Funny Shit Spewing From the DemoSpin Machine...

Your right care4 the military shouldn't be getting to see the news from home. It might demoralize them. Lets get congress to immediately censor all their news and entertainment and keep them in the dark about what's really going on here. Its the liberal thing to do.

You blame Bush for kerry's statements being put out in public, but it was the MSM that put it out. I'm sure Bush sat back and smiled when it happened tho.

I'm an I, but I plan to vote R in this election so I guess I suck too.

gaffer, the people listening to kerry, laughed at his botched statement, if you listened to the WHOLE THING, which all stations have CUT OFF the laughter, which was part of his statement, thus taking his statement out of CONTEXT....

they weren't laughing at kerry calling the troops stupid....

in addition to this, kerry would never say such a thing today, as a presidential prospect for 2008, even if he did believe it...he's not stupid....and your party knew this, but chose to ignore the intent of kerry's statement, and twisted it.

the president and your party that you make no claim to, took this flub up, and exploited it, hurting the troops by demoralizing them, just for political purposes...

President Bush, and those in lockstep with him, ala Rove ...were given the marching orders to call their connections in the mainstream and blogosphere medias, and exploit this statement of kerry's to the hilt, because it was all they had to try to turn the tides....msnbc received 7 contacts from various different republican interest groups at once on the speech within a 5 minute period, is what chris matthews said...and said it was obviously orchestrated by the republican ''machine''....very obvious that the rove propaganda machine was at work...

you can keep your head in the ground with dixie, or you can recognize the truth and this is that your party, that you claim to be independent of did when they found this speech he made, and used it, for their own political purposes with no reguard for our troops, while doing it.

kerry never said the troops were stuck in iraq, he didn't mention troops or soldiers....only the republican SPIN MACHINE pulled the ''military men, the troops'' in to it....

as i said you suck! ;)

the president and your party that you make no claim to, took this flub up, and exploited it, hurting the troops by demoralizing them, just for political purposes...

Unlike leaking national security intelligence, for the sole purpose of smearing the administration and further undermining the war effort. And unlike ranting and raving for 3 years about Abu Grahib and Gitmo... Comparing the troops to the Gulags and Pol Pot... That didn't bother the troops because they understood the liberals were just trying to get them out of this unjust war. The one they have been signing up and reenlisting voluntarily, in record numbers, to fight and win.

No, the Democrats haven't done a thing to harm morale of the troops, have they? You know, I am convinced that Democrats must have made a secret pact with each other, to just go out and say whatever the hell you can dream up, don't bother living in reality at all, just act oblivious to what everyone knows to be the truth, and pretend your own idiocy is reality, we'll back each other up, regardless!
kerry never said the troops were stuck in iraq, he didn't mention troops or soldiers....only the republican SPIN MACHINE pulled the ''military men, the troops'' in to it....

Harold Ford, Jr. said he thought Kerry should apologize, and Hillary Clinton said the remark was inappropriate. Every Democrat on the campaign trail cancelled appearances with him, and I am fairly sure they weren't following the instructions of Karl Rove, Care.
gaffer, the people listening to kerry, laughed at his botched statement, if you listened to the WHOLE THING, which all stations have CUT OFF the laughter, which was part of his statement, thus taking his statement out of CONTEXT....

they weren't laughing at kerry calling the troops stupid....

in addition to this, kerry would never say such a thing today, as a presidential prospect for 2008, even if he did believe it...he's not stupid....and your party knew this, but chose to ignore the intent of kerry's statement, and twisted it.

the president and your party that you make no claim to, took this flub up, and exploited it, hurting the troops by demoralizing them, just for political purposes...

President Bush, and those in lockstep with him, ala Rove ...were given the marching orders to call their connections in the mainstream and blogosphere medias, and exploit this statement of kerry's to the hilt, because it was all they had to try to turn the tides....msnbc received 7 contacts from various different republican interest groups at once on the speech within a 5 minute period, is what chris matthews said...and said it was obviously orchestrated by the republican ''machine''....very obvious that the rove propaganda machine was at work...

you can keep your head in the ground with dixie, or you can recognize the truth and this is that your party, that you claim to be independent of did when they found this speech he made, and used it, for their own political purposes with no reguard for our troops, while doing it.

kerry never said the troops were stuck in iraq, he didn't mention troops or soldiers....only the republican SPIN MACHINE pulled the ''military men, the troops'' in to it....

as i said you suck! ;)


who was your president saying sucked then? beside those that were not educated and in iraq of course?
So, you agree with Kerry, that only uneducated idiots join the military? Great! Glad we have that on record! Thanks for your honesty and candor.

Waaaaah Waaaah Strawman Alert!

You misrepresent virtually everything people say or post don't you Dixie.

What I said was you must be daft to sign up for the debacle in Iraq, not the military in general.

What would you know about fighting for your country anyway, you armchair warrior....
kerry never said the troops were stuck in iraq, he didn't mention troops or soldiers....only the republican SPIN MACHINE pulled the ''military men, the troops'' in to it....

Harold Ford, Jr. said he thought Kerry should apologize, and Hillary Clinton said the remark was inappropriate. Every Democrat on the campaign trail cancelled appearances with him, and I am fairly sure they weren't following the instructions of Karl Rove, Care.

Do you think they would have called for this from Kerry IF your side had NOT spun this story with the media the way they did? I think not....

They called for him to clarify himself or apologize for not making himself clear that he did not mean the troops...this was done BECAUSE the republicans had ALREADY BLASTED this statement in front of the troops and had ALREADY told the troops what kerry meant by it....they TOLD THE TOOPS that Kerry was talking about THEM, even though he was not....

So, what could they do besides getting kerry to stop this, by explaining and apologizing for the misinterpretation and circus the republicans made of it?

Kerry is a dufus, couldn't tell a joke if his life depended on it...but he did not mean any harm towards the troops when he flubbed up. And the fact of the matter is that the republican spin machine saw the opportunity to make the most of this flub up and smeared the troops, by saying and twisting things that kerry never said....politics...of today's era, I guess, gave them the green light to do this, and they hurt the morale of the troops by doing it.

As far as what Kerry said about Viet Nam, that was the case in this major war that we lost 60,000soldiers to...if we had not had a draft, mostly the poor would have been fighting that it stood, the underpriviledged served in this war, but so did the young men and women of the middle class...The wealthiest's children and priviledged children DID NOT SERVE in VietNam, like Cheney and president Bush, but for the most part, everyone's son could have been drafted and killed....and could have SHARED in the expense of war.....other than the young of the elite, priviledged.

When we are at war, there should be a draft imo and the priviledged's children should serve us and our country too.....but this will never be the case, they yield too much power....

and just because one is poor, like my father was when he joined the Air Force at 17, does not mean that you are not smart, as my father was...he was smart enough to join the armed services and give to his country so that he could get the gi bill in return and get the education he never would have been able to get, without his country helping him.
yep since 1959

Just after the Munich disaster then...

Do you remember the glory days of Charlton, Law and Best?

Ever come over to Old Trafford?
gaffer, the people listening to kerry, laughed at his botched statement, if you listened to the WHOLE THING, which all stations have CUT OFF the laughter, which was part of his statement, thus taking his statement out of CONTEXT....

they weren't laughing at kerry calling the troops stupid....

in addition to this, kerry would never say such a thing today, as a presidential prospect for 2008, even if he did believe it...he's not stupid....and your party knew this, but chose to ignore the intent of kerry's statement, and twisted it.

the president and your party that you make no claim to, took this flub up, and exploited it, hurting the troops by demoralizing them, just for political purposes...

President Bush, and those in lockstep with him, ala Rove ...were given the marching orders to call their connections in the mainstream and blogosphere medias, and exploit this statement of kerry's to the hilt, because it was all they had to try to turn the tides....msnbc received 7 contacts from various different republican interest groups at once on the speech within a 5 minute period, is what chris matthews said...and said it was obviously orchestrated by the republican ''machine''....very obvious that the rove propaganda machine was at work...

you can keep your head in the ground with dixie, or you can recognize the truth and this is that your party, that you claim to be independent of did when they found this speech he made, and used it, for their own political purposes with no reguard for our troops, while doing it.

kerry never said the troops were stuck in iraq, he didn't mention troops or soldiers....only the republican SPIN MACHINE pulled the ''military men, the troops'' in to it....

as i said you suck! ;)

Once again, Care. The laughter didn't make it better. It made those people look as if they believed themselves to be better than those in the Military because they are better "educated".
Do you think they would have called for this from Kerry IF your side had NOT spun this story with the media the way they did? I think not....

What was the "spin?" I'm sorry, I missed it, along with the "joke."

Maybe you can tell me what the joke was supposed to be? No one "spun" anything Kerry said, it was presented exactly as he said it, and the news media, who is not controlled by Republicans, reported it. The rest, is history, like Kerry.
if you are referring to your earlier "joke" post Maine. to be honest is was pretty disgusting and made you appear as a "Damn Yankee".

I was referring to Kerry's joke...

and I really could give a fuck if you or Dixie especially finds MY joke disgusting.... he disgusts me.... he slanders me.... he reneges on bets with me.... and he is a chickenshit chickenhawk who I have zero respect for.... barring any apology from him for his slander of me, making him "disgusted" is perfectly acceptable in my book.

and I am proud of my northern mindset. I am, however, an avid redsox fan and take umbrage at being called a yankee
I am not taking up for Dixie Maine, that is a totally disgusting thought.
The tasteless crude joke rankled me a bit though and seems to show that you are lowering yourself more towards Dixies level.
rankling you was not my intent....rankling Dixie was....

I am perfectly willing to reply to slander with bruising, rankling words.... I do not deal with anyone else in such fashion.

and I chose my words carefully to anger but shy of slander.
so, if you tell an off color joke about a irishmen from Boston, are you "slandering" all bostonians? all irishmen??

slander??? really??
The tasteless crude joke rankled me a bit though and seems to show that you are lowering yourself more towards Dixies level.

Dixie doesn't crack jokes about having sex with your kids. This takes a twisted and perverted mind, like Mainperv has.
dixie just phrases them in the form of an accusation and doesn't even make them into a joke.

Oh...and I never suggested that DIxie had sex with his kids.....
the stupid racist asshole needs a reading comprehension course.... along with a few weeks learning the difference between fighter squadron and attack squadron missions!