Funny Shit Spewing From the DemoSpin Machine...

We need to organise a fist fight between Dixie and Maine to sort out this problem.....

I'll have a fiver on the ex-sailor....
thanks for the vote of confidence anyoldiron.

but if you make that bet with Dixie, don't expect him to pay up after I whip him ;)
Maine, I am concerned that dixie is dragging you down to his level, I have seen the "flavor" of your posts change....
Maine, I am concerned that dixie is dragging you down to his level, I have seen the "flavor" of your posts change....

Let's get something straight. Dixie has NEVER said the kind of disgusting and perverted things Mainperv said about wanting to rape my daughter at gunpoint. Dixie has NEVER mentioned another posters children or family on this board, and Dixie has NEVER used the sort of perverted and sick language Mainperv uses on an everyday basis, as he attempts to goad me into an apology that I don't owe him.

You can not like me all you want, I don't blame you, if I were a pinhead, I wouldn't like me either! But please, let's not start putting me in the gutter and claiming that Mainperv is stooping, I've never come anywhere close to making the kind of remarks he's made about me and my family, and anyone with any degree of honesty, understands this.
Maine, I am concerned that dixie is dragging you down to his level, I have seen the "flavor" of your posts change....

Yeah, ignore his silliness Maine. He only drags debates so low because he gets whipped so frequently in serious debate. He's like a cornered animal....
dixie has called me a pedophile.... and lent credence and support to others who specifically accused me of raping my own son...

maybe where he comes from, given the level of inbreeding, such scurrilous and slanderous allegations are commonplace and, perhaps not even considered slanderous. maybe, in the clan in which he was brought up, such behavior is not even considered taboo....but where I come from, such accusations are fighting words... and since I cannot confront the slanderous douchebag from birmingham face to face, I have chosen, in the past, to slap him with the same sorts of things he has used against me.

It appears that the tactic worked to some extent - it got him angry - but it failed to get him to realize how hurtful and inappropriate his own words had been. I guess I should not be all that surprised, considering his initial slander, and considering his demonstrated lack of honor in all things...whether it be in serving his country or honoring a wager...

his lack of breeding is pretty apparent and I guess there is only so much one should expect from trash such as him.

live and learn, I guess.
Ignore is much nicer on the old digestion and mental additude where dixie is concerned.
If you associate with trash long enough you become trash yourself.
yw, My intent is to help ya not slam ya Maine.
I had gotten into the habit of somewhat ignoring your posts as they were almost always rants with dixie....Not a place I like to go.
thank you , you two...for your wisdom and your guidance, and your friendship

No worries. If I ever find myself in Maine, the beers are on you.... ;)