From Freedom To Fascism

okay, I went through this weirdo site.

The first four people listed aren't even civil or structural engineers.

They're architects. Architects may have broad familiarity with building materials and metalurgy. But they're not EXPERTS.

A lot the the "engineers" listed, are in fields other than civil and structual. I mean c'mon: they've got geologic engineers and hydrologists. I have no idea what expertise in mining, and irrigation systems has to do with the issue at hand.

In short, this is the same tactic global warming denialists use: Make some wierdo website, and round up a bunch of people who have some science or technical degrees, to impart a veneer of credibility
In my opinion, it is quite rational to believe that when you put together the PNAC listing as the event needed to initiate their mid-east makeover, being "another pearl harbor", the fact that there is documented evidence that this administration was warned, and unlike the previous administration and as documented by Richard Clarke, did not go into a prevent mode, and in fact did nothing, and many other reasons, all of which indicate that this administration knew there was a high-probablity of a terrrorist attack that summer, and allowed it to happen by doing nothing to prevent it.

And that is enough, that more than enough, that is more terrible than most will ever allow themselves to imagine, but I believe that is what happened, and you cannot even go there, because then you are put into the category of someone who believes that the fbi, on direct orders from bush, was stacking the lobby of the wtc with explosives for 3 weeks before 9/11.


Reality is bad enough, without going out and speculating about loony stuff.
Both of you are shielding yourselves from reality because you're too intellectually and emotionally fragile. Or it could be for another reason, but there's no doubt you're doing it.

What has knowing the truth done for you? What have you done on account of knowing this truth? I have never even see you say either of the two wars we are in are wrong, yet if what you believe is true, than both are nothing more than murder on a mass scale. What have you done about that?
reality may seem bad enough, but it's actually worse. If you can recognize that, you can make it better by focusing attention where it's needed, instead of on the fake issues they want us to care about.
reality may seem bad enough, but it's actually worse. If you can recognize that, you can make it better by focusing attention where it's needed, instead of on the fake issues they want us to care about.

Let me know when you have something better than ""

Anybody can round up some people with science and engineering degress to give them an opinion on something.

Proper engineering or scientific analysis requires an iterative process looking at the actual data, and putting your findings and analysis through the peer review of leading experts in the relevant field.
Let me know when you have something better than ""

Anybody can round up some people with science and engineering degress to give them an opinion on something.

Proper engineering or scientific analysis requires an iterative process looking at the actual data, and putting your findings and analysis through the peer review of leading experts in the relevant field.

There are hundeds of sites, toad.

you're a fascist and you will pull together with your fellow fascist republcans when it comes to maintaining the fascist sytem. Yeah. that was three times.

I thought I was on ignore? I guess that makes you a liar, or an addict.
There are hundeds of sites, toad.

you're a fascist and you will pull together with your fellow fascist republcans when it comes to maintaining the fascist sytem. Yeah. that was three times.

There are hundeds of sites, toad

Don't give me the opinions of some people who have technical degrees that may or may not be relevant to the issue.

Give me a peer reviewed study by professional engineers of all the actual data, that's published and sanctioned in a mainstream professional engineering or science journal.
There are hundeds of sites, toad

Don't give me the opinions of some people who have technical degrees that may or may not be relevant to the issue.

Give me a peer reviewed study by professional engineers of all the actual data, that's published and sanctioned in a mainstream professional engineering or science journal.

So what were the "legitimate" scientists giving?
There are hundeds of sites, toad.

you're a fascist and you will pull together with your fellow fascist republcans when it comes to maintaining the fascist sytem. Yeah. that was three times.

I thought I was on ignore? I guess that makes you a liar, or an addict.

I guess I have to ask you this again:

What has knowing the truth done for you? What have you done on account of knowing this truth? I have never even see you say either of the two wars we are in are wrong, yet if what you believe is true, than both are nothing more than murder on a mass scale. What have you done about that?
So what were the "legitimate" scientists giving?

Opinions mean less than actual peer reviewed analysis.

You can still find people with science degrees who deny global warming. However, all the climate scientists who do the actual peer reviewed research and analysis conclude humans are changing the climate.

You can't give me a mainstream, peer reviewed engineering study that supports your speculation.

Let me guess: It's because the Jews run all the nations professional engineering and science journals.
I guess I have to ask you this again:

What has knowing the truth done for you? What have you done on account of knowing this truth? I have never even see you say either of the two wars we are in are wrong, yet if what you believe is true, than both are nothing more than murder on a mass scale. What have you done about that?

Oh simple simple darla. It's more complex than that. The NWO is real, wars are created, populations are manipulated. Yes, The mideast has been manipulated into a state of frenzy according to their design, but the thing is THEY REALLY DO WANT TO KILL AMERICANS. this attitude has been reinforced by empowering dictators in the short term with oil money and allowing them to radicalize their societes.

the truth is, the illuminati is not opposed to islamic theocracy, but it must be in it's place in the chain, under the internationalist fascists. I think they DO want an islamic theocracy throughout europe and america, and the jihadi army is existant and is being imported each and every day. the war on terror is only to dominate the mideast and protect israel, not to actually protect americans.

Iraq now: Regardless of the reasons for going, it would be disastrous to pull out now, and they are counting on this reality to keep them there. Millions would die.
So it's like this: Americans fund the war machine, the elites and their arms manufacturer friends profit, they acquire new territory (which americans cannot emigrate to freely, though in the old days, that was the point of war.) and more power, meanwhile, muslims are asserting more and more "rights", "rights" to them meaning special priveliges and the right to suppress speech critical of islam, including cartoons of mohammed.
reality may seem bad enough, but it's actually worse. If you can recognize that, you can make it better by focusing attention where it's needed, instead of on the fake issues they want us to care about.

right by using our consumer power and not buying stuff from countries that have as you say it "slave labor". ie China.
Or are you afraid to walk your talk ?
So it's like this: Americans fund the war machine, the elites and their arms manufacturer friends profit, they acquire new territory (which americans cannot emigrate to freely, though in the old days, that was the point of war.) and more power, meanwhile, muslims are asserting more and more "rights", "rights" to them meaning special priveliges and the right to suppress speech critical of islam, including cartoons of mohammed.

Butt, the question is, why are you still here, trying to brainwash the already too left Darla, who is nearly a commie already, and has been marching around here in her combat boots, with Das Kapital under her arm, as if she thought she was on the Ho Chi Min trail? Butt, she is still not lefty enough for you? Now, as my Man Friday and personal servant, I have told you twice, Donny needs diapering? He has had the sheet kicked out of him by the lefty Darla, who went bonkers on him, and then, I had to cyber-skewer him as well, because he would not leave well enough alone, and came looking to redeem himself by taking yours truly on? Snap to it, I do not want to have to give you an order a third time?
Butt, the question is, why are you still here, trying to brainwash the already too left Darla, who is nearly a commie already, and has been marching around here in her combat boots, with Das Kapital under her arm, as if she thought she was on the Ho Chi Min trail? Butt, she is still not lefty enough for you? Now, as my Man Friday and personal servant, I have told you twice, Donny needs diapering? He has had the sheet kicked out of him by the lefty Darla, who went bonkers on him, and then, I had to cyber-skewer him as well, because he would not leave well enough alone, and came looking to redeem himself by taking yours truly on? Snap to it, I do not want to have to give you an order a third time?

I don't believe in the concept of authority (except for damo). So your orders are merely an interesting phenomenon in my world, well, not even that interesting.
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I don't believe in the concept of authority (except for damo). So your orders are merely an interesting phenomenon in my world, well, not even that interesting.

That is strange seeing that you are always crying for the government to fix the NWO problems....
Umm AHZ the Govt is authority....
And you are asking for their help....
That is strange seeing that you are always crying for the government to fix the NWO problems....
Umm AHZ the Govt is authority....
And you are asking for their help....

The Authority Song - John Cougar (expletive deleted)

They like to get you in a compromising position
They like to get you there and smille in your face
They think, theyre so cute when they got you in that condition
Well I think, its a total disgrace

I fight authority, authority always wins
I fight authority, authority always wins
I been doing it, since I was a young kid
Ive come out grinnin
I fight authority, authority always wins

So I call up my preacher
I say: gimme strenght for round 5
He said: you dont need no strength, you need to grow up, son
I said: growing up leads to growing old and then to dying,
And dying to me dont sound like all that much fun

I fight authority, authority always wins
I fight authority, authority always wins
I been doing it, since I was a young kid
Ive come out grinnin
I fight authority, authority always wins

I fight authority, authority always wins
I fight authority, authority always wins
I been doing it, since I was a young kid
Ive come out grinnin
I fight authority, authority always wins
Oh no
Oh no
I fight authority, authority always wins

I fight authority, authority always wins
I fight authority, authority always wins
I been doing it, since I was a young kid
Ive come out grinnin
I fight authority, authority always wins
I fight authority, authority always wins
I fight authority, authority always wins
I been doing it, since I was a young kid
Ive come out grinnin
I fight authority, authority always wins
That was one dude. There are hundreds with questions. this case isn't closed.

btw, that was an adhominem defense. deal with the issues.
I did, I described why I would believe a group of structural engineers over your group of decidedly not quite as qualified professionals.

Seriously, man, they don't even recognize zoning laws in their "questions" and deny direct answers by previous groups of professionals. You have to be extremely gullible to believe such a conspiracy could survive this long and only be in the blogs. It takes total disregard of the fact that the sheer number of those who would have known about it would ensure positive evidence of a "smoking gun" type long ago.
I did, I described why I would believe a group of structural engineers over your group of decidedly not quite as qualified professionals.

Seriously, man, they don't even recognize zoning laws in their "questions" and deny direct answers by previous groups of professionals. You have to be extremely gullible to believe such a conspiracy could survive this long and only be in the blogs. It takes total disregard of the fact that the sheer number of those who would have known about it would ensure positive evidence of a "smoking gun" type long ago.

I was tempted to post from Popular Mechanics or Perdue University results, but why bother with tinfoil brigade?