Freemasons are evil

That's right. They're all liars.
If they weren't it would be easily proven (and would be important to do so that people like me would know and believe them, these people would know this as well being "ex-members") yet, like Obama, the documents are not prevalent.

Do you think it is impossible that some people will say this to become "important" to paranoid people like you?
More bad medved logic, if blaaahhh blahh then more nonsense.
Right. I point out that they could easily push me into your camp if they simply showed me the evidence, you say, "Medved, blah, blah."

Seriously. That is only evidence that you have no real argument.
Again, Asshat. Do you think it is impossible that some people might say that they used to be Freemasons when they weren't so that it would give "credence" to their stories?
Right. I point out that they could easily push me into your camp if they simply showed me the evidence, you say, "Medved, blah, blah."

Seriously. That is only evidence that you have no real argument.

So is it your position that there is no actual mason who has quit and come forward with stories?
So is it your position that there is no actual mason who has quit and come forward with stories?

It is my assertion that the stories are largely fiction. I love conspiracies, if this one existed I would be one of those Freemasons who quit, and I would show the evidence that would prove to other masons that I had actually been a member.

It is also my assertion that people often say they are "ex" members but cannot show that evidence, and that they are fake. Any member would know that you could provide evidence, what it is, how to obtain it before quitting. Shoot even their demit form would be some form of evidence, yet in every case I have seen there has been no actual evidence of their membership other than their word.

Yeah, I think those people are lying to you.

It is my assertion that the stories are largely fiction. I love conspiracies, if this one existed I would be one of those Freemasons who quit, and I would show the evidence that would prove to other masons that I had actually been a member.

Show me the money.

Was Albert Pike a mason?
Anybody can say they are an "ex-mason" and tell you stories.

The reality is, if those stories were true then I'd have been able to find some examples of them and I'd be one of those ex-masons telling my stories.

The difference? I'd be able to actually show you that I was a member, actual documents exist showing that, they are not "secret", and I would use those to actually show people who are in the fraternity that I was what I said I was.

None of these "ex-members" that I have ever seen ever do this, I surmise because they are only "fictionally" ex-members.

I'm sending you this IM; because Asshat is getting to close to the truth.
You must alert the Mason assassins to take him out.
Tell them to make it look like an accident, like all the rest did.

Under no circumstances let anyone know what is about to occur.
We are to close to our NWO, where we will finally acheive the Elitist Status that will give us dominion over the entire population of the world.

The Most High Exalted.

I'm sending you this IM; because Asshat is getting to close to the truth.
You must alert the Mason assassins to take him out.
Tell them to make it look like an accident, like all the rest did.

Under no circumstances let anyone know what is about to occur.
We are to close to our NWO, where we will finally acheive the Elitist Status that will give us dominion over the entire population of the world.

The Most High Exalted.



Thou doth protest too much, monkey nut licker.
Was Albert Pike a mason?
He was. He was also a member of groups that are not part of the Fraternity. Often people who aren't members believe that groups like the Shriners, for instance, are part of that fraternity. While their membership requires you be a Freemason, the Grand Lodges do not control these groups (and some of them are thinking of removing the Freemason requirement so they can obtain more members, the Shriners specifically are thinking about this), and they are not part of the Lodges. (Much like the Fraternity requires a belief in God but is not part of the religious affiliations of its members.)
I'm sending you this IM; because Asshat is getting to close to the truth.
You must alert the Mason assassins to take him out.
Tell them to make it look like an accident, like all the rest did.

Under no circumstances let anyone know what is about to occur.
We are to close to our NWO, where we will finally acheive the Elitist Status that will give us dominion over the entire population of the world.

The Most High Exalted.

Im suggesting they aren't aware of their doings.

Would that possibly be; because the mailmen AREN'T PART OF THE CIA.

Your logic is like saying that since the New York City Council isn't aware of what the Dallas City Council is doing, it must mean that the Dallas City Council is hiding something.

Thou doth protest too much, monkey nut licker.

While I remember poking fun at you and your circular logic :pke:, I don't remember insulting you.

I guess that means you can't argue with logic and just want to look at the world through the glasses you've made for yourself.

But since the conversation has denigrated itself to insults; please allow me to respond in kind.

Asshat----->:1up:<-----Asshat's mom