From Freedom To Fascism

Guys.. Title 26... I am with you guys as a fellow libertarian telling you to just pay your taxes :( Title 26 of the U.S. Code defines taxable income and says we have to pay taxes. I asked the same question before and found my answer, unfortunatly.
I was never planning to stop paying taxes. This movie covers a bit more than that though.
I know. You would not believe the shit I have had to listen to, about the WTC being packed with bombs, and the fbi coming in and out of there in the weeks before the "bombing". It's crazy stuff, and I feel the same way, show me some proof, or just go away.

And three building just fell conviently into their own footprint.
And three building just fell conviently into their own footprint.
Buildings in that area are required to be planned to do so if they fail. Otherwise any building failing would take out several others with it. Don't be such a tool of the uneducated, read an article by an engineer instead of Rosie.
And three building just fell conviently into their own footprint.

Desh, if bush planned the 9/11 attacks, why did he have to also pack the WTC with explosives? Why would the planes flying into the buildings not have been enough for him to do what he planned to do, in the aftermath?
And three building just fell conviently into their own footprint.

Desh, you can go around the country and find somebody with a science degree, who still claims global warming isnt' real.

Now, if a professional and independent commission of highly qualified civil and structural engineers looks at this, and concludes that only explosives planted in the WTC could cause this, I'll be convinced.

Until then, I'll go to my grave believing Bin Laden did this. Heck, Bin ladin has admitted to doing this.
Desh, if bush planned the 9/11 attacks, why did he have to also pack the WTC with explosives? Why would the planes flying into the buildings not have been enough for him to do what he planned to do, in the aftermath?

they're detail oriented and thorough. incredulous questions are not evidence of this administrations innocence.
I might give is a shot Damo. I think the Patriot Act and the REAL ID act are very important.

I just can't sit through too much of your standard Libertarian anti-tax rant. Been there, done that ;)

Why bother? You apparently already know all about it and that it is just a bunch of bullshit anyway. Your eye is already jaundiced.
Why bother? You apparently already know all about it and that it is just a bunch of bullshit anyway. Your eye is already jaundiced.
The thing is, so was mine before I watched it. I thought it was going to be bull...
One of the most disturbing scenes for me was the soldiers taking the guns from those in New Orleans. These are people sworn to uphold the constitution taking legal weapons from citizens.
they're detail oriented and thorough. incredulous questions are not evidence of this administrations innocence.

Well, how about somebody show me some evidence of their guilt, in this particular matter. I would like to see one piece of evidence indicating that the bush adminstration loaded the WTC up with explosives and blew it up. So far all I have is the word of one nut, whom, by the way, might be a perfect match for you AHZ.

She believes 9/11 was an inside job.
She believes that her "numerous ex boyfriends and fiances" in the military, all of whom are evil, are the cause of her current unemployment.
She calls herself a "WTC survivor" even though she was in midtown at the time, but you have to really dig to get that second half of the story.
She calls her self a "gulf war vet" even though she was stationed in Germany at the time, and i believe that makes the correct term "gulf war era vet".

I'd love for you take this magic off of my hands, interested? In total honesty? She's got the biggest boobs I have ever seen in my entire life, on anybody. What do you say?
I thought initially it was a documentary bashing corporations, I watched it anyway, and thought, "wow".

I will watch it, and then say something about it.

Not that everyone is on the edge of their seats waiting for my opinion, but I do plan to watch it.
One of the most disturbing scenes for me was the soldiers taking the guns from those in New Orleans. These are people sworn to uphold the constitution taking legal weapons from citizens.

Oh, a lot of shit went down in NO, that I have read about on Democracy Now, and seen in Spike Lee's incredible documentary of Katrina.

That is when, in fact, I began to back away from my life long aversion to guns. We could have one of those here, if not a hurricane, another terrorist attack, and the rich will kill you, put a bullet right into your head to protect their property and so will the military if they are told to do so. Plus, they hired black water people, and ex-mossad. If you have to eat during a disaster, with these clowns in charge of fema, you may need to be armed, and will have to use guerilla tactics, because you are not going to take on a black water guy face to face. Well, I'm not anyway.

Well, how about somebody show me some evidence of their guilt, in this particular matter. I would like to see one piece of evidence indicating that the bush adminstration loaded the WTC up with explosives and blew it up. So far all I have is the word of one nut, whom, by the way, might be a perfect match for you AHZ.

She believes 9/11 was an inside job.
She believes that her "numerous ex boyfriends and fiances" in the military, all of whom are evil, are the cause of her current unemployment.
She calls herself a "WTC survivor" even though she was in midtown at the time, but you have to really dig to get that second half of the story.
She calls her self a "gulf war vet" even though she was stationed in Germany at the time, and i believe that makes the correct term "gulf war era vet".

I'd love for you take this magic off of my hands, interested? In total honesty? She's got the biggest boobs I have ever seen in my entire life, on anybody. What do you say?

I have to say builiding 7 coming straight down like a controlled demolition is highly questionable.

Nothing anyone showed you would convince you. You believe what you want, and edit the world to fit your preconceived notions. For instance, you espouse racial discrimination against white people, but you are in complete denial, because you edit the world to fit your fanciful notions. Soooo like a woman.
I have to say builiding 7 coming straight down like a controlled demolition is highly questionable.

Nothing anyone showed you would convince you. You believe what you want, and edit the world to fit your preconceived notions. For instance, you espouse racial discrimination against white people, but you are in complete denial, because you edit the world to fit your fanciful notions. Soooo like a woman.

And all of your singing and dancing can't cover up the fact that nobody, has show me anything.
Well, how about somebody show me some evidence of their guilt, in this particular matter. I would like to see one piece of evidence indicating that the bush adminstration loaded the WTC up with explosives and blew it up. So far all I have is the word of one nut, whom, by the way, might be a perfect match for you AHZ.

She believes 9/11 was an inside job.
She believes that her "numerous ex boyfriends and fiances" in the military, all of whom are evil, are the cause of her current unemployment.
She calls herself a "WTC survivor" even though she was in midtown at the time, but you have to really dig to get that second half of the story.
She calls her self a "gulf war vet" even though she was stationed in Germany at the time, and i believe that makes the correct term "gulf war era vet".

I'd love for you take this magic off of my hands, interested? In total honesty? She's got the biggest boobs I have ever seen in my entire life, on anybody. What do you say?

this gal sounds like a nut. My fondness for boobs, does not extend to any association with nuts ;)
So are you gonna let your group decide for themselves? Or are you going to be a censorship nazi about it?

What part of, they have all seen the movie and come to their own conclusion did you not understand?

I haven't censored anyone.

What I am doing is keeping her from associating NY CP with the 9/11 was an inside job, group, because she is not going to wreck us, which might indeed be her entire purpose, got it?

And that, is what I am stopping her from doing, and yes, she is stopped in her tracks.