Funny Shit Spewing From the DemoSpin Machine...

...the meaning of Kerry's comments was quite clear and unambiguous.

You are correct about that, Mainperv... That's why all those democrats running for office, uninvited Kerry to appear on the campaign trail with them, people fully understood his comments were insulting and offensive to the troops. The only ones who think Kerry's comments were okay, are people like you and Ornut, who actually agree with him and thought he made a valid point, and the koolaid drinkers like Jarhead, who continue to believe it was a "joke." Most everyone else, was offended.
President Bush was speaking to the National Press Club, at an event that is historically humorous, and designed for the sole purpose of telling jokes. His joke was completely self-depricating humor, Kerry's comment was not a joke, there is nothing even funny about it in the context he claims he intended, and it was delivered to college students.

regardless Dixie, it was INAPPROPRIATE and unethical for president Bush to make such a joke regarding the situation in Iraq and the meaningless deaths of our soldiers and the iraqi people....

it was an intentional joke that smeared our soldiers dedication to our country and it was appalling for him to make jest of their lives in the manner that he was just plain ole wrong....

President Bush and his team made a huge mistake....a mistake that has cost us 3000 lives and another 20000 with injuries, and untold suicides of our soldiers... I don't care where he was making the speech, he should not have joked about wmd's, being that this was the reason we went in to Iraq in the first place.... he and his staff was INCOMPETENT in their homework...and we have gotten stuck in iraq, with these men and women dying DAILY because of is NO MATTER, TO JOKE ABOUT....EVER!
if it's a "non-story" as you claim, why did every democrat on the campaign trail cancel their appearances with Kerry?

Because they are pussies who can't hold the Repugnants to account effectively? Because they are a weak and ineffective opposition?

Let's do a comparison.

Republicans: Create the worse western foreign policy disaster since Vietnam/Suez, aiding the cause of the extremists and destabilising an already fragile region.

Democrats: Told some kids to get an education so that they don't get left with little option but to enlist in said debacle...

Which is worse?

It's worse to imply that our military is uneducated, and if you don't study hard and do good in school, you will "get stuck" in the service. This is insulting and offensive to every member of the armed forces, and their families.... people who vote, actually.

But I would like to thank you for at least being honest enough to acknowledge the true context of Kerry's statement, most pinheads are hiding behind the "he was talking about Bush!" excuse, and not admitting that he was indeed talking about the troops. I commend you for being honest about that.
Here's a funny joke from the Bush Monkey....

(Swaggering in that gormless manner that makes him resemble a chimp) " Yeah, bring it on!"

Now that was funny.....
...the meaning of Kerry's comments was quite clear and unambiguous.

You are correct about that, Mainperv... That's why all those democrats running for office, uninvited Kerry to appear on the campaign trail with them, people fully understood his comments were insulting and offensive to the troops. The only ones who think Kerry's comments were okay, are people like you and Ornut, who actually agree with him and thought he made a valid point, and the koolaid drinkers like Jarhead, who continue to believe it was a "joke." Most everyone else, was offended.

why do you take partial phrase quotes out of context? why do you persist in slandering me? why do you keep avoiding our wager? why do you keep avoiding the debacle that Iraq has turned into?
It's worse to imply that our military is uneducated, and if you don't study hard and do good in school, you will "get stuck" in the service. This is insulting and offensive to every member of the armed forces, and their families.... people who vote, actually.

Blah, Blah, Blah. And dragging them into an ill-thought out, idiotic strategy isn't "insulting and offensive to every member of the armed forces"?

Cut the righteous indignation Dixie, it doesn't work.

The truth is many in the US military are there to get an education and a half decent job.

Telling kids to get an education so that they have better options than to sign up and fight in your dumb-ass debacle is a good thing to say...
regardless Dixie, it was INAPPROPRIATE and unethical for president Bush to make such a joke regarding the situation in Iraq and the meaningless deaths of our soldiers and the iraqi people....

He didn't make a joke about the deaths of our soldiers. And it was very appropriate for the occassion. Had Kerry made his "joke" in front of the NPC, and had he not botched it so badly, maybe the situation would have been different, that wasn't the case.
why do you take partial phrase quotes out of context?

I didn't realize I had done that, I thought I found an area of agreement.

why do you persist in slandering me?

Because you persist in slandering me.

why do you keep avoiding our wager?

Because the wager is null and void. I explicity said there was only one reason I made the wager with you, and I only had one condition, that you would not bring it up any more. I have not mentioned it one time, yet you have persisted in bringing it up, and since you haven't abided by the conditions of the wager, you've rendered it invalid by your own actions. Sorry, next time pay attention to the details.

why do you keep avoiding the debacle that Iraq has turned into?

I've never "avoided" anything in my life.
It's worse to imply that our military is uneducated, and if you don't study hard and do good in school, you will "get stuck" in the service. This is insulting and offensive to every member of the armed forces, and their families.... people who vote, actually.

Blah, Blah, Blah. And dragging them into an ill-thought out, idiotic strategy isn't "insulting and offensive to every member of the armed forces"?

Cut the righteous indignation Dixie, it doesn't work.

The truth is many in the US military are there to get an education and a half decent job.

Telling kids to get an education so that they have better options than to sign up and fight in your dumb-ass debacle is a good thing to say...

So, you agree with Kerry, that only uneducated idiots join the military? Great! Glad we have that on record! Thanks for your honesty and candor.
but even you admit that he botched his joke.... he did not say it right...what he had meant to say was not an attack on our troops.....

what about all of the times that Bush has misspoke..... why do you give HIM a free pass and not Kerry?
Mainperv: ...the meaning of Kerry's comments was quite clear and unambiguous.

Arnold: Telling kids to get an education so that they have better options than to sign up and fight in your dumb-ass debacle is a good thing to say...

See how right you are, Mainperv? Even Arnold understood what Kerry said!
but even you admit that he botched his joke.... he did not say it right...what he had meant to say was not an attack on our troops.....

I never admitted any such thing. I said he CLAIMED this, I don't think it was a joke, I don't think he botched it, I think he said exactly what he intended to say.
Mainperv: ...the meaning of Kerry's comments was quite clear and unambiguous.

Arnold: Telling kids to get an education so that they have better options than to sign up and fight in your dumb-ass debacle is a good thing to say...

See how right you are, Mainperv? Even Arnold understood what Kerry said!
Dixie wants to keep the American public uneducated and desperate. Easier to get recruits that way, to say nothing of the benefits to industry. I call it Wal-Martenomics.
I didn't realize I had done that, I thought I found an area of agreement.

you yourself have characterized Kerry's remarks as a botched joke...why do you alternatively suggest that he meant to slander the troops when he clearly meant to attack the intelligence of the president?

Because you persist in slandering me.

what slander? I am not a pervert, or a pedophile as you have repeatedly suggested and never apologized for..... where have I slandered you? By slaiming that you are a chickenhawk that did not serve? that is not slander, it is fact. Where have I slandered you? Why do you persist in this heinous disgusting slander of me?

Because the wager is null and void. I explicity said there was only one reason I made the wager with you, and I only had one condition, that you would not bring it up any more. I have not mentioned it one time, yet you have persisted in bringing it up, and since you haven't abided by the conditions of the wager, you've rendered it invalid by your own actions. Sorry, next time pay attention to the details.

you NEVER made that condition at the time you made the wager. I knew you would renege.... you are a man without honor or ethics, let alone any intelligence. Only a douchebag who realized he'd fucked up and couldn't face the monetary consequences would create conditions after the fact not agreed to by both parties and somehow think they released him from his obligation. But I have made a few side bets with other posters that you would, in fact, renege, so I make out better this way, actually.

I've never "avoided" anything in my life.

You never speak about the glowing multicultural democracy blossoming in the fertile triangle between the Tigris and the Euphrates anymore.... you never talk about the lovely chart that was released the other day where the Pentagon charts the deterioration of the situation in Iraq as heading for total chaos..... somehow, you wanna avoid admitting that Iraq is a debacle.... and I guess, had I been a chickenhawk supporter of a war that had done infinitely more harm than good, I would be less than forthcoming with discussions about it as well. I am so glad that I do not fall into that shameful category
He didn't make a joke about the deaths of our soldiers. And it was very appropriate for the occassion. Had Kerry made his "joke" in front of the NPC, and had he not botched it so badly, maybe the situation would have been different, that wasn't the case.

these are your words. You said that he botched it.... you do not say that he claimed he botched it. Are you flip flopping?
Dixie wants to keep the American public uneducated and desperate. Easier to get recruits that way, to say nothing of the benefits to industry. I call it Wal-Martenomics.

See, Mainperv? Here is another pinhead who fully understood Kerry's comments, and actually agrees with him! Yes indeed, the Senator's remarks were clear and unambiguous, you nailed that one on the money!
See, Mainperv? Here is another pinhead who fully understood Kerry's comments, and actually agrees with him! Yes indeed, the Senator's remarks were clear and unambiguous, you nailed that one on the money!
I just think it's really funny all you cons are raking Kerry over the coals for telling kids they should stay in school and work hard. It reveals a lot about your character, it does.
I just think it's really funny all you cons are raking Kerry over the coals for telling kids they should stay in school and work hard. It reveals a lot about your character, it does.

I have no problem with the "stay in school and work hard" part, I think that is good advice for young people, I am offended at the part that followed, the part that you agree with, that if you don't stay in school and work hard, you get "stuck in iraq".

And it's not republicans raking John Kerry over the coals, we've always known how he feels about the military, it's nothing new to us. The ones who are distancing themselves from Kerry, are democrats running for re-election.
I have no problem with the "stay in school and work hard" part, I think that is good advice for young people, I am offended at the part that followed, the part that you agree with, that if you don't stay in school and work hard, you get "stuck in iraq".

And it's not republicans raking John Kerry over the coals, we've always known how he feels about the military, it's nothing new to us. The ones who are distancing themselves from Kerry, are democrats running for re-election.
Do you deny that what he actually said was that kids should stay in school and work hard?
you yourself have characterized Kerry's remarks as a botched joke...why do you alternatively suggest that he meant to slander the troops when he clearly meant to attack the intelligence of the president?

I've never said that he botched a joke, I am sorry you interpreted that. I don't think he botched anything, I think he stated exactly what he thought, and I think a large percentage of liberal pinheads, like Ornut and usc, agree with the statement in the context it was clearly intended and made, and they didn't interpret it any other way.

what slander? I am not a pervert, or a pedophile as you have repeatedly suggested and never apologized for..... where have I slandered you? By slaiming that you are a chickenhawk that did not serve? that is not slander, it is fact. Where have I slandered you? Why do you persist in this heinous disgusting slander of me?

I'm not arguing with you, I think what you posted regarding my child, was slanderous and perverted. I think your continual snipes about me being racist or avoiding service are also slanderous. I have had you on ignore, and sledom even respond to you, unless you start lying and slandering me.

Because the wager is null and void. I explicity said there was only one reason I made the wager with you, and I only had one condition, that you would not bring it up any more. I have not mentioned it one time, yet you have persisted in bringing it up, and since you haven't abided by the conditions of the wager, you've rendered it invalid by your own actions. Sorry, next time pay attention to the details.

you NEVER made that condition at the time you made the wager. I knew you would renege.... you are a man without honor or ethics, let alone any intelligence. Only a douchebag who realized he'd fucked up and couldn't face the monetary consequences would create conditions after the fact not agreed to by both parties and somehow think they released him from his obligation. But I have made a few side bets with other posters that you would, in fact, renege, so I make out better this way, actually.

Yes, I most certainly DID make this condition, I had no other reason for making such a bet, and I told you that at the time. You agreed to the terms, and for a while, you did pretty good at keeping your yap closed, I only had to warn you twice, but after the comments you made about my kid, I didn't bother warning you anymore, and you have persisted in breaking the terms of the bet. Sorry, but it's your loss... or maybe not... we will just have to wait and see how the elections shake out. In any event, the bet we made was voided by your inability to abide by the one condition of the bet.

I've never "avoided" anything in my life.

You never speak about the glowing multicultural democracy blossoming in the fertile triangle between the Tigris and the Euphrates anymore.... you never talk about the lovely chart that was released the other day where the Pentagon charts the deterioration of the situation in Iraq as heading for total chaos..... somehow, you wanna avoid admitting that Iraq is a debacle.... and I guess, had I been a chickenhawk supporter of a war that had done infinitely more harm than good, I would be less than forthcoming with discussions about it as well. I am so glad that I do not fall into that shameful category[/QUOTE]

What do you want to "discuss?" It seems to me, you want to rant, not discuss. Iraq isn't any different than any other war, except maybe the Faulkland Islands or Grenada, where it was over in about 10 minutes. I'm sorry you lack the ability to understand the nature of wars, but that isn't my problem, it's yours. I fully understand that things don't always go as planned, war is not always easy, and it takes time to win the peace.