Funny Shit Spewing From the DemoSpin Machine...

In the advent of Kerry's insulting and offensive blunder, there have been numerous statements that I just find amazingly hilarious!

"When Kerry said, study and work hard in school or you might get stuck in Iraq, he was talking about Bush!"

(Even though, Bush made better grades than Kerry at the same school, and defeated him for the Presidency.)

"This is a Republican tactic to avoid talking about the REAL issues!"

(like Rush Limbaugh and Mark Foley!)

"Why would a career Naval veteran intentionally denigrate the troops?"

(The same reason he did in 1971 and 2004!)

"Republicans are desperate to be attacking someone who isn't on the ballots!"

(Neither is President Bush!)
ah yes...the lies never stop. Kerry did not denigrate "the troops".... EVER. Let me ask you a question: If a policeman is found to have committed a crime. If I mention that fact, am I denigrating policemen? Of course not. If I say that a pitbull is terrorizing the neighborhood, am I saying that the pitbull is a member of Al Qaeda? of course not. If I point out that free fire zones were used in Vietnam, or that civilians were occasionally, and unfortunately targeted there, am I denigrating all US troops and saying that all US troops are war criminals? of course not.

It is quite possible to vehemently disagree with the policies of administrations that order the American military into battle and NOT denigrate the troops when expressing that disagreement.

But as I have said for years really is incomprehensible how someone who did NOT serve in the military in any capacity in his life could possibly understand how professional military personnel view their jobs and their relationship to the civilian command authority and to the civilian population at large.

It really is pathetic how someone who was NOT in the military when Kerry was criticizing the policies of the Nixon and Bush administrations could be so certain that those brave americans who DID serve felt denigrated at all by Kerry's comments.
Wow... Multiple pinheads, no comment on the subject! Amazing!

my comments were directly about your post...and the errors contained therein. I realize you find it much easier to avoid my posts than face up to the fact that you have never bested me in a debate...

chosing to either slander me or ignore me makes sense, from that perspective, I guess.
and regarding the "uneducated" line.... as I said to damo earlier: I think it is pretty clear that Kerry was playing on the common conception that Bush is, although technically "educated", really quite dull, vapid, incurious and generally stupid. I know that I hold that opinion of Bush and, for those of us who do, the meaning of Kerry's comments was quite clear and unambiguous. Now, for those koolaid drinkers who still idolize Bush and still think he looks hot in blue jeans and that he is Everyman personified and exalted, that meaning may not have been quite so clear... but perhaps you could speak to that perception first hand, Dixie... because clearly, the idea that Bush is a stupid moron who can't think his way out of a paper bag, let alone figure out how to win a war in Iraq is clearly nothing you have considered to date.
Wow... Multiple pinheads, no comment on the subject! Amazing!

Wow.... Multiple threads about Kerry telling kids to get an education! Amazing (how far Repos will go to try to divert attention away from their fuckup in Iraq with non-stories such as this...)
Bush sure made a big deal about deflecting this attack onto the troops.

President Bush told a LOUSY AND UNETHICAL joke about WMD's in Iraq, looking under the rug and under the podium and behind a door for the wmds, saying, "well they are not there, and they are not here and they are not over that way etc..." while our sodiers were being killed in Iraq because of these SUPPOSED WMD'S....

it was tasteless, it was appalling, it was unethical and it was a slap in the face to those soldiers that died for that Son of a bitch's war...

Where was the media and where was the outrage for Bush's PURPOSEFUL JOKE?

i AM SO SICK of the lying, deceitful, evil, republican scum that runs this country, I could throw up... :(
Wow... Multiple pinheads, no comment on the subject! Amazing!

Wow.... Multiple threads about Kerry telling kids to get an education! Amazing (how far Repos will go to try to divert attention away from their fuckup in Iraq with non-stories such as this...)

Tell me something, Arnold... if it's a "non-story" as you claim, why did every democrat on the campaign trail cancel their appearances with Kerry? Why did Hillary, as well as others, say the comments were inappropriate and Kerry should apologize? Why did Kerry issue a defiant statement one day and flip-flop into a tacid apology the next? If this is such a "non-story", why are there no democrats running for office who want to be seen on the same stage with the man now? It seems to me, this is a little bigger story than you think.
President Bush told a LOUSY AND UNETHICAL joke about WMD's in Iraq, looking under the rug and under the podium and behind a door for the wmds, saying, "well they are not there, and they are not here and they are not over that way etc..." while our sodiers were being killed in Iraq because of these SUPPOSED WMD'S....

it was tasteless, it was appalling, it was unethical and it was a slap in the face to those soldiers that died for that Son of a bitch's war...

Where was the media and where was the outrage for Bush's PURPOSEFUL JOKE?

i AM SO SICK of the lying, deceitful, evil, republican scum that runs this country, I could throw up... :(

President Bush was speaking to the National Press Club, at an event that is historically humorous, and designed for the sole purpose of telling jokes. His joke was completely self-depricating humor, Kerry's comment was not a joke, there is nothing even funny about it in the context he claims he intended, and it was delivered to college students.
if it's a "non-story" as you claim, why did every democrat on the campaign trail cancel their appearances with Kerry?

Because they are pussies who can't hold the Repugnants to account effectively? Because they are a weak and ineffective opposition?

Let's do a comparison.

Republicans: Create the worse western foreign policy disaster since Vietnam/Suez, aiding the cause of the extremists and destabilising an already fragile region.

Democrats: Told some kids to get an education so that they don't get left with little option but to enlist in said debacle...

Which is worse?
Kerry's comment was not a joke, there is nothing even funny about it in the context he claims he intended, and it was delivered to college students.

Imagine a politician telling kids to get a good education so they have more options than signing up for the biggest fuckup in decades..... The guy should be hounded to death.....

Fuck me, your moral compass is fucked up Dixie....