be it. (In their eyes) It is just the way that "business" works. It is all pure filth. The excrement of Beelzebub, Satan's jizz. Chunky dog vomit.

Translation; Capitalism, business and making money is bad. Marxism and being a ward of the State good.

I wonder how many people have been banned from this forum. And why.

The only way of getting banned here is by being a total moron and breaking the main rules repeatedly. Particularly 12(a), 12(b) and 12(c)

You might want to review the rules here as I am certain your stupid enough to break them.
Then instead of just talking about it and whining about a lack of free speech, tell us some important truth you don't think we know--just a short sentence or two. That was just a guess about your "truth" site based on previous similar claims by posters.

You complain about not being able to tell the truth but then when you get an opportunity you fail to do so. Just give us one important truth you don't think we know or are not getting from other sources.

You may not be able to understand. But I will tell you again anyways. The reason I don't say what I would around here is because IT WOULDN'T BE ALLOWED. Then, there is the other major problem. YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW! You would also be pissed off at me for telling you. I have been telling people truths at forums for years. From what I have found, the vast majority of people want absolutely nothing to do with the truth. They prefer lies. You can say that you would like to know some truth. But almost certainly, it would be another lie. A lie that you yourself may want to believe. But that doesn't make it true. Over many years, I have told many people where the truth can be found. It may be a shit forum, but at least I am there. That is enough. I have invited those many people to speak to me there. Nobody ever has. I doubt if anybody ever will.

You Can't Handle The Truth!.jpg
You may not be able to understand. But I will tell you again anyways. The reason I don't say what I would around here is because IT WOULDN'T BE ALLOWED. Then, there is the other major problem. YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW! You would also be pissed off at me for telling you. I have been telling people truths at forums for years. From what I have found, the vast majority of people want absolutely nothing to do with the truth. They prefer lies. You can say that you would like to know some truth. But almost certainly, it would be another lie. A lie that you yourself may want to believe. But that doesn't make it true. Over many years, I have told many people where the truth can be found. It may be a shit forum, but at least I am there. That is enough. I have invited those many people to speak to me there. Nobody ever has. I doubt if anybody ever will.

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Are you that nazi who keeps talking about the Jewish Genocide being a fraud?
Rich people are not responsible for restricting your free speech. There are hundreds of forums like this one--post on all of them. What would be your solution--make everybody listen to your speeches like you think they do to the rich people sitting in their armchairs. There are no restrictions on your speech just because Facebook wouldn't let you use the "N" word.

There aren't hundreds of forums out there like this one. There may be about 6. There are about 6 other ones out there that I could post at. But they are just ghost towns. Not worth even wasting your time at. And even then, they don't allow freedom of speech either. Some are more rabid about it than others. Next, the rich don't even have to give speeches. Look at that anti-White pile of stinking dog shit Bill Gates. There is a racist group out there called LaRaza. It means, "The Race." You can't get any more of a direct statement of racist intent than that. Well guess what. It isn't the gringo race that they support. Yet since 2003, Bill Gated has given that group over 29 million dollars! And he is far from the only treasonous scumbag to throw millions at them.
Gdansk was not a part of Poland.
It became a free city.

Do you believe Gdansk was always German, or Berlin for that matter!?

Gdansk & even Berlin are Slavic Lechite words, Lechites being Polish tribes.

Prior to the Gdansk massacre perpetrated by Teutonic German friends of Poland in the early 1300s the city of Gdansk was fully Polish & Polish tribes like Kasubians.

It would be hard to prove West Slavs are not indigenous.

Sorbs & Kashubians are over 60% R1a haplogroup.
Even higher than other Slavic nations.
The highest besides those in Europe are in Poles approaching 55% to 58% R1a higher than Czechs, at 35% or so R1a or Slovaks, Russians, Belarus, and Ukraine being 40% to 48% R1a.

As for Bromberg massacre it happened following WW2 .
Only killed a few hundred Germans at most.

If Hitler was so concerned with Bromberg.
Why did he invade Czechoslovakiia before Poland!!??

From what I gather, Danzig used to be part of a Germanic country called Prussia. Probably "P" as in Poland and "russia" as in Russia. The Russians themselves were said to have come a Nordic people who moved there called the Russ. Which is probably where they got the word Russia. And was Danzig called something else before it became known as Danzig? Who knows. And who gives a fuck. What matters is that during WW II, Hitler was the good guy. The "holocaust" never fucking happened. Around 150,000 Jews actually fought for the Nazis. There was one high ranking Jew in Germany who Hitler personally declared to be an honorary Aryan. Any of the lies told about the Nazis is just an assault against White people in disguise. Also, I think I asked you that if you wanted to know more to send me a PM. You never did. So why in the fuck are you even talking to me here.
From what I gather, Danzig used to be part of a Germanic country called Prussia. Probably "P" as in Poland and "russia" as in Russia. The Russians themselves were said to have come a Nordic people who moved there called the Russ. Which is probably where they got the word Russia. And was Danzig called something else before it became known as Danzig? Who knows. And who gives a fuck. What matters is that during WW II, Hitler was the good guy. The "holocaust" never fucking happened. Around 150,000 Jews actually fought for the Nazis. There was one high ranking Jew in Germany who Hitler personally declared to be an honorary Aryan. Any of the lies told about the Nazis is just an assault against White people in disguise. Also, I think I asked you that if you wanted to know more to send me a PM. You never did. So why in the fuck are you even talking to me here.

Old Prussians were a Baltic tribe similar to Lithuanians.
SF only allows from my understanding Blacks & Jews in highly moderated sections.

I was either at stormfront once or maybe a forum exactly like it called vanguard news network forum. But I'm pretty sure it was at stormfront that I started a thread called, "Why are white people such pussies." It was a black guy who came to the defense of whites with a reply.
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I have no intention of protecting an Hitler apologist who thinks Poles deserved the Wola Massacre because Poland took over majority Polish areas taken from Poland in the Partitions.

Warsaw was not a German territory that Poland retook.
It was actually a territory Poland regained from Tsarist Russia.

Irony, Germans saved by Poles from Islamic Turks in the Battle of Vienna in 1683 with Jan III Sobieski.

Within a few years Germany with help of Jewish banker Berend Lehman installed German Saxon Augustus II the Strong to the throne of Poland.
Which caused the anti Polish War of Succession.

Before Austrian & Prussian Germans Partitioned Poland.

Prussian Germans betraying the 1790 aliance with Poland for such a primitive reason as they weren't informed about the May 3rd Polish Constitution the first Enlightened Constitution in Europe.

I would take Germany over Poland any day. Deal with it. As for Poland in WW II, fuck them. Deal with that too. Poland had the bad luck of being stuck between Germany and Russia. If you want to side with the Russians, go fuck yourself. Don't reply to me again.
That is beyond merely moronic asshat. :palm:

How so? Because a low IQ dumbass like you says it's so? Moron. You wouldn't know common sense if is slapped you on your empty thick skull. :palm:

You wouldn't know the truth if it bit you in the ass kweerbait. Welcome to ignore land.