Freemasons are evil

You were the one that brought it up, who is "changing" arguments? I am pointing out that it makes no sense for this supposed group of uber-powerful game changers to maintain any association to the fraternity, if they even ever had it.

You keep coming up with desperate "reasons" they would, in answer I simply give you the reality.

Of course it makes sense. it makes sense to have upper middle class business men all across america defending you.
Of course it makes sense. it makes sense to have upper middle class business men all across america defending you.
I'm not defending this group of uber-powerful people, I simply am telling you what my experience with the fraternity has actually been. Such people have no compelling reason to maintain any such relationship, because I would still tell you what my experience with the fraternity has been regardless of their membership.

I personally believe that theorists have been distracted and take aim at the fraternity and this group of people laugh at the theorists because they target a non-threat and leave them alone.
I'm not defending this group of uber-powerful people, I simply am telling you what my experience with the fraternity has actually been. Such people have no compelling reason to maintain any such relationship, because I would still tell you what my experience with the fraternity has been regardless of their membership.

I personally believe that theorists have been distracted and take aim at the fraternity.

Right. and your experience has been controlled so you see what they want you to see, so you will give your heartfelt personal testimony in everday masonic apologia sessions.
Right. and your experience has been controlled so you see what they want you to see, so you will give your heartfelt personal testimony in everday masonic apologia sessions.
Again, whatever. I joined seeking what you think exists and found no evidence of it. If I had I would tell you about it and demit. I came to my conclusions through direct knowledge, you through conspiracy sites. It all really makes no difference in the big scheme of things.

If such a group exists and hides themselves perfectly from me within Freemasonry it is still what my experience has been and the fraternity does far more good than bad for those that are like me and kept in the "dark" about the great and powerful uber-Masons.
Again, whatever. I joined seeking what you think exists and found no evidence of it. If I had I would tell you about it and demit. I came to my conclusions through direct knowledge, you through conspiracy sites. It all really makes no difference in the big scheme of things.

If such a group exists and hides themselves perfectly from me within Freemasonry it is still what my experience has been and the fraternity does far more good than bad.

You're expecting us to believe it's impossible for things to be hidden from members. Not even a retard would believe that.
You're expecting us to believe it's impossible for things to be hidden from members. Not even a retard would believe that.
You expect us to believe that things that could be hidden from members perfectly, and I do mean perfectly, would be easily accessible to those who are not members. Not even a retard would believe that.
You expect us to believe that things that could be hidden from members perfectly, and I do mean perfectly, would be easily accessible to those who are not members. Not even a retard would believe that.

Yes, i am asking you to believe that things can be hidden from members. Yes, Perfectly too. Just like the mailman is unaware of cia operations.
Yes, i am asking you to believe that things can be hidden from members. Yes, Perfectly too. Just like the mailman is unaware of cia operations.
Oh, I believe that they could be hidden from members, but if they were they'd also be hidden from the "profane".
Oh, I believe that they could be hidden from members, but if they were they'd also be hidden from the "profane".

Not necessarily. Sometimes members of a group deny the obvious because they are members.

Like how some catholics have trouble admitting that the Catholic Church policy towards child rape is to protect priests from prosecution, and even ship them to new diocese where they can keep child raping.
Not necessarily. Sometimes members of a group deny the obvious because they are members.

Like how some catholics have trouble admitting that the Catholic Church policy towards child rape is to protect priests from prosecution, and even ship them to new diocese where they can keep child raping.
LOL. Silliness. Does the mailman in your previous post deny the CIA exists because he is a mailman?

You are a hoot. If there was any evidence of this stuff I would aim towards exposing it after demitting from the fraternity. It's stupid to say that they hide themselves from members perfectly but that those who aren't members have all the information of something they have no personal involvement in.

Either they are perfect at hiding everything they do, or you are again using poor reasoning skills and think that they are so bad at hiding it that everybody knows. If such were the case I'd have plenty of information about how bad they are based on my personal experience. I'm not blinded by the "perfection" of the fraternity, I would actively work to expose it.
LOL. Silliness. Does the mailman in your previous post deny the CIA exists because he is a mailman?
No. But he would surely admit he's ignorant of their doings.
You are a hoot. If there was any evidence of this stuff I would aim towards exposing it after demitting from the fraternity. It's stupid to say that they hide themselves from members perfectly but that those who aren't members have all the information. Either they are perfect at hiding everything they do, or you are again using poor reasoning skills and think that they are so bad at hiding it that everybody knows...

It's not stupid. It the same phenomenon mentioned above where people in the group cannot see obvious truths, are in denial essentially, or intentional liars.
No. But he would surely admit he's ignorant of their doings.

It's not stupid. It the same phenomenon mentioned above where people in the group cannot see obvious truths, are in denial essentially, or intentional liars.
Even in those groups there are members who specifically speak out against the stuff you talk about.

Again, this one would be perfectly hidden, and I do mean perfectly. I don't believe any group is perfect, especially one that supposedly non-members know more of their conspiracy than members.
Even in those groups there are members who specifically speak out against the stuff you talk about.

Again, this one would be perfectly hidden, and I do mean perfectly. I don't believe any group is perfect, especially one that supposedly non-members know more of their conspiracy than members.

No. There are ex masons who have stories.
No. There are ex masons who have stories.
Anybody can say they are an "ex-mason" and tell you stories.

The reality is, if those stories were true then I'd have been able to find some examples of them and I'd be one of those ex-masons telling my stories.

The difference? I'd be able to actually show you that I was a member, actual documents exist showing that, they are not "secret", and I would use those to actually show people who are in the fraternity that I was what I said I was.

None of these "ex-members" that I have ever seen ever do this, I surmise because they are only "fictionally" ex-members.
Anybody can say they are an "ex-mason" and tell you stories.

The reality is, if those stories were true then I'd have been able to find some examples of them and I'd be one of those ex-masons telling my stories.

The difference? I'd be able to actually show you that I was a member, actual documents exist showing that, they are not "secret", and I would use those to actually show people who are in the fraternity that I was what I said I was.

None of these "ex-members" that I have ever seen ever do this, I surmise because they are only "fictionally" ex-members.

That's right. They're all liars.
Only if you find me generally untrustworthy to begin with would I be suddenly untrustworthy on this topic. I tell you what I see, what I have found, what they do. You give me, "Well, I think there's others who are even more secretive and who together work towards some nefarious means, they hide from you but work from within the fraternity for no reason other than to hide among those most suspected."

Your outsiders view is at least as "untrustworthy" as you try to say my personal experience is.

But aren't you aware that Asshat's paranoia allows him, as an outsider and non-memmber, to be more knowledgeable about this, then you; even though you are a member. :palm:
But aren't you aware that Asshat's paranoia allows him, as an outsider and non-memmber, to be more knowledgeable about this, then you; even though you are a member. :palm:

So you believe it's impossible for higher ups to hide things from the rank and file?

That's pretty stupid.